‘Don’t Go There’: Spider-Man Producer Warned Tom Holland and Zendaya Against Dating, But They ‘Ignored’ Her

Actors pretend to be other people for a living, but that doesn’t mean they can’t catch real feelings. Co-stars falling in love with each other is a tale as old as time and now it seems to have happened again. Only this time, the movie’s producer tried to warn the couple it was a bad plan.

“Spider-Man: No Way Home” has been making headlines in December mostly because it doesn’t suck. Unlike some other big releases for the season, “Spider-Man” managed to hit revenue targets and become one of the top 10 top-grossing films of the year. Some critics believe it’s because the franchise refuses to go woke. But no matter the reason, “Spider-Man” is a hit.

And profits aren’t the only success story to spring from this tale. Apparently, Tom Holland as Peter Parker and Zendaya as MJ have made some sparks of their own off screen. In an interview with The New York Times, Marvel head honcho Kevin Feige and “Spider-Man” producer Amy Pascal talked about how they thought actors hooking up in real life was a bad plan. She even tried to talk Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone, stars of “The Amazing Spider-Man,” into keeping their interactions professional. 

 “I took Tom and Zendaya aside, separately, when we first cast them and gave them a lecture,” Pascal said during the interview. “Don’t go there — just don’t. Try not to. I gave the same advice to Andrew and Emma. It can just complicate things, you know? And they all ignored me.” 

Garfield and Stone broke up after a few years. But Zendaya and Holland are just heating up, which is apparently very normal for co-stars in the “Spider-Man” franchise. Maybe there’s something about that skintight suit that leading ladies find irresistible.

The actors attempted to keep their relationship private at first, but photographers caught them kissing earlier in the summer. At the time, Holland expressed his frustration at being found out during an interview with GQ. 

“One of the downsides of our fame is that privacy isn’t really in our control anymore, and a moment that you think is between two people that love each other very much is now a moment that is shared with the entire world,” the 25-year-old actor said. 

“I’ve always been really adamant to keep my private life private, because I share so much of my life with the world anyway…we sort of felt robbed of our privacy,” he added.

Now that “Spider-Man: No Way Home” is blowing up in popularity, it seems like that privacy is out the window. Zendaya isn’t being shy about sharing her feelings, either. She recently posted an intimate photo of Holland on set that said, “My Spider-Man, I’m so proud of you, some things never change and good thing.”

As for Pascal, she’s probably just hoping things don’t fizzle before the next installment. Apparently Marvel is already working on another Spider-Man movie with Holland as the lead, and they won’t want a soured relationship ruining the success that the franchise is already enjoying.

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