Washington Examiner

DeSantis criticizes Biden’s electric vehicle push while courting Iowa farmers.

Gov.⁤ Ron DeSantis Vows ⁢to Support Farmers and Oppose Biden’s Electric Vehicle Push

Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) is making a ⁢bold move to win over farmers in the ⁣Hawkeye State ⁣by standing against President Joe Biden’s “heavy-handed push for electric vehicles.” ⁢In an opinion piece for the Des Moines Register, DeSantis emphasizes the ​importance‍ of a thriving agriculture sector in building a stronger America.

“I oppose the Biden administration’s heavy-handed push for electric vehicles. For many,‌ such vehicles are⁤ impractical and unaffordable, undermining the ​economics​ of⁣ states like Iowa that rely on biofuels — while making ‍Americans ⁢even more dependent on China. We ⁤will save the American automobile⁤ and will not let the ⁣government force you into buying an electric‌ vehicle,” DeSantis wrote.

DeSantis‍ goes further to offer his support for Gov. ⁣Kim Reynolds’s (R-IA)⁤ request‍ for ⁣year-round sales of ⁣gasoline with 15% ethanol. He⁢ also pledges ​to protect liquid fuels and ⁤advocate for gasoline with higher⁢ ethanol ⁤blends, ensuring that “America’s fuel economy is driven ⁢by moms in Marion, not bureaucrats in⁣ Washington.”

Recognizing the threat posed by‍ China, DeSantis promises to take action ⁢against their acquisition of⁣ American⁢ farmland and theft of agricultural ⁤technology. He also vows to prevent ESG (Environmental, Social, and ⁢Governance) from⁣ influencing policies that harm farmers.

“China​ has also begun to actively steal agricultural data and ⁢technology. I will ensure⁤ our agriculture policies include protections against⁤ cyber espionage and IP theft. I will also focus on ensuring our agricultural infrastructure ‌is⁤ safe from cyber-attacks​ and other disruptions that have targeted co-ops and meatpacking plants in recent years,” DeSantis wrote.

DeSantis’s vision includes​ cutting regulations that‍ hinder ⁢farmers, expanding markets for crops⁤ and livestock, incentivizing growth and investment, modernizing critical infrastructure, and safeguarding the agricultural sector from‍ cyber threats. He praises⁢ the ingenuity and productivity of Iowa ‍farmers and believes that, with the right leadership in Washington, they can contribute to America’s comeback.

“As president, I will cut regulations that hamstring our ‌farmers, open​ new ⁤markets for our crops and livestock, incentivize⁢ growth and investment, modernize critical infrastructure, secure our agricultural sector from cyber⁣ threats, and offer targeted support to farmers where ‌needed,” DeSantis wrote.

Former ⁣Democratic Florida Agriculture Commissioner ⁤Nikki‍ Fried, a ​critic of DeSantis,⁣ responded‍ to⁤ his opinion piece⁣ by accusing him ‌of not understanding the importance of Florida agriculture. However, DeSantis remains focused on⁣ his campaign in Iowa, as the ‍state will host the first⁤ contest ‍of ⁤the 2024⁣ GOP primary in January.

DeSantis’s‍ efforts in Iowa coincide with concerns from ‌former President Donald Trump’s campaign, which reportedly sees him⁣ as ⁣a formidable competitor. Both DeSantis and Trump⁣ are scheduled to attend the Iowa-Iowa State college ⁤football game, further highlighting their presence ⁣in the ​state.

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