Conservative News Daily

FDA Approves New Drug for Biden’s 2024 Re-Election?

Running⁣ for President:​ Age Shouldn’t Matter

Running⁢ for‍ president ‌of⁤ the United States should‍ not be ​age-related, ⁣in my ⁣opinion.⁣ If⁤ your ‌mind is ‍sharp and⁢ you‌ are capable ⁢of​ physically ​handling‍ the ⁢job,⁣ your chronological age‌ should ‌have nothing⁤ to​ do ⁤with ⁣it.

Why would ⁢it? ‍Experience comes with​ age, and⁣ it is⁤ invaluable to‍ the top ‍spot. ⁢It‍ can’t be ⁣replaced by youth or a ⁣fancy ⁢education. ⁤It⁣ is the ​best consigliere one could ⁢have ⁣to ⁣run a ⁤nation.

Questioning President Biden’s Health

When ​you look ‌at former president ⁤Donald Trump,​ no ​one⁤ questions ​his ability⁣ to ​resume ‍the ​demands ‍of the⁣ presidency. Current-day President Joe Biden‍ is⁤ another⁤ story ‍altogether.‌ By ‍observation⁤ alone, ⁢his mental⁢ and​ physical health⁣ raises concerns.

His feeble tendencies coupled ‌with continuous‌ forgetfulness ⁤and ‍embarrassing‍ gaffes can’t ⁤be ignored. ​Neither can‌ his ⁢many falls ⁢off⁣ bikes,⁣ up⁤ stairs, ⁣on stages. ⁢We’ve all seen them.⁣ And who⁢ can forget his‍ sudden angry ‍outbursts, ⁢leaving the ‌mouths ‍of everyone in the⁤ room⁤ ajar ⁢as well ⁤as ⁣his ​press ‍secretary ‍scrambling.

Biden is frail,⁤ erratic, and ⁤possibly⁢ suffering from⁤ Dementia‍ or ‍early ⁢Alzheimer’s disease. This ‌is most ​people’s guess ‍despite no formal ⁢confirmation⁣ by Kevin O’Connor,‌ the physician to ⁣the president‌ nor anyone‍ else ‌in ⁣the⁤ Biden administration. Of course, first lady Jill Biden‌ scoffed at⁢ the notion that ⁢her ⁣husband ‌would ‌ever take ‌a competency ⁤test ⁤in an‍ interview ⁢last‍ March.

No doubt, GOP⁢ presidential candidate ​Nikki ‍Haley should be tarred‍ and feathered for making such a⁣ ridiculous⁢ suggestion. It’s ⁢ludicrous ‌that the ‍oldest commander-in-chief⁤ in‌ U.S. history ⁢should have ​to ⁤demonstrate to⁣ the American⁤ people⁣ his ability‍ to think⁣ clearly, isn’t​ it?⁣ Nothing‍ truly important ⁢depends⁣ on it, like national‍ security and‍ future.

“Keep ⁢hiding ‍the truth”‌ and “Get voters ⁣to believe what ⁤we⁣ tell them,​ not what ‍they see.”‍ That ⁢is ​the⁣ strategy that ‍the ​Democratic‍ Party is ‌depending upon ⁤to ​get​ their⁤ candidate ⁤re-elected. If Joe can ‌remain⁢ status quo until election day,‌ even better.

The‌ Timing⁣ of ⁤FDA ⁤Approval

This brings‍ up⁢ the sudden FDA⁢ approval ⁤of​ a‌ new ‍Alzheimer’s⁤ drug ​called ‍Leqembi on ‌July 6.​ As ‍the drug⁤ has the ability to slow down the pace of​ cognitive​ decline⁢ among ⁤early ​Alzheimer patients, many ⁢conservatives note⁤ the convenient⁢ timing ​of ⁢this approval ‌for⁢ the president and‍ the Democratic‍ party.

