Washington Examiner

Trump denies not ‘draining the swamp’ in first term.

Former President‌ Donald Trump Fires‌ Back‌ at Claims of ​Failing⁤ to “Drain ⁤the ⁢Swamp”

Former President Donald‍ Trump⁣ is not one to shy away from defending ⁢his actions, especially when it comes⁣ to ‌his promise of ​”draining the swamp” during his first term in the White ⁣House. In a‍ recent⁣ interview with Fox News’s Maria Bartiromo on‌ Sunday​ Morning Futures, Trump‌ pushed back⁣ against the‍ notion that he ​didn’t fulfill this promise.

“I fired [former FBI ⁣Director‌ James] Comey. I fired‌ a lot of people. A lot of ⁢the people I had,‌ I fired. I ⁣fired‍ Comey‍ very early. And, you know, there was a question ‌as‌ to whether or ⁢not you⁤ could. But‌ I‌ fired‌ Comey. If I didn’t⁣ fire ⁣Comey, ⁢I don’t think ​I‍ would ⁤have been able to serve​ out my⁢ term because that was a plot.”

Bartiromo, not one ⁣to back⁤ down, questioned Trump about his ⁣track record of hiring staff​ members who later spoke‍ out‍ against him, such ​as former Attorney General Bill Barr and ‍former Secretary of Defense Mark ⁣Esper. ‍She asked what he⁤ would‍ do differently if ⁣he were to be elected for​ a ⁣second term.

“The mistake would be people,” Trump​ responded, ‍referring to‍ some of⁢ his personnel choices. “I ⁢mean,‌ I⁢ wouldn’t ⁣have put a guy like⁣ Bill ‌Barr; ⁣he was weak ⁤and ⁣pathetic. I wouldn’t‍ have⁢ put⁤ [former⁣ Attorney ​General] Jeff ​Sessions. And there are some people that ‍I‌ wouldn’t have put in. You know,​ most people⁢ were ⁣good, ⁣but I ⁣had some people… ​we had​ [former⁣ Secretary of Defense] ‍Mark⁢ Esper. I ⁢didn’t like him. He was incompetent. I thought⁣ we had other people ⁤I ‌didn’t ​like.”

Bartiromo pressed further, asking why Trump⁢ had chosen⁢ these individuals for ‌the ​job in the first place.

“I ⁢didn’t know the ⁤people,”​ Trump admitted. “I know the ⁢people now better‌ than anybody⁤ has ‌ever known. The‍ people I know, the good ones, the bad​ ones,‍ the ‍dumb ​ones, the smart ones.”

Despite the ongoing debates and criticisms, Trump⁣ remains⁢ non-committal about attending the first⁣ Republican presidential candidate debate. With a⁢ substantial ⁢lead ⁢ahead‌ of other GOP candidates, he believes⁢ he doesn’t need to​ participate.

A recent analysis of ​polls by RealClearPolitics shows Trump leading in‍ all of them,⁣ with⁤ an average of ‌53%. He holds a significant 32.4% lead ‌over‌ Gov. Ron‍ DeSantis, who ​polls at 20.6%.

Read more ‍from The Washington ⁢Examiner:

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