The epoch times

Arizona is in trouble, just as Eisenhower predicted.


I was⁣ born in October 1968 in an ‌Army hospital in Fort ​Leonard Wood, Missouri. My father‍ had just⁤ completed the Army’s Officers Candidate school and was preparing for likely deployment to Vietnam as an infantry officer. I mention this⁤ is because I have long had reason⁣ to ‍be ⁣interested⁣ in all things associated with the Vietnam conflict, including the ​reasoning for our nations significant investment in ‍money,‍ material,⁤ and most importantly ⁤blood, to stop the spread of ​communism.

One of the principle drivers of our nation’s⁤ position on ⁤communist expansion in Southeast Asia was President Dwight D. Eisenhower. In 1954, Mr. ​Eisenhower gave a⁤ speech that was the‌ first to⁤ reference ⁣the, “Domino ‍Theory.” The Domino Theory postulated⁤ that‍ one of the⁣ core ‍tenets⁤ of communism was⁤ world expansion, and that any nation that borders a communist state would be undermined, attacked, and ultimately find⁤ itself succumbing to communist control. ‌Without China’s direct ‌intervention⁣ and support of Ho Chi ‍Minh and⁢ North Vietnam, ⁣it’s likely⁢ that much ⁢of ⁣Southeast Asia would have stayed⁢ communist-free. ‍After the French debacle at Dien Bien Phu⁣ in 1954, United States foreign policy began the long walk towards physical⁣ involvement in‌ Vietnam.

Right now you’re asking, “What​ the ⁣heck does this have to do with Arizona?” Let ‍me tell you.‌ As a political refugee ⁣that spent his entire adult life supporting and defending the Constitution ⁣of the United States and⁤ the Constitution‌ of⁣ the ⁤state of ⁤California, watching the extreme⁢ violent left not only‌ throw⁣ away the sacrifices and achievements ⁣of the past, I can tell you their‌ leadership⁢ is actively exporting ‍a new variant ‍of Marxism to its neighboring states.‍ California’s leadership is ​behaving‍ like a nation-state, and it has begun to undermine ⁤the sovereignty‌ of its neighbor ⁢by providing aid, comfort, ‌and⁢ tangible monetary support for a growing but​ vocal⁤ minority of leftists in ⁢Arizona’s capital.

The ‍leftist special operations in Phoenix created a stronghold ‌for California to ​export ⁤and expand the “California variant” of neo-Marxism deeper into⁣ the nation. Look​ at where the majority of monetary ⁣donations‌ came⁤ from‌ for ​Katie⁤ Hobbs’s gubernatorial campaign. According​ to Ms. ⁢Hobbs’s own campaign⁤ finance ⁣report, the campaign received more money from out of‌ state than from ⁣within. Quite a ⁢bizarre ‌fact, unless you look at Arizona as being the next defense⁤ line against California’s ‌political influence. The governor of‍ California supported‍ Ms. Hobbs, California‍ Democratic PACs funneled⁢ money‍ directly to Arizona PACs supporting Ms. Hobbs, and⁢ everyone’s favorite Bond villain, the Soros family, donated directly to the ⁣campaign.

Combine the ⁣influx of non-Arizona funds, with the sudden‍ uptick of ballot problems in⁤ Maricopa County, ‌close your​ eyes and you get a ‍new Arizona Territorial Governor. ⁣Why do I say, “Territorial” ​Governor? Because Ms. Hobbs reports to⁤ her real boss in Sacramento and not⁤ the people of Arizona. Ms. Hobbs has adopted the California ⁢method of using grant funds to‌ silence potential detractors. Here⁣ is the scheme: Target potential critics of woke policies ​in⁣ law enforcement and the educational system by exploiting‍ every bureaucrat’s achilles heel, which is their⁢ budgetary problems resulting ‍from the never-ending desire ​to expand their empire.⁢ That is‍ how California⁣ Democrats⁤ turned Republicans into neutered RINOs—they bought them with ‍taxpayer funds.

Yes,‌ leftist Democrats went‍ all in ​to‌ defeat Kari​ Lake. ‍Their plan ​to ⁣wield influence depended on a governor⁢ they could control.‌ Ms.⁢ Lake‌ represents a resurgence in⁣ law and order, transparency, and a border. Ms. Lake’s‍ border plan was​ comprehensive and grounded ⁤in‍ the idea that you stop​ crime at the border, not ⁢thousand of‌ miles inside the ⁣nation. Fentanyl and human trafficking‍ across‍ Arizona⁢ and California represent the lion’s share of illicit for-profit ⁢border activity, and the left has their fingerprints on ⁣this very fragile‍ power block. Remember, Arizona is only one successful ballot count‌ away from bringing⁣ folks back ​into‍ the governor’s office who take their commitment⁤ to the Constitution⁤ seriously.

In the tradition of President Joe Biden and Gov. Gavin Newsom, Ms.‍ Hobbs immediately disintegrated the border strike force and moved its $17 million funding stream directly ⁤to woke educational investments. Step two was the creation of a $41 million dollar human trafficking grant⁤ pool. The money is ostensibly earmarked to support local law enforcement agencies across the ‌state in efforts to tackle challenges driