Education Insanity: Top 10 Stories Of The Week (Vol. 8)

Education Insanity: Top 10 Stories Of The Week (Vol. 8)

Welcome back to Education Insanity, a weekly column updating you on the most insane events taking place in our nation’s schools. Here we’ll delve into the growing presence of critical race theory, the ideology that claims that America is irredeemably rooted in racism, and “woke” culture.

Let’s get started.

10. Nebraska Department Of Education’s New Health Standards Would Teach Kindergarteners About Gender Identity – The Daily Wire

The Nebraska Department of Education released a new health education framework that would teach kindergarteners about sexual and gender identity. According to a draft of the “Health Education Standards,” kindergarteners may soon be learning about “cohabitating” and same-sex couples in the classroom. Examples of different family structures include “single parent, blended, intergenerational, cohabitating, adoptive, foster, same-gender, interracial.”

9. UCLA Student Government Creates Fund To Pay Illegal Immigrants Who Serve In Student Government – The College Fix

The student government at the University of California-Los Angeles (UCLA) passed legislation that will provide council members who are undocumented immigrants a financial stipend. UCLA’s Student Association Council unanimously passed a $23,000 fund called the “UndocuCouncil Member Stipend,” which allows undocumented students to be financially compensated for their work on the student council.

8. ‘Fat Sex Therapist’ Compares Fitness Trainers To Nazis, Children’s Dieting To Sexual Assault – Campus Reform

A Minnesota college’s Wellness Center and Women’s and Gender Studies Department hosted a “Fat Sex Therapist” who claimed that putting children on a diet is akin to sexual assault. “I experience diet culture as a form of assault because it impacts the way that I experience my body,” said Sonalee Rashatwar during a two-hour discussion about “radical fat liberation.”

7. Kentucky Gov. Vetoes School Choice Bill Despite Sending Kids To Private School – The Daily Wire

Kentucky’s Democratic Governor Andy Beshear announced that he will veto a state-wide school choice bill, despite the fact that he sent his children to private schools. During a press conference, Beshear said he will nix the “Education Opportunity Account Program,” which would allow Kentucky residents to take their school dollars to any school of their choice.

6. Catholic High School Fires Teacher After She Disputes Cause Of George Floyd’s Death – The College Fix

An Ohio Catholic high school theology teacher was fired after students released a video of her stating that George Floyd’s cause of death was disputed. Bishop Ready High School teacher Deborah DelPrince was initially placed on administrative leave following her comments about Floyd. She was subsequently fired following media and student backlash.

5. Professor Undergoes Mandatory Training For Tupac Shakur Reference – Campus Reform

A professor at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville was forced to undergo a racial sensitivity training session for referencing a rapper’s album that contained a racial slur in it. Africana studies professor Melissa Hargrove wrote the “n-word” above the acronym: “Never Ignorant About Getting Goals Accomplished,” when teaching about the title of a 1993 music album by rapper Tupac Shakur.

4. San Fran Officials Demand School Board Member Resign After She Claimed Asians Use ‘White Supremacist Thining’ To ‘Get Ahead’ – The Daily Wire

The Vice President of the San Francisco school board, Alison Collins, was asked to resign after tweets emerged showing Collins’ “anti-Asian bias.” The tweets show Collins accusing Asians of adopting “white supremacist ideology” and of working to become “model minorities” in order to take advantage of a “white supremacist” system that she claims is typically biased against people of color.

3. Ohio Public School Encourages Ninth-Graders To Read Graphic Sex Poetry – The Daily Wire

A public high school in suburban Ohio is asking ninth-grade students to read a slam poetry book that discusses a young girl abandoning her Christian faith, talking to drug dealers, and partaking in sexual acts. Hilliard Bradley High School is requesting that ninth-grade English students read a slam poetry book entitled “The Poet X.” The school has provided limited alternatives.

2. Teachers Union Honchos Infiltrate PTAs, Depriving Parents Of Their Own Group – The Daily Wire

The National Education Association (NEA) and the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) co-authored a letter opposing a push to open schools, writing, “The president should not be brazenly making these decisions.” A Daily Wire review of tax filing and labor disclosures provides clues as to why: Across the county, there is evidence that PTAs have been hijacked not only by teachers, but by teachers’ unions.

1. Minnesota Government To Teach Children That Minnesota Government Oppresses Them – The Daily Wire

The Minnesota Department of Education released a draft of its new social studies curriculum standards, which would racialize first-graders and teach high schoolers about the evils of “whiteness, capitalism, and Christianity.” The Department of Education’s standards committee has dubbed the new framework a “more inclusive approach to social studies education.”

Bonus: How To Stop Critical Race Theory In Your Local Schools: Advice From A School Board Member 

Got tips? Email me here: [email protected]

RELATED: Education Insanity: Top 10 Stories Of The Week (Vol. 7)

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