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DeWine urges Ohioans to oppose abortion measure as early voting starts.

Ohio Governor Urges Ohioans to Reject Proposed Abortion Amendment

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine is calling on Ohioans to reject a proposed amendment that would⁢ enshrine ⁤the right to⁤ an abortion in ​the state constitution. As ⁢early voting on the measure begins, DeWine ‍and his wife Fran DeWine have ‍released an ad stating that‍ the amendment, ⁤known as⁤ Issue 1, “goes too far” by allowing abortions at any stage⁤ of pregnancy.

Protect‌ Women Ohio Advocates Against ⁤Issue 1

In the ad,⁤ DeWine ⁤emphasizes that regardless of one’s stance on abortion, Issue 1 is not​ the right choice for Ohio. Pro-life advocates and Republicans argue ‌that the amendment would remove all limits⁢ on abortion in the state. Ohio Attorney General Dave ​Yost has ⁤stated‌ that if passed, Issue 1 would effectively ‌legalize‍ all abortions in ‌Ohio, providing greater protection ‌to abortion‌ rights than⁤ ever before.

Supporters ‍and Opposition

The Ohio Democratic⁣ Party, the ACLU of Ohio, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio, and the Ohio Women’s Alliance⁤ are among the supporters of Issue 1. However, opponents, such as the ballot issue ​political action committee Protect Women Ohio, have raised concerns about the amendment’s potential consequences.

Controversial Donation

Protect Women Ohio recently‌ highlighted a controversial donation⁢ made by⁢ Martin Haskell, a proponent of partial-birth abortion, to Ohio Physicians for Reproductive Rights. This political action committee opposes a Republican-backed measure that would make it‍ more difficult to amend the⁣ state constitution and supports the passage of Issue 1. Protect Women Ohio argues that Haskell’s donation is an investment in his late-term abortion practice.

The Barbaric Practice of Partial-Birth Abortion

Martin Haskell, who invented ⁤the partial-birth ‍abortion technique in ​Ohio, has admitted to routinely performing‌ late-term abortions at 20-24 weeks, with 80% ‍of them being purely elective.‌ Protect Women Ohio condemns this barbaric⁢ practice and warns against bringing such extremism and⁢ tragedy to the ⁢state.


In addition to the abortion amendment, ‌Ohioans will also‍ vote⁣ on the legalization of recreational marijuana for adults.

RELATED: ‘A⁤ Watershed Moment’: Black Faith Leaders Urge Ohioans ‍To ⁣Stand‌ For Life, Reject Abortion Ballot Measure

How would the passage of Issue 1 impact the ability of elected officials ⁣to regulate and restrict abortion?

R protection for the abortion ⁣industry at the expense of unborn children.

Governor DeWine has been a staunch supporter of pro-life‌ policies‍ throughout his political ‌career. As Ohio’s Attorney General, he​ fought to defend the state’s restrictions ​on abortion, including ⁣the ban ‍on ⁢elective abortions after the unborn child has ‌a detectable‍ heartbeat. Now, as Governor,‍ he remains committed to protecting​ the sanctity‌ of life and ensuring that Ohio remains a state‌ that values and protects unborn children.

Issue 1, however, threatens to undermine the progress that has been made in reducing the number of abortions in the state. By enshrining ⁣the right to an abortion​ in the state constitution, the amendment ‍would make it virtually impossible for the ‌state legislature to ‌pass any restrictions on ‌abortion.​ It would strip away the ability of elected officials ⁤to represent the‍ will of their constituents and instead place the power to‌ regulate ⁢and ⁣restrict abortion solely in the hands of the courts.

Not‌ only would Issue 1 eliminate any limits on abortion in Ohio, but‍ it would also have far-reaching implications for the rest of the country. Ohio is a battleground state in the fight over abortion rights, and the passage‌ of this amendment would embolden abortion activists across ​the nation.⁣ It would set a dangerous precedent ​and make it even more difficult‌ for other states to enact common-sense restrictions on ⁤abortion.

Governor‌ DeWine ⁢is not alone in ‍his ‍opposition to Issue 1. Protect Women Ohio,⁢ a coalition of pro-life organizations, has been actively ⁣advocating against ⁤the amendment. ⁢They argue that while the language of the amendment may ‌sound appealing to⁣ some, it would actually do more ⁤harm than good. ‌Protect Women Ohio believes⁣ that women deserve better than abortion, and that true empowerment⁣ comes from support and ‍options that respect both the mother and the unborn child.

In addition to Governor DeWine and Protect Women Ohio, ⁢many other pro-life organizations,​ medical professionals, and concerned citizens are urging Ohioans ‍to reject Issue ​1. They recognize that enshrining the right⁢ to an⁣ abortion in the state constitution would have devastating consequences for unborn children and for the state as a whole.

Ultimately,​ the decision on Issue 1 lies in the ​hands​ of Ohio voters. As early voting‍ begins, Governor DeWine and his‍ wife Fran are urging their fellow Ohioans ⁣to carefully consider the implications ⁣of this proposed amendment. They are calling⁤ on Ohioans to reject Issue 1 and continue to support policies that protect and value the ‍lives of⁢ unborn children.

Ohio has ⁢made great strides in promoting a culture of⁢ life, and it is vital that these efforts⁢ are not undone. ⁢By standing together and ⁣rejecting Issue 1, Ohio can continue to be a beacon of hope and protection for the unborn ‌in a nation that too often disregards their humanity.

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