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Doctor: Trump and Biden’s Health Differ Greatly, Age Not the Deciding Factor

In every⁢ aspect of life, there ​are conventional norms, and then there are exceptional people who defy those norms.

An NBC⁢ article ⁣ in 2018 listed the so-called normal signs of aging, including the increased risk of dementia in the late⁢ 70s, and a⁢ greater risk of falling in the 80s. The ​article almost feels like they used​ Joe Biden as the subject. However, the article also says that these ​“normal” signs of aging happen often, but not always, as one ages.

Joe Biden is a normal 80-year-old. Donald Trump is not. And any unbiased ‌observer can tell the difference.

In a recent interview with Benny Johnson, host of the “Benny Show’ Podcast,” former ⁤White House doctor and current Congressman from Texas, Rep. Ronny Jackson explained that age is not the only factor while determining fitness.

“He’s the complete opposite as far as his cognitive ability goes from President Biden,”⁤ Jackson⁤ said. “What you see happening with President Biden, it⁤ happens to everyone at some point in their life as ⁤they get older. It happens to some people in their 60s, it happens to some people after they’re 100 years old.” [0.35]

“We all​ know people that‍ we’ve met that are 100 years old, that are as sharp as ‍a tack,” Jackson added.

“Donald J.​ Trump is as sharp as he’s ever been,” Jackson said. “His memory is incredible; he can walk up in ​front​ of the press and‌ he can just, unprompted, without any talkers or anything, just stand there and talk to them for two hours about any ⁤subject they ‌want.”

“Joe Biden⁢ couldn’t⁢ do that for two minutes,” he‍ said. “So there’s a big difference between these two men and their cognitive ability. President Trump is totally sound of mind and he’s physically in good shape too.”

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“He’s definitely in shape to lead this country for another four‍ years, and that’s what we need ‌right now,”⁢ the former doctor to Trump said.

That’s great news ⁤ for Trump, but it really didn’t take a physician to ⁣tell us that.

We’ve all seen videos of Trump standing in the heat of a rally and ‌just⁣ talking for two hours with no sign of tiredness or slowing down.

Contrast that⁣ with​ Joe Biden sleep talking through a meeting with the ‌Israeli Prime Minister, and calling on a dead Congresswoman ⁢ during an event.

Trump’s staff used​ to say⁤ their boss never sleeps.

Joe Biden often calls a lid in the morning and isn’t seen for‌ the rest of the day.

And need we ⁣talk more about the constant falling, the special accommodations for Air Force One stairs, and the‌ Sketchers slip-ons?

Age isn’t the most important factor when choosing the president,‍ but ⁣strength and cognitive ability definitely rank high up there when you’re going to be the leader of the free world for ⁤four years.

Between the two contenders, it’s evident that ‍though they are close in ​age,  time has​ caught up with Biden​ while Trump is still zipping through life at warp speed in a time zone of his own.

The post⁢ Doctor Says Trump’s Health Is ‘Complete Opposite’ of Biden’s: ‘It’s Not About Age’ appeared ⁤first on‍ The Western Journal.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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