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Black conservative scholar accuses Harvard president of plagiarism, criticizes university for not taking action

Award-Winning Author⁤ Dr. ⁢Carol Swain ⁤Blasts ‍Harvard University for‍ Protecting Alleged Plagiarist

Award-winning conservative ‍political scientist and author Dr. ‌Carol Swain, who was allegedly plagiarized by Harvard president Claudine Gay in her Ph.D. dissertation, has ⁣strongly criticized Harvard ⁤University for not taking⁤ action against Gay.

Dr. Swain is the author of the acclaimed book “Black Faces, ⁤Black Interests: The​ Representation of African Americans in Congress,” which ⁢received‌ prestigious awards such as the⁣ LBJ ⁣Foundation’s D.B. Hardeman ⁤Prize⁢ for congressional scholarship and the Woodrow ⁤Wilson Foundation⁤ Award from the American Political Science ​Association.

Despite the evidence of ⁤plagiarism throughout Gay’s career, Harvard has chosen ⁢to support⁢ her and not ⁢demand her⁣ resignation. Dr.‍ Swain expressed her disappointment, stating, “The Harvard Corporation did not have the ‍cojones to own and remedy​ their mistakes regarding Dr. Gay. She will remain at the helm ‌of the University without any accountability.”

Expressing ​her frustration with ‌racial double standards, Dr. Swain‍ added, “I rarely get angry, but‍ I ⁢am angry right now ‍about the racial double standards that are ​TEMPORARILY ⁤giving #ClaudineGay an opportunity to resign. White progressives created her and white ‍progressives are ⁢protecting⁣ her.‍ The rest of us have had to ⁤work⁤ our rear ends off to achieve success. Some get ⁣it⁣ handed to them.”

Dr. Swain also recommended her own⁣ book as ‌essential reading to understand the mindset at ​Harvard:

In an ⁢interview with RedState, ‌Dr.‍ Swain expressed her concerns about Gay potentially plagiarizing her work. She emphasized ⁣the ‍importance of proper citation and recognition in academia, stating, “If⁣ she didn’t cite my ​work, then that would be more⁣ concerning to me, that she was able​ to advance through academia⁣ doing ⁣work very similar ​to mine without citing me.”

Dr. ⁢Swain further highlighted the ​lack of citations for her groundbreaking⁢ work, saying, “Over the ⁢years, I have always ‌felt that ‌given the seminal nature ‌of my work, ⁢there ⁣should have been more citations. But, I’ve also ⁣noticed that there’ve been people doing work on white nationalism and⁤ various topics where I was​ out there first ‌that ‍did not cite me at all.”

Reflecting on her experience‍ with Gay, Dr.‌ Swain shared, “She ⁢was in ‌graduate school when ​I was tenured‍ at Princeton. ‌I was a⁤ professor, and she was supposed to​ be the new ‌hotshot. I⁢ heard ​about how brilliant ⁢she​ was, but I never met her. We never had conversations.”

Dr. Swain questioned the ⁣quality ⁤of Gay’s published work, stating, “As far as I can tell,⁤ she has no path-breaking books. I ‍only see one, and it’s not​ really a book. It’s listed as a book, ‌but it doesn’t seem to be a book.”

What⁤ evidence has been presented regarding the allegations of plagiarism against ‌Harvard president Claudine ​Gay?

1734645549698115073?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw”>December ⁤12, 2023

The allegations of plagiarism against Harvard president Claudine Gay have been ‍mounting, with various individuals coming forward to provide evidence. However, Harvard⁣ has chosen to support Gay and has not taken any disciplinary action against her. This has ⁢sparked criticism and disappointment from renowned author and political scientist Dr. Carol Swain.

Dr. Swain, who herself has received prestigious awards for her scholarly work, including the D.B. ⁤Hardeman Prize for congressional scholarship and the Woodrow Wilson Foundation Award, expressed her dismay at Harvard’s lack ‍of accountability. Despite the ⁤evidence of plagiarism throughout Gay’s ‌career, Harvard has chosen to protect her instead of demanding her resignation.

In ​a tweet, Dr. Swain criticized Harvard for ‌not taking responsibility for⁤ their mistakes and allowing Gay to remain in her position. She expressed her frustration ‌with ⁣the racial double standards that seem to be temporarily protecting Gay from consequences, noting that white⁣ progressives are creating and protecting her. Dr. Swain‍ further emphasized that individuals from marginalized communities, like herself, have had to work tirelessly to achieve success, ⁣while some⁣ seem to have it handed to them.

Dr. Swain also recommended her own book, ⁣”Black Faces, Black Interests: The Representation of⁢ African Americans in Congress,” as essential reading to understand the mindset at Harvard and the current scandal surrounding Gay.

The allegations of plagiarism and Harvard’s response to them ⁤raise important⁣ questions about⁢ academic integrity and ethical standards within the institution. It remains to be seen how Harvard will address the mounting concerns ⁣and‌ whether they will take any action against Gay in light of ⁣the evidence presented.

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