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Bird species to be renamed due to ‘racist,’ ‘misogynistic’ labels.

Ever wonder what all the birds are chattering about⁢ up there in ⁤the treetops?

Perhaps their ​feathers are ruffled over being named after slave owners,⁣ Confederate ​generals, and “misogynists.”

That’s evidently ‌the conclusion of the American Ornithological Society, which announced Wednesday that it is renaming dozens of‍ birds whose monikers have been deemed “exclusionary and​ harmful.”

“We need a much more inclusive and engaging scientific process that focuses attention on the unique features and beauty of the⁢ birds themselves,” AOS president Colleen Handel proclaimed in a ​ statement.

AOS executive director​ and CEO Judith Scarl added, “Exclusionary naming⁢ conventions developed in the 1800s,⁤ clouded by⁢ racism and misogyny,‍ don’t work for us today, and the time‍ has​ come for us to transform this process and redirect the focus to the birds,⁣ where it belongs.”

More than 100 species will be renamed, The New York Times reported.

So wave ​bye-bye to the Scott’s oriole, named for U.S. Civil War Gen. Winfield ​Scott, ‌who ⁢fought against slavery ​ for the Union side, but earlier ‍in his career supervised ⁤the relocation of ⁤Native Americans, according to ⁣the⁢ Times.

Previously on ‌the‍ chopping⁣ block, ​according to the Daily Mail, was the McCown’s longspur, named after​ Confederate Gen. John P. McCown and now known as the ⁢thick-billed longspur.

Even the Audubon’s shearwater — named for possibly the most famous⁢ birder of them all, John ⁣James Audubon — is ⁣going away.

Sure, Audubon was a talented artist ⁤and naturalist who went ⁣to ‍great lengths to document the birds ⁣found in 19th-century North America. But as a slave⁤ owner and opponent of abolition, Audubon’s political ‍views now disqualify him from having a species named for him.

Audubon is described by the National Audubon Society as “a genius, a‍ pioneer, a ⁣fabulist, and ‍a man whose actions reflected a⁤ dominant⁤ white view of the pursuit of scientific knowledge.”

“His⁣ contributions to ornithology, ‍art, and ‍culture ⁤are enormous, but ⁤he was a complex and​ troubling character who did despicable things even by the ‌standards of his day.”

The push to rename many of our feathered friends​ has had ornithologists all a-twitter for several ⁢years.

In⁤ 2020, a petition to​ change​ the‍ offending bird names was sent to​ the AOS, arguing⁣ that they “commemorate men who participated in a colonial, genocidal, and ‍heavily exploitative period of history.”

“These antiquated ⁢common names are ⁢harmful, unnecessary, and⁤ should be changed in the interest of a more welcoming ornithology,” the petition said.

So will the birds be renamed after current ⁤politically correct heroes?

Nope. Just to be on ​the safe side, the society determined it would restyle all species named after people.

The new practice — which only affects​ the common English names, not the⁣ Latin-based ‌scientific names ​— will draw on the habitat or characteristics of the birds themselves.

For example, according to the Mail, the Audubon shearwater’s new ‍name “will most⁤ likely be a reflection of its identifiable rounded wings or its geographical home near the coastline.”

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The post Dozens of Bird Species to be Renamed After Current Names ⁣Declared ‘Racist,’⁣ ‘Misogynistic’ appeared first on The Western Journal.

What factors are being considered when choosing the new names for the birds, and how do they differ from the ⁤previous naming conventions

-called “offending” names will be replaced ⁤with more descriptive and inclusive names that highlight the unique characteristics of the birds themselves. The goal is to create a more inclusive and engaging scientific ⁣process that‍ does‌ not ⁤perpetuate exclusionary and harmful narratives.

This decision⁣ by the American Ornithological Society (AOS)‍ to rename more than 100 bird species comes after ⁣years of discussions and petitions from ornithologists and bird‌ enthusiasts who have raised ⁤concerns about the ​problematic origins of certain bird names. Many of these names honor​ individuals who were slave owners, Confederate generals, and misogynists, which does not align with the values of‌ inclusivity and ‌diversity that the AOS wants⁣ to promote.

Among the species affected by this renaming⁤ initiative are the Scott’s oriole,⁣ previously named ⁤after‌ U.S. Civil War General Winfield Scott, who fought against ⁢slavery. However, Scott was⁣ also involved‌ in the relocation of Native‌ Americans, which has led to the reconsideration⁤ of perpetuating his ‍name on a bird species.

Another example is⁤ the McCown’s longspur, previously named after Confederate​ General John ⁢P. McCown. This name‌ has been changed to the thick-billed longspur, as it was deemed inappropriate to honor a figure associated with the Confederacy.

Even John James Audubon,​ the famous birder and naturalist, has not been exempt from this renaming effort. The Audubon’s shearwater, named after him, will be renamed due to Audubon’s history as a slave owner and his opposition to abolition.

While these individuals made ⁢notable contributions to ornithology, art, and culture, their problematic beliefs and actions​ disqualify them from being honored through bird species names. The AOS recognizes the complexity of their legacies‍ and acknowledges the need to break away ‍from historical naming conventions clouded by racism, misogyny, and exclusion.

The decision to rename these bird species has caused a buzz among ornithologists for‍ several years. A petition was sent to the AOS in 2020, urging⁤ them to change the offensive​ bird⁢ names that commemorate individuals involved in colonialism and ​genocidal ​periods of history. The petition ‌argued that these names are ‍harmful ‌and unnecessary,‌ perpetuating a narrative that does not align with the values⁤ of a more welcoming ornithology.

In response to these concerns⁢ and⁢ the growing need for inclusivity, the AOS has taken the initiative to transform the naming process. The⁤ focus will now shift towards highlighting the unique features and beauty of the⁤ birds themselves, ensuring that the⁣ names ​are descriptive and nondiscriminatory.

It is important to note that the new names will not ‍be chosen based on current politically correct figures or trends, but rather on features and characteristics that accurately represent each bird ⁤species.

By renaming these birds, the AOS aims‌ to create a more inclusive and engaging scientific process that respects the diverse and complex history of ⁢the avian world.‌ This decision reflects the organization’s‍ commitment to promoting inclusivity, diversity, and a greater understanding of the⁤ birds we share our world⁤ with.

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