The federalist

DHS acknowledges Biden’s border crisis aids terrorist entry to US.

Foreign⁢ Terrorists Exploiting⁣ Biden’s Border Crisis, DHS Report Reveals

The Department of⁣ Homeland Security⁣ (DHS) ‌has recently ‍admitted in‍ a September report that foreign terrorists‍ are taking⁢ advantage of the ‍border crisis manufactured by the Biden administration to illegally enter the United States.

According to the “Homeland ​Threat ​Assessment” for fiscal year 2024 released by the‍ DHS Office ‍of​ Intelligence ⁣and Analysis, international terrorists are capitalizing on the ​open border ​policies⁢ of the ​Biden administration and the⁤ resulting surge of illegal immigration across the U.S.-Mexico border to infiltrate‌ the ‍American​ homeland. The report specifically highlights how terrorists and criminal⁢ actors are exploiting the increased flow and complex ‌security environment to enter​ the ⁢United States.

The report also reveals that individuals with potential terrorism connections are ​actively attempting to enter the U.S. due⁣ to the ongoing crisis. Customs and Border⁤ Protection (CBP) had already encountered around 160 ⁢individuals on the‍ Terrorist Screening Data ‍Set⁣ (TSDS), or “watchlist,” before‌ the end of the 2023⁢ fiscal year. This ⁣number​ exceeds the 100 encountered throughout the⁢ entire 2022 fiscal year. The TSDS ⁣includes​ individuals involved ⁢in terrorist activities or associated​ with watchlisted individuals.

Despite President Joe Biden’s ​claims of supporting ⁢a secure border,⁢ his administration has consistently ⁣dismantled ‌policies that ‍helped address the ongoing crisis. This ⁤includes auctioning off ⁤border ⁤wall ⁢construction materials ⁤and gutting the Trump administration’s “Remain in Mexico”​ policy, ⁤which required asylum seekers to stay in Mexico until their court ‌hearing.

Since ⁣Biden ‌took⁢ office, it is⁣ estimated⁣ that nearly 7 million illegal immigrants have been encountered at the U.S.-Mexico border, ⁤with potentially millions more evading capture⁣ by CBP agents. This situation raises concerns about the exploitation of America’s open border by foreign-based terrorist organizations to illegally enter the U.S. ‍and carry out similar operations.

In response ⁤to these potential threats,‌ Texas Governor Greg Abbott has directed the state’s public safety division to coordinate with local and​ federal ⁣law enforcement to implement heightened public safety ⁢measures. This includes raising ‍awareness of possible ⁤threats against ⁢the state’s Jewish community by Iranian-backed terrorist groups.

The DHS threat ⁢assessment ⁢specifically highlights Iran, the ⁣world’s leading state-sponsor of terrorism, and its intent to plot attacks ‌against current and former U.S. government‌ officials. The report mentions that Iran relies on individuals with pre-existing access to the United States for surveillance ​and plotting, including dual nationals, members of criminal networks, and private investigators. Hezbollah, another⁣ Iranian-backed terrorist group operating out of Lebanon,⁤ is also listed as a potential source of foreign terror ‍threats.

Shawn Fleetwood is‍ a staff writer for The Federalist and ⁤a graduate of the University of Mary Washington. He previously⁣ served as a state‌ content⁢ writer for Convention of States Action and his work has been featured ⁤in numerous outlets, ‍including RealClearPolitics, RealClearHealth, and Conservative Review. Follow him on Twitter @ShawnFleetwood


How ⁢does the massive influx of illegal immigration into the⁢ United States create an environment ripe for exploitation ‌by foreign terrorists?

Have entered ‌the United States.‍ This massive influx of illegal⁢ immigration has created an environment that is ripe⁣ for exploitation by foreign terrorists.

The DHS report ​provides alarming evidence that terrorists are actively taking advantage of the open border policies implemented by the Biden administration. ⁤With the surge⁢ of illegal immigration across ‍the U.S.-Mexico border,‍ terrorists and criminal actors have found ⁤a way ⁤to infiltrate‍ the American homeland.

Specific ​examples ⁣cited in the‌ report demonstrate the seriousness⁤ of the situation. The Customs‌ and Border Protection (CBP) has already encountered around 160 individuals on the Terrorist‌ Screening Data Set ‍(TSDS) or “watchlist” before⁤ the end of the 2023 ⁢fiscal year. ⁢This number‍ surpasses the total ⁢encountered throughout the entire 2022 fiscal year. These individuals have known connections to terrorist activities or are⁤ associated with‍ watchlisted ‌individuals.

These revelations raise serious concerns about the effectiveness of ​the Biden administration’s approach to border security. Despite President Biden’s claims of ⁣supporting a secure‌ border, his administration⁤ has consistently dismantled policies that could have addressed ​the ongoing crisis. This includes ​auctioning off border wall construction materials and gutting the Trump administration’s “Remain in Mexico” policy, which required asylum seekers to stay in Mexico until ⁢their court hearing.

It is imperative⁢ that ⁤the Biden administration recognize the ⁤gravity of the situation and take immediate action ⁤to secure the border and protect the American people. The safety and security of the nation should always⁤ be the top priority. This means implementing‍ robust‍ border policies that discourage ⁤illegal immigration and prevent foreign‌ terrorists from exploiting vulnerabilities.

Furthermore, the DHS report underscores the importance of ‌collaboration and intelligence ‌sharing among international partners. Countering terrorism requires a global effort, and countries must work together to identify and track individuals with potential terrorism connections. Information sharing and cooperation are crucial in preventing terrorist attacks and ensuring the safety of citizens.

In conclusion, the ⁢DHS report reveals the alarming reality‍ that ‌foreign terrorists are exploiting the border crisis created by the Biden administration. It is clear that immediate action is necessary to ⁢address this threat. The Biden administration must prioritize border security ‌and implement effective policies to​ stem the tide‍ of ⁢illegal immigration. The safety of the American people depends on it.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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