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What did Dr. Ben Carson do before endorsing Trump for President?

Former HUD Secretary Ben Carson Prays Before Endorsing Trump for ‍President

Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson proved on Sunday that he’s​ a believer — in more ways than one.

From a stage in Sioux City, Iowa, Carson endorsed former President Donald Trump for the ⁤highest office in the land.

But first, Carson consulted a higher authority.

The​ retired​ neurosurgeon released a picture on the social media platform X that he described as showing a ⁤moment of prayer before he took the stage at that Trump rally.

Carson, a Seventh-Day Adventist, has never been shy about his religious beliefs. It was a‍ staple of establishment ‍media coverage of ‍his campaign⁢ for ⁢the 2016 Republican presidential nomination.

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When Trump ‍won the nomination⁤ and, eventually, the presidency, he appointed Carson HUD secretary, and Carson brought his faith with him.

And his endorsement of Trump⁣ on Sunday reflected his faith⁣ in the God-given freedoms guaranteed ⁢by the Constitution, the bedrock of American life.

“As I stand here ‌today, I want to offer my most‍ confident and full endorsement of Donald J. Trump,” Carson said, ‌according to The Hill.

“Donald Trump believes in our freedom of speech, freedom of ⁤religion, and the right ​to keep and bear arms,” he said. “So we can fix our country, and we can make America great again. And President Donald J. Trump is the person to do that.”

Carson’s very public faith has never been popular with the left, but that isn’t the only reason that progressives ⁢dislike him.

He’s a black man and a conservative —⁤ a combination that liberals loathe. (Supreme Court Justice Clarence⁢ Thomas is probably the⁣ biggest target ⁢ of⁤ that loathing, but any black conservative, of either sex, will do.)

He’s also the product of a difficult upbringing, raised by a single mother who instilled in him the work ethic needed to ⁤rise to become a surgeon so famous he was the subject of a TV movie.

(“Dr.” Jill Biden, the Ed.D. in the White‍ House, couldn’t even dream of Carson’s kind of accomplishments.)

The fact that he achieved success and, when he was ​HUD ‌secretary, put into practice the idea‌ that others could do the ‍same, probably makes him irredeemable in the eyes of modern progressives.

But Carson clearly has little time for opinions⁢ from that end of the political spectrum.

“Our nation is in desperate need⁤ of strong leadership. A President who‌ fights for ‍the American people, our freedoms, our safety, and our future,” he wrote in another social media post.

“Donald J. Trump is that leader and I am proud‌ to‍ give​ him my full endorsement for ⁣President of the United States today.”

With just about every public utterance, he demonstrates that his faith is in his ⁤God and in the principles that founded the country.

On Sunday, he cited⁣ a famous anecdote from the Founding era:

“Benjamin Franklin was asked in 1787 after … the Constitutional Convention, ‘Sir, what ⁤do we have here a monarchy‌ or a republic?’ He said, ‘A republic, if you‌ can keep it,’” Carson recounted.

“The way we can keep ‍is, we can put Donald ‌J. Trump back in office.”

It’s pretty clear that⁤ Carson believes that. The cheering crowd believed it.

And countless millions of other Americans believe it, too.

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What message did Dr. Carson convey to his supporters and the American​ people by publicly praying‍ before endorsing Trump?

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Carson emphasized his belief that Trump is the⁤ leader who can restore ‌America’s greatness and protect the God-given rights that are enshrined‌ in the Constitution. ‍His endorsement is not only a political statement but‌ also a declaration of faith in Trump’s ability to uphold ⁣the values that Carson holds dear.

Throughout his career, Carson has been open about his religious beliefs and the role they play in his life. As a devout Seventh-Day Adventist, he ​sees‍ his faith ​as an integral part of who he is‍ and his decisions. This ⁢helps explain why he felt ‌the need to pray before making ‌such a significant ⁣endorsement.

Carson’s endorsement of Trump in​ 2016 was seen as a surprise ⁤to many, given ‍his previous criticism of Trump during the Republican primary. However, Carson saw in Trump a candidate who shared his​ commitment to protecting religious freedom and restoring America’s greatness. Four years later, ⁢Carson’s faith in Trump remains steadfast, leading him to once again endorse the former president for president.

By publicly praying⁢ before endorsing Trump, Carson not only demonstrated his personal faith but also sent a powerful message‍ to his supporters and the American⁤ people. He showed that he believes in ​the power of prayer and​ seeks guidance from a higher authority. This act of prayer symbolizes Carson’s conviction that God’s will is at‍ work in the political realm and that he is aligning himself with the⁢ leader‌ whom he believes will fulfill that divine purpose.

Carson’s endorsement carries ‌weight due to his successful career as⁢ a renowned neurosurgeon and his time as HUD secretary. His faith-based endorsement adds another ⁢dimension to his credibility and resonates with those who share his religious convictions. It serves as a reminder that faith and politics‍ are not mutually exclusive, and that one’s religious beliefs can greatly influence their political decisions.

Carson’s endorsement of Trump is a reminder that politicians‍ are not immune to their religious beliefs. It shows that faith can play an important role in shaping political allegiances and decisions. By ⁢publicly praying before endorsing Trump, Carson⁢ demonstrated⁢ his unwavering⁢ belief in Trump’s ability to lead and ‍protect the values that are ⁤important to him as a Seventh-Day Adventist.

Ultimately, Carson’s endorsement and prayer before endorsing Trump ⁢serve as a testament to the power ‍of faith and the importance of aligning⁢ oneself with a leader who shares⁣ those values. It shows ⁣that even in the political arena, individuals can find solace, guidance, and strength in their faith. Carson’s‌ act of prayer before endorsing Trump is a powerful symbol of his unwavering commitment to both his religious beliefs and his political convictions.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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