The bitter⁤ taste ⁤of ⁣collusion between the ⁢Democratic ‍Party, deep state, ‍and our nation’s ⁢three-letter institutions⁢ remains‌ prevalent ​in ⁣the‍ mouths of ‍conservatives.⁤ And‍ this new⁣ morsel⁣ has⁣ many ‍talking. ⁢Seems⁣ too ⁣coincidental.

If⁢ a drug ⁣like this could ⁤slow⁢ down⁢ the rapid cognitive‌ decline‍ of ⁢the current president, ‍making him‍ seem ​“on his ‌game”⁤ and‍ maybe even younger as a ‌result, ⁢wouldn’t‍ that have⁤ a‍ positive ⁤impact on ⁢his ability⁣ to convince ‌voters‌ “he’s still‍ got‍ it?” ‍It couldn’t hurt. That⁣ is​ what⁣ distrustful ‌conservatives ⁣are saying. Historically, the‍ idea‍ that⁤ this could ⁤be the case isn’t ‍far-fetched,⁢ especially​ when​ considering​ the⁤ swiftness of the ⁣approval as well⁢ as​ the downside⁢ of such a ‍drug.

The Washington‌ Free‍ Beacon specifies “brain ‌swelling, seizures, and death” as‌ possible ​ramifications of​ taking Leqembi.⁣ Did anyone ‍tell Joe? ‌He ⁤probably​ wouldn’t​ remember if they ⁢did.

A⁢ Contingency ​Plan?

The irony ⁢is, if the‍ Democratic⁤ Party ‌and ​deep state​ did​ collude ⁢with the FDA to​ push⁢ this ⁣drug ⁤through​ for ‍the purpose ‌of⁤ propping‍ Biden ‌up ⁢in⁤ the short‌ term, they probably also ⁤already have ⁣a ‌contingency plan⁤ in​ place ‌if ‌he‌ croaks‌ suddenly​ as ‌a‌ result.⁤ They ‌would ​have ‍to.

I will ⁣take ‍it ⁣a ⁣step‌ further.‍ Could there ⁢be ⁣a possibility ​that they‌ are hoping‍ he does ​croak so that they⁤ may⁤ reshuffle‍ the deck towards Michelle‍ Obama,⁣ like Roger‍ Stone recently suggested? I ⁣wouldn’t ​put ⁣it past them.

It makes logical ⁣sense. ‍This is where ⁢the ⁢liberal⁣ left​ begins to⁣ call ​me ​a conspiracy‍ theorist. ​Hardly. I just​ know‍ that the⁣ Democratic ‌Party‍ is ⁣tight.⁢ They⁤ leave⁤ nothing unanswered and cover‍ all⁣ bases ⁣always.

In​ light ​of the ‌critical ​nature of this upcoming⁢ presidential election, they will do everything‌ that they⁣ can to​ ensure a⁣ win. ‍They won’t‍ be changing tactics now ⁤or leave anything to ‌chance. ⁣Wind of Trump’s ‌possible⁤ third ⁣indictment⁤ is evidence of‍ this.

You​ don’t‌ continue⁣ to hammer someone if ⁢you aren’t ⁣worried.​ This is notably‌ true if ​you ‍believe your‍ own candidate is⁢ a winner.

Not⁣ only is the⁤ current president​ suffering ​from ​widespread unpopularity but according‍ to Fox News and a​ new ⁢Monmouth⁤ poll ‌out ⁤today “only 34% ​of our ‌nation ​approve ⁣of his‌ handling of inflation.”

There is ​nothing ⁣about ⁣Biden that builds ‍confidence.⁢ So ​whether “coincidence or collusion,” ⁤the approval​ of Leqembi to​ temporarily keep‌ the⁤ president​ upright and⁢ awake⁣ seems like smart ​business ‌to⁤ me…if ​I were a Democrat ⁣anyway and ⁣wanted ⁣to ‌keep ⁤everything‍ as is.⁣ God⁤ help ⁣us⁢ if it ‌works.

The⁤ post Did FDA Approve ⁣New Drug ‌to ​Help⁢ Biden ⁣in ‌His ​2024 Re-Election Campaign? appeared first on⁢ The Western ‌Journal.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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