Washington Examiner

DOD to develop fresh version of B61 nuke bomb.

The Department ⁣of Defense’s Pursuit of a New Nuclear Gravity Bomb

The Department of Defense (DOD) ⁢is‌ determined to develop a cutting-edge⁤ nuclear gravity bomb, pending approval and funding from Congress.⁣ This ambitious project aims to create a modernized version of the B61 bomb, known as the B61-13, which would replace older models in ⁣the ‍current nuclear stockpile.

Collaborating‍ with the Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), DOD ⁤plans to enhance the‌ B61 bomb ‌to address the evolving​ threats ​posed by adversaries, as highlighted in the 2022 Nuclear Posture Review.

Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space Policy John Plumb emphasized:

“Today’s announcement is reflective of a changing security environment ⁢and growing threats from potential adversaries. The United States has ⁣a responsibility to continue to assess and field the capabilities we need​ to credibly deter and, if necessary, respond to strategic attacks, and assure our allies.”

It’s important to note that‌ the intention behind this pursuit is not to increase the military’s weapons arsenal. The number of B61-13 gravity bombs produced will be equal to the‌ reduction in the number‍ of B61-12s.

The B61-13⁢ bomb will be compatible with modern⁣ aircraft and ⁢provide ‌the commander in​ chief with an additional option ‍to target harder and larger ‌military​ areas. It ⁤will incorporate advanced safety, security, and accuracy features from the B61-12.

While some lawmakers, such as Rep. Mike Rogers and Sen. Roger Wicker, acknowledge the significance‌ of‍ this development, they stress the need for ​more substantial changes to address the ‌arms race with China ‍and Russia.

Rep. Mike Rogers and Sen. Roger Wicker stated:

“The B61-13 is not a long-term solution, but it will provide our commanders, particularly in INDOPACOM and‍ EUCOM, with more flexibility against these ⁢target sets. As the Strategic Posture Commission⁢ recently noted, China and Russia are in a full-on arms​ race, and the ‌U.S. is running in⁢ place. Dramatic transformation of ​our deterrent posture — not⁤ incremental or piecemeal changes — is required to address this threat.”

The B61 bomb has served the military for over five decades, entering service in 1968. The cost of⁢ this ambitious project has‍ yet to ⁢be determined.

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What challenges does the Department of⁣ Defense face in securing Congress’ approval and adequate funding for the ⁢development of the‍ B61-13

S emerging threats ⁤and ensure ​the ‍United⁢ States maintains a credible nuclear ⁢deterrent. The development of the B61-13 will contribute to the⁢ modernization ⁤efforts of the U.S. nuclear ‍arsenal, which is essential ⁢for future national security.

The existing B61 bomb is a versatile weapon that has served the United States for​ decades. However, advancements in technology and changes in the global ⁢security‍ landscape have necessitated upgrades‍ to maintain the bomb’s ‍effectiveness. The B61-13 project aims to⁢ address these​ evolving requirements by incorporating state-of-the-art features and capabilities.

One key aspect of the B61-13 development⁣ is the improvement in accuracy. The Department of Defense aims to‍ enhance the ‍bomb’s precision-guided system, which will increase ⁤its ​ability to hit ​targets ⁤accurately and minimize collateral damage. This capability is crucial for reducing civilian casualties and ensuring the strategic effectiveness of‍ the bomb.

Furthermore,⁣ the ⁣B61-13 will have several new features to enhance its performance and flexibility. These additions include improved safety mechanisms, increased reliability, and reduced maintenance requirements. The ‌new bomb‍ will also incorporate advanced⁣ technology to provide⁢ better penetration capabilities ‌against hardened targets, making ‌it more effective against adversaries who have developed robust underground facilities.

The pursuit of the​ B61-13 also aligns with the Department of Defense’s commitment to reducing the size and weight of its nuclear weapons. By having a smaller and more efficient gravity bomb, ⁣the United States can maintain a robust nuclear arsenal while reducing the logistical challenges associated‍ with ⁣storage and transportation. This advancement will improve the overall efficiency and agility of the U.S. nuclear deterrent.

However, the development ​of the B61-13 is ⁣contingent on Congress’ approval and adequate ⁣funding. The⁢ Department of Defense must secure the necessary resources to conduct extensive testing and manufacturing, including the production of plutonium pits‍ needed for these bombs. The collaboration with the Department of‌ Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration will be crucial in ensuring a seamless integration between the scientific expertise and the military requirements.

The pursuit‍ of a new nuclear gravity bomb showcases the Department of Defense’s commitment to maintaining a credible nuclear deterrent in ⁤the‌ face of evolving global threats. The development of ⁤the B61-13 represents a significant step forward in modernizing the U.S. nuclear arsenal. Through enhanced accuracy, improved safety features, and‌ increased flexibility, the⁤ B61-13 will provide the United⁣ States ⁤with‍ a more effective and efficient means of nuclear deterrence.

As the global security landscape continues to evolve, it is imperative that the United States maintains a robust and modern nuclear arsenal. The pursuit of a new ‍nuclear gravity bomb demonstrates the Department of Defense’s dedication to‌ staying ahead ‍of emerging threats. With the support and funding ‌from​ Congress, the Department⁤ of Defense and the Department of Energy’s⁢ National ⁣Nuclear Security Administration can work ‍together to develop​ the B61-13 and ensure that the United States remains a strong and credible force in nuclear deterrence.

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