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Disney desperately contacted three major companies to offload some of ESPN.

Desperate Disney Reached Out to 3 Major Companies to Dump Some of ESPN

Here’s how ⁢desperate Disney is to milk whatever cash it can out of its own cows: The ​House of Mouse is now shopping shares​ of ESPN around to three of the ⁣sports leagues it‌ covers.

According to CNBC, Disney’s sports division⁤ has been⁤ holding⁤ talks⁣ on “strategic ⁤partnerships” with Major League Baseball, the National Basketball Association and the National Football League to see if ⁤any of the three major‍ leagues might be willing to come⁣ on as minority‍ investors.

The NBA seemed to confirm that discussions‌ have ⁣taken place: “We have a longstanding relationship​ with Disney and look forward to continuing the discussions around the ‌future of our partnership,” the league said in a statement.

MLB and the ​NFL declined to comment.

Earlier this month,​ Disney CEO Bob Iger told CNBC that ⁣the company was looking to offload businesses that “may ⁢not ‍be core to Disney,” including traditional TV businesses.

Lo and behold,⁣ sports​ programming ⁣definitely falls under that aegis. ‌Disney currently owns 80 percent of the sports broadcasting giant and recently fired scads of on-air talent as ⁢part of its move to slash costs.

“Our position in sports‍ is very unique and we want ⁢to stay in that​ business,” Iger said in an interview⁣ on July ‍13.

“We’re going‌ to be open minded about looking for strategic partners that‍ could​ either⁣ help us with distribution or content. I’m ‍not going to ⁢get too detailed about it, but we’re bullish about sports ⁤as a media property.”

However, the​ media giant is looking to cut thousands of jobs and billions ⁣in spending due to weak performance from its‌ core businesses of⁣ film and streaming revenues, ‌along with its theme parks.

Granted, much of brand’s ‍issues this​ could be attributed to Disney’s wokeness.

From needlessly sticking LGBT characters in kids’ ​movies (two⁤ of ⁤which, ‍“Lightyear” and ​“Strange‌ World”, were‌ box office bombs that cost ​the company a quarter ​of a ⁢billion dollars) to a highly publicized fight with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis,​ there’s nary ⁤an area in‌ the media giant’s business which‍ doesn’t pay some degree of fealty to the⁣ left.

That’s affecting the business ‍model. Consider Disney’s theme parks, ‌for instance, where‌ visitors ​have been noticing a rarity this summer: short lines ⁢from​ a lack of attendance.

This includes ESPN ‌— ​where ⁢you would think wokeness ​would‍ be curtailed given the makeup of the sports-watching demographic. You’d⁣ be wrong; take​ fired​ host Max Kellerman, who once blamed “extremist right-wing agitators” for ​the ⁤fiery‌ (but‌ mostly peaceful) protests of 2020:

And this isn’t counting the number​ of prayer ‍candles that have been⁣ burned at ESPN in honor⁣ of its patron martyr, St. Kaepernick of⁣ Nike.

Not that this is ‍any better than the sports leagues themselves, mind you; you might be forgiven ‍for not remembering how the NFL ended racism by putting “End Racism” at the back of the ‍end zone in every stadium in⁣ the⁢ country. The ⁤MLB and NBA are hardly ​any⁣ better, if not​ worse.

However,‍ at the end ‍of the day, it’s one color that matters to both Disney⁣ and the three major sports ​leagues: green. And​ that’s where‌ Disney might run into some problems offloading ESPN, as CNBC noted: “Superficially, it may make less sense for the NBA, NFL and MLB which sign lucrative media⁣ rights deals with many media partners that fuel team revenue and player salaries with a range of ⁣media companies.”

“Professional sports leagues ⁣could⁤ face conflicts of interest​ if they take a minority stake in ESPN,” the outlet ⁣added. “Owning a stake in ESPN may irritate Disney’s competitors, such⁣ as ​Comcast’s⁣ NBCUniversal, Fox, Amazon, ⁣Paramount Global and Apple, who help make the leagues ⁤billions of dollars by participating in bidding wars for sports rights. Taking an ownership stake in ESPN could give leagues the incentive ‍to boost the value of ⁣that entity rather than striking deals ‍with competitors.”

CNBC’s​ Alex Sherman ⁢continued, apparently with a straight⁣ face, to note that among the “hurdles for Disney” would include the possibility of⁣ bias: “ESPN also employs hundreds of journalists that ‍cover the major sports leagues. Selling an ownership stake to ⁢the leagues could ​cloud‍ the perception of objectivity for⁢ ESPN’s reporting ⁣apparatus.”

For those of us who haven’t been paying attention, that’s already been sold ⁣off.

The post ⁢ Desperate Disney Reached ⁢Out to 3 Major Companies to Dump Some of ESPN appeared first on The Western Journal.

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