Conservative News Daily

Doocy won’t let KJP blame Republicans for carjacking.

Doocy Refuses to Let KJP ‌Get Away with Blaming Republicans for Congressman’s Carjacking

It⁣ was an exchange that rivaled ⁣some of ‌most ​theater-of-the-absurd moments of Karine Jean-Pierre’s career.

The Baghdad Bob of the Biden administration on Tuesday tried to turn a question about the carjacking of Rep. Henry Cuellar ​on Monday into an⁤ attack on Republicans‌ in Congress.

But Fox News’ Peter Doocy didn’t let it go by.

The moment came during the daily White House news briefing, when a press secretary already known for flaming partisanship decided that when a Democratic congressman​ is carjacked in a Democratic ⁣city, where Democrats control all levers⁤ of government and all public⁢ services, that the group‌ that’s ⁣really to ⁣blame is … Republicans.

And‍ they’re to blame for⁤ failing to support‌ a‍ bill that the Democratic president signed into law more than two years⁤ ago, after it was passed by a Democratic Congress.

Check it out here.

According to the White‌ House jean-pierre-and-nsc-coordinator-for-strategic-communications-john-kirby-19/” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>transcript ​of the briefing, Doocy was following⁤ up‌ on another reporter’s question that asked whether President Joe⁢ Biden had a comment about the carjacking, and what the crime might say “more broadly” about “safety ⁣and crime in the District.”

Jean-Pierre answered⁢ that Biden had spoken ‌to​ Cuellar (presumably wishing him⁤ well, ​as do ⁤all ⁢decent Americans),‍ but then pivoted to an utter ⁢non sequitur, claiming that Biden “through the American ⁢Rescue Plan,” had made “billions of dollars” available​ at ​the local level “so that⁣ they can ‌make sure that their communities were safe.”

Apparently, it never occurred ​to the​ press secretary that the argument⁣ failed by its own logic, since the ‌topic of ⁣conversation ⁤proved at least one‌ community is‍ decidedly unsafe — the ⁣very Democratic Washington, D.C., where Biden received a Soviet-like 93 percent of the vote.

Doocy had the logical follow-up: “How are you going to blame Republicans for this?” ‍he‌ asked. “Isn’t ‍D.C. run by a ⁢bunch of Democrats?”

Jean-Pierre didn’t back‍ down:

“I’m going‌ to speak to what the President has done,‍ right?”‌ she ⁤said. “The ‍President has been ‌very, very straightforward about what​ he has done ‍to make sure that communities are safe.

“The American Rescue⁢ Plan — not one Republican in Congress voted for it. Not one.‌ There were billions of dollars in that‍ plan, in that — in that ‌act‌ to make sure communities​ across the country got funding so that they‍ can indeed hire more police officers⁤ so that they can keep their community safe.

“Republicans had nothing⁢ to do with that. They were not involved in that. They decided not to vote on the ‍American Rescue Plan. That’s just⁢ a fact.”

Jean-Pierre’s answer ‌had a surreal, Kamala ⁢Harris-esque quality to it: Apparently ‌spoken in English, it was ​made up of ⁢subject and⁣ verbs, articles and objects, in grammatical order. ⁢But‌ there was no⁣ there there.

Yes,‍ it is a fact⁣ that no Republican‍ voted ​for the American Rescue Plan — a‍ monstrosity of legislation ⁢supposedly aimed at battling the COVID-19 pandemic. But that’s a credit to the GOP,⁣ since, as⁢ Cuellar’s experience might show, it’s been about as effective at rescuing ⁢Americans as the Inflation⁤ Reduction Act has been ​at reducing inflation.

But that has about as much ⁤to do with the matter at hand as‍ the fact that the Kansas City Chiefs won the Super Bowl ‍in February.

The bill was‌ passed. It was signed into law. American communities ‌supposedly got safer. And Rep. Henry Cuellar got carjacked in D.C. on Monday, ​in an upscale neighborhood a mile from the Capitol.

Thanks to ​her Democratic Party affiliation, ⁣and no doubt the⁢ fact ⁣that she’s black, a woman and a lesbian, KJP tends to get a free⁣ pass from ​the White House media (the very group ⁣of Americans that should not be going easy on her).

But in the social media ⁣world, the audience is a lot ⁤tougher. And KJP was savaged.

And this one‍ asked​ the money question:

No one got a chance ⁣to ask Jean-Pierre ‍that. The press secretary wrapped up before many more questions could be asked — probably on purpose.

But the fact is, ⁢she was nailed. Doocy knew it as well ‍as every honest man or woman in that briefing room knew it.​ The‍ reckless Democratic⁤ spending bills of the⁢ first days of the Biden administration did nothing to advance the causes they claimed to, and everything to⁢ help induce⁣ the‌ crippling ⁤inflation Americans⁢ are ⁣experiencing today.

KJP’s “answer” to Doocy was a non-answer. Like‍ the non-answers that come out of the⁢ Biden administration for‌ every one of⁤ its policies,‍ whether ⁢at home, where it’s overseeing an invasion of illegal ⁣immigration of almost unimaginable proportions, ​or abroad, where ⁤it humiliated the country in Afghanistan, invited war in Europe ‌ and is allowing China to ⁣rival the United States in the Pacific and even get a toehold in​ the Western Hemisphere.

The problem for​ the country is the United ‌States’ future isn’t riding on the result of an exchange between⁤ Jean-Pierre and one of the⁣ few diligent‍ reporters left in the Washington press corps.

It’s ⁤riding‌ on the decisions of ‍a doddering, almost certainly corrupt​ president in the White House, backed by a political party that⁣ long ago⁢ stopped acting ‍like it had even a vestige of patriotism left in its ⁤platform.

When the curtain finally comes down on the Biden years, Americans aren’t⁣ going ​to be left ⁣with ‍the absurd.

They’re going to be ‌left with disaster.

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The post Doocy Refuses to Let KJP Get Away with⁣ Blaming Republicans for Congressman’s Carjacking appeared first⁢ on The ⁢Western Journal.

What did ‌Jean-Pierre’s‍ response say about ‌the Biden administration’s stance on safety and crime in the District

Doocy Refuses to Let KJP ‌Get Away ‍with Blaming Republicans for Congressman’s Carjacking

It⁣ was an exchange that rivaled ⁣some of ‌most ​theater-of-the-absurd ⁣moments of Karine⁣ Jean-Pierre’s career. ⁤The Baghdad Bob⁤ of‍ the Biden ⁤administration on Tuesday tried to turn a question about the ⁢carjacking of ‌Rep. Henry⁤ Cuellar‌ ​on⁣ Monday into an⁤ attack on Republicans‌ ‌in Congress. But Fox News’ Peter Doocy didn’t let ‍it go⁢ by.

The moment came during the​ daily ‌White House news‍ briefing, when⁢ a press ​secretary⁢ already known for flaming partisanship ‌decided that when a Democratic congressman​‍ is carjacked in a Democratic ⁤⁣city, where⁤ Democrats⁣ control all‍ levers⁤ of government‍ and⁢ all public⁢ services,‍ that the group‌ that’s ⁣really to ⁣blame is … Republicans.

And‍ they’re to blame for⁤ failing to support‌ a‍ bill⁢ that the​ Democratic president signed into law more than two years⁤ ago, after it was passed by a Democratic Congress.

According⁤ to‍ the ‌White‌ House transcript ​of the ‍briefing, Doocy was following⁤ up‌ on another reporter’s question that asked whether President⁣ Joe⁢⁤ Biden had a comment about the carjacking, and what the ⁤crime might say “more broadly” about “safety ⁣and crime ‌in the District.”

Jean-Pierre answered⁢ that Biden ⁤had spoken ‍‌to​ Cuellar (presumably ⁢wishing him⁤ well, ​as do ⁤all ⁢decent Americans),‍ but ​then pivoted

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