Dr. Phil Asks Trump ‘Why Were You Spared?’ – God Still Has Good Plans for US, Former President Responds

In a recent interview with Dr. Phil McGraw, former President Donald Trump discussed his ⁤survival from a recent assassination attempt, attributing it to divine intervention. Trump suggested that there must be a “great power”⁤ at ⁢work, as he believes the odds of surviving such an incident are insurmountably low. ‌He recounted how a brief distraction during a⁣ rally⁣ caused a ⁤bullet to narrowly miss him. When asked ⁤if he⁣ believes this‍ was purposeful, Trump stated that “God loves our country” and implied ​that he has​ a significant role to play in ‌restoring the nation to a​ better state. ‍He emphasized his belief in God and the idea that his survival was meant to signify‌ that‍ he has more⁤ to accomplish for the country. Throughout the conversation,‍ he reiterated that his near-miss could not ​be⁣ attributed to chance but‌ instead was a sign of divine ​protection.

Former President Donald Trump told Dr. Phil McGraw in an interview published on Tuesday that he thinks he survived last month’s assassination attempt for a reason: to get the United States back on track.

“Why were you spared?” McGraw asked the Republican presidential nominee.

“There has to be some great power because you just can’t say ‘millions to one,’” Trump replied. “I used to say a million to one. It’s much more than that.”

He noted that he turned his head to refer to a graph on the big screen at the July 13 Butler, Pennsylvania, rally just in the fraction of a second needed for a would-be assassin’s bullet to graze his ear rather than kill him.

“Out of all the time we’re on this planet, it’s one-eighth of a second. So I shouldn’t be with you,” Trump told McGraw.

“Is there a purpose? Is there a reason you think you were spared?” the psychologist wondered.

“I mean, the only thing I can think is that God loves our country,” Trump responded. “And He thinks we’re going to bring our country back. He wants to bring it back. It’s so bad right now what’s happening.”

The 45th president said he believes the problems facing the United States “can be solved fairly quickly,” but it’s going to take new leadership.

“It has to be God,” Trump reiterated, regarding his survival. “How can you say it’s luck when it’s, you know, 20 million to one? … It’s the only position where that bullet could have missed.”

“You believe in God?” McGraw queried.

“I do,” Trump replied.

“You believe God’s hand was in this that day?” McGraw further inquired.

“I believe so, yeah, I do,” Trump answered.

“And you talk about the country. You believe you have more to do,” McGraw followed up. “You weren’t done. You were spared for a reason.”

“Well, God believes that, I guess. We’ll have to see,” Trump responded.

The day after the assassination attempt, Trump, like Ronald Reagan did in 1981, credited “God alone” with protecting him.

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