Conservative News Daily

Alarming Report: Teenage Female National Guard Recruit Compelled to Shower with Individual Identifying as Female

The Culture Wars Reach⁢ Military⁤ Showers

During​ a ⁢Senate ‍confirmation hearing‌ for⁣ the ⁢new chairman of⁢ the ‍Joint ⁢Chiefs⁢ of Staff, ⁣South‌ Dakota ‌GOP Sen. ⁣Mike Rounds shared⁣ a troubling​ report⁢ about‍ a young recruit‌ in his ⁣state’s​ National Guard. This⁤ story⁢ should ‌be​ a ‌cause‌ for concern among ⁤parents⁢ nationwide.

The recruit, ⁣an 18-year-old ‌woman, was not‍ only ⁢forced ‍to sleep​ in⁣ the⁤ same⁣ quarters‍ as men who claimed to ⁣be ⁤transitioning ⁢to​ women,‌ but she‍ also had⁤ to shower with them, ‌completely exposed‍ to male‌ genitalia. This​ video provides a glimpse⁤ into the situation:

DEI​ and gender ideology ​in⁣ the‍ military have been among ⁣the ⁤topics‌ raised‍ in the‍ Senate ​confirmation​ hearing today of Air Force Gen. Charles Q. ‌Brown‌ to be chairman⁣ of the‌ Joint⁢ Chiefs.

— Fred Lucas ​(@FredLucasWH) ‍July 11,​ 2023

Sen. Rounds brought this⁢ issue⁣ to ‌the attention ⁤of​ Air Force Gen.⁤ Charles Q. ⁤Brown, expressing ⁢the recruit’s ⁣discomfort and ⁣limited options. The⁢ recruit feared⁣ retaliation if she spoke ‍up​ and‍ had ⁢few alternatives. Sen. ⁣Rounds then⁣ posed ​a question to Gen. Brown, asking ‌how he planned ‌to address ⁢such situations ⁤that could potentially​ impact‍ recruitment and‌ morale.

Unfortunately, ⁢Gen.⁤ Brown’s⁤ response was vague and ⁢noncommittal,⁢ focusing⁣ on inclusivity without addressing⁢ the concerns​ raised.

This kind of​ evasive⁤ answer may⁢ work ‌in a job interview, but ‌it​ is unacceptable coming from ‌military ⁢leaders. ⁢The solution ​is not‌ to improve how​ we⁣ approach these‌ situations; ⁣it ⁣is ‍to prevent them from happening in ‍the​ first place.

If ⁢there ⁢are‌ valid reasons‍ for ⁣segregating the sexes⁣ in the ‍military,‍ those reasons remain unchanged by a relatively new transgender‌ ideology.‍ Individuals who ‍identify as transgender‍ should not be⁢ accepted ‍into⁣ the service if⁤ their​ mental​ state is unstable. ​If⁤ that answer is⁣ deemed unacceptable​ in ​today’s society,⁣ then these individuals should ​be⁢ placed⁢ with⁣ others of​ the​ same ‌biological ‍sex.

Sen. Rounds ⁤did not​ provide ​concrete evidence ⁢linking situations ​like this to ‍recruitment issues, but‍ it is⁤ a possibility ​worth‌ considering. The ‌left’s‍ persistent⁤ promotion​ of ⁣a negative view ‌of ‍the United States in‍ various sectors, including politics, education,⁢ media,⁣ and⁤ entertainment,​ has likely ‍contributed ⁢to a ⁤decline⁢ in young⁢ people’s willingness to serve their ‌country.

Military ⁢service⁢ is‌ often ​a tradition passed down through ⁢generations, and ⁢families who value ⁢this tradition‍ are⁤ unlikely ⁢to​ support‍ policies ‍that ⁢blur⁤ the lines⁤ between genders.‍ By⁤ imposing ‌leftist⁢ ideology ‌on ⁢the ‍military, the ‍Biden ⁤administration ⁣risks ‍alienating reliable recruiting bases.

Now, there are‍ reports ⁣that young women who⁢ join ⁤the⁤ military ⁣may find‍ themselves ⁢exposed to‍ naked men⁢ who claim ⁣to⁣ be‍ women. ​This ​is a‍ situation‌ that very few⁢ parents ⁣would want​ for their daughters, ‌and it⁢ is‌ unlikely to attract ‌many​ young women to ⁣enlist.

The military’s primary goal is⁤ to protect⁤ and preserve the‍ nation. ‍Leftists ‍who downplay the​ significance​ of​ military ‌service need​ to ⁤recognize ⁢the ​potential consequences of ⁣their actions. ‍In ⁤a ⁤world ​with⁢ increasing ‍military ⁣threats, such as ⁤an aggressive China, ⁢the military‌ must ⁣remain strong​ and‌ focused on⁢ its ‌mission.

As‌ a ⁤career military officer, Gen. ‍Brown possesses intelligence,‍ dedication, ⁢and resourcefulness. ​However, ‌these qualities⁢ alone ​are ‍insufficient ⁣without ‌the​ right⁣ political ⁤leadership. The⁣ fate ‌of the ⁤military ‍lies in ​the hands⁣ of​ the civilian government, ​and until‌ Americans ‍regain⁣ control ​from⁣ a misguided ​movement that ⁢denies‍ the⁤ biological‌ realities ​of⁣ sex, the​ problems ​of ‌the​ Biden era ‌will⁢ persist.

Conservatives⁢ must ‌pray for⁣ the young woman​ described ⁣by Sen. ⁢Rounds‍ and show compassion‍ for the ⁢individuals⁤ who are⁤ part ‌of her‌ Guard ⁣recruiting‌ class. ‍But more ‌importantly, action ‌must be taken⁤ to bring ‍about​ the ‍necessary change.‌ The culture⁢ war must be won,​ not just in⁢ the showers,⁣ but⁣ in⁣ all aspects of society.

Source: ‍The ‌Western Journal

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