Documentary Filmmaker Nick Searcy: Everything That Happened on Jan 6 Benefited the Deep State, Dems

Om) September 22, 2024

These exchanges and‌ revelations in “The⁣ War on ⁤Truth” raise serious questions about the events of January 6,⁢ 2021, and the potential‍ involvement‌ of‌ undercover operatives or informants ⁤within the protesters. The ‍film suggests that there may have been a coordinated effort to manipulate the situation and incite violence, leading to the breach of the Capitol.

As more information comes to light⁣ and investigations continue, the truth behind ‍what truly⁤ happened on that day ⁢may become clearer.‍ The American public ⁢deserves transparency‍ and accountability from the‌ government, particularly in cases as significant ‍as the ⁤events of January 6.

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Nick Searcy, producer and a star of the documentary film “The War on Truth” about the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol incursion, believes that much of what happened that day was a pre-planned operation.

“The War on Truth” is the sequel to the 2021 documentary film “Capitol Punishment.”

“It was absolutely pre-planned,” Searcy told The Western Journal in a recent interview regarding the incursion.

“The reason why, you know, people are still mystified. Why were the police on one side of the building trying to keep people out and on the other side, you are inviting people in? They wanted people inside the building because what was going on inside that building was exactly what the people who went to Washington on Jan. 6 wanted to happen.”

He noted that Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas had stood up along with GOP House members during the counting of the Electoral College voter to challenge the integrity of the results in Arizona. Other senators and House lawmakers planned to do the same thing for other key swing states, like Pennsylvania.

“They were challenging the vote. They were trying to send it back to the states for ten days to verify the count,” Searcy said. “That was exactly what everybody that was there [protesting] wanted except for the Democrats in power.”

As soon as people were reported in the building, the process stopped, and when the lawmakers reconvened later in the day, the argument that prevailed was, “It’s too dangerous. We can’t continue with this process. We’ve got to go ahead and certify Joe Biden as our president right now,” Searcy contended.

He concluded, “So everything that was done that day did not benefit the Jan. 6 protesters or the Republican side at all. Everything that was done that day benefited the deep state, benefited Joe Biden and the people who wanted him to be president.”

“The War on Truth” director Chris Burgard agreed.

“I’m a movie director, so I was there that day, and what we were watching was a movie. You would see people walking in doors being escorted in by the Capitol Police, and then you’d see a fight over window just 20 yards away. It made no sense,” he told The Western Journal.

Burgard, like Searcy, argued it “was designed and worked brilliantly to stop any of the investigation of the contested votes, ballots in the swing states.”

He pointed to the assessments of two experts appearing in the documentary, former director of national intelligence Gen. (Ret.) Michael Flynn and retired military intelligence Col. (Ret.) Carol Stewart.

They “tell you in the movie, this is an operation. This is pre-scripted. You’re watching a movie,” Burgard said.

Another person appearing in the “The War on Truth” said, “Every military guy, I know, every three-letter [federal agency] guy I know that was at Jan. 6 — we all saw the same things happening. We all knew that this was an operation.”

The documentary includes footage of a red signal flare going up over the Jan. 6 protest at 2:43 p.m.

Then soon thereafter someone pops a yellow smoke grenade, and “1 minute later Ray Epps and others push a Trump sign into police,” as footage shows.

Epps was an Arizona resident, who some accused of being an FBI informant because he was caught on camera urging people to “go in the Capitol.” Epps and the FBI denied he was working for them. He was later charged with misdemeanor disorderly conduct and given probation.

A red smoke grenade then goes off, and Epps, escorted by eight others, leaves the front lines of protest, moving away from the Capitol, according to the film.

Independent journalist Steve Baker, appearing in the documentary, recounted that a Special Forces individual told him that the red flare was an “avalanche” signal meaning time to “get out.”

“That was planned and coordinated,” Baker said.

“The War on Truth” also includes an exchange GOP Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky had with Attorney General Merrick Garland during a congressional hearing in September 2023, during which the AG would neither confirm nor deny the FBI had assets among the Jan. 6 protesters.

Similarly, in January 2022, Cruz questioned then-FBI Assistant Executive Director Jill Sanborn during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing about the role the bureau may have played in the Capitol incursion.

“How many FBI agents or confidential informants actively participated in the events of Jan. 6?” Cruz asked.

“Sir, I’m sure you can appreciate that I can’t go into the specifics of sources and methods,” Sanborn answered.

Cruz then asked a broader question: “Did any FBI agents or confidential informants actively participate in the events of Jan. 6? Yes or no?”

“Sir, I can’t answer that,” Sanborn replied.

“The War on Truth” cited an ex-official in a September 2023 New York Post story headlined, “FBI lost count of how many paid informants were at Capitol on Jan. 6, and later performed audit to figure out exact number.”

Learn more and watch “The War on Truth” here.

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