Despite Denials, Joe Biden Was Involved With Hunter’s Wheeling And Dealing

Despite denials from the White House, President Joe Biden has reportedly had contact with several of Hunter Biden’s business associates.

Biden reportedly met with his son’s business partners on multiple occasions and did other favors, both while out of office and while serving as Vice President, according to multiple reports based on emails recovered from Hunter Biden’s laptop. President Biden has denied knowledge of Hunter’s business activities and has claimed his son did nothing illegal on several occasions.

In one case, Biden reportedly sent a letter of recommendation to Georgetown University on behalf of BHR CEO Jonathan Li’s daughter, in addition to writing a letter of recommendation for Li’s son, Christopher Li, who was seeking admission to Brown University, according to Fox News. BHR is a Chinese investment firm of which Hunter Biden previously held a 10% stake. (RELATED: GOP Probe Into Hunter Biden’s Business Dealings Reportedly Reveals Over 150 Financial Transactions Flagged As ‘Concerning’)

Hunter also reportedly took multiple trips on Air Force Two with Joe Biden, and on one occasion emailed Miguel Aleman Magnani, the son of Mexican billionaire Miguel Alemán Velasco, to complain about not hearing from him, the New York Post reported last year. Hunter reportedly described Magnani as “a close family friend” in an email sent to an aide of then-Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx.

“I want you at the plane when the VP lands with your Mom and Dad and you completely ignore me,” Hunter e-mailed Aleman Magnani, adding, “I have brought every single person you have ever asked me to bring to the F’ing White House and the Vice President’s house and the inauguration and then you go completely silent.”

Hunter Biden also reportedly helped Aleman Magnani by setting up meetings with Secretary Foxx and the director of the Federal Aviation Administration, the New York Post reported. Aleman Magnini’s father and Carlos Slim also visited the Vice Presidential residence at the Naval Observatory in 2015.

Hunter Biden’s laptop was the subject of a New York Post report that was censored by social media companies, who claimed the material was hacked.

Last month, The New York Times admitted the laptop and its contents were authentic in a report discussing an IRS investigation into Hunter Biden’s financial dealings.

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