Detroit Block Party Takes ‘Heartbreaking’ Turn – 2 Dead, More Injured

The article discusses a‍ tragic incident at a block party in Detroit, where two people were killed and 19 others ⁢were injured ⁤in a shooting. ‌Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan has banned unregulated block⁢ parties following the incident. The article also mentions ⁤other violent incidents that occurred ⁣over the Fourth of July weekend in various cities⁣ across America. The piece‍ questions ‌why such violence seems⁣ to be ⁣concentrated in Democrat-run⁤ cities and⁤ emphasizes ⁢the importance of upcoming elections.


Block Party Takes Tragic Turn, Leaving 2 Dead and Many More Injured – ‘Heartbreaking’

By C. Douglas Golden July 9, 2024 at 6:28am

Yet again, violence struck in a Democrat-run city on Sunday, leaving two dead and 19 more injured.

This time, it was in Detroit, where Michigan State Police say that two people died after the shooting in the early morning hours at a block party.

In a media briefing Monday, Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan, the latest Democrat that’s controlled the city in the 62 years it’s been in Democrat hands, banned unregulated block parties.

“We’re not going to have neighbors becoming hostages in their own homes this summer, and that’s what’s happening,” Duggan said at the news briefing, which was attended by Detroit Police Chief James White and community activists, according to ABC News.

This followed “multiple shootings that erupted at outdoor get-togethers since the Fourth of July” in the city — which is hardly alone among Democrat-run cities in experiencing summer violence.

According to WDIV-TV, the shooting happened on the east side of the city at about 2:25 a.m. on Sunday morning.

“The Department can confirm multiple people were shot earlier in this morning in the 13000 of Rossini, resulting in the loss of two lives,” the Detroit Police Department said in a statement.

“At this time, investigators and forensic personnel are analyzing all available evidence and will be continuing their work through the weekend.

“DPD will be implementing a comprehensive new strategy regarding block parties and will provide full details tomorrow at a briefing with the chief and the mayor.”

“The violence at several block parties over the last three days has been heartbreaking for this city. Young people and innocent neighbors are being put at risk every weekend. Chief White and I will hold a full briefing tomorrow to discuss this spike in violence at these events and our plans to address it,” Duggan said in a Sunday statement.

The Detroit Free Press reported that more than 100 shell casings were found at the site of the shooting, and that nine guns were recovered at the scene.

“One had a Glock switch, rendering the weapon automatic. The victims included a 20-year-old woman and a 21-year-old male, who were both killed. A 17-year-old remains in critical condition. The ages of the victims ranged from 17 to 27, according to Detroit police,” the Free Press reported.

The outlet added: “Of the victims, 15 were women. Six of them were men.”

“I think this is the [worst] shooting ever in Detroit history,” said 43-year-old David Daniels, who lives in the east side’s “Red Zone,” known for its historically high levels of violence. “I don’t recall anything worse.”

Sadly, this was hardly the only shooting over the Fourth of July weekend.

At least 33 were killed before the Detroit shooting in violent incidents across America over the long holiday weekend, including 11 in Chicago, The Associated Press reported. The wire service noted that Independence Day “historically is one of the nation’s deadliest days of the year.”

“When school is out, families are spending more time together, children are often home all day and there’s a greater likelihood of more victims when everyone is under one roof, said Jesenia Pizarro, a criminology professor at Arizona State University,” the AP stated in an explainer about the “mass shootings.”

“Teenagers also have more idle time on their hands. ‘It’s like the opportunity shifts in the summer,’ she said.”

However, why does this “opportunity” always seem to “shift” in the same places — Detroit, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, etc.? Teenagers everywhere have more idle time in the summer.

There are “[f]amily reunions, block parties and festivals” — other convenient scapegoats for the AP — all over the map during the summer months. “Glock switches” can be had pretty much anywhere if you’re desperate for them, as well. Yet, we are expected not to notice the one matter of correlation that binds all of these events: the fact that they take place in cities and jurisdictions that are historically Democrat-run.

Even in Detroit, which has seen significant drops in violent crime, the blame remains on block parties: “These are pre-planned events attracting people miles away,” White said. He announced a new initiative that would require hosts to apply for permits, advise police they were throwing the event and get the permission of 75 percent of their neighbors.

“We’re going to make it clear that right now the goal is not to chase the partygoers but to go after the party organizers,” White added.

Yet, the one thing that Detroit could do to stop this from happening again — getting the men responsible off the street — hasn’t happened yet, as no arrests have been made.

In the meantime, we are to hope that block party control will succeed where gun control hasn’t. Pray for Detroit — and all the more for other Democrat-run cities where this sort of violence is all too common.

A Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:

I heard a chilling comment the other day: “We don’t even know if an election will be held in 2024.”

That wasn’t said by a conspiracy theorist or a doomsday prophet. No, former U.S. national security advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said that to the founder of The Western Journal, Floyd Brown.

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Josh Manning

Deputy Managing Editor

The Western Journal

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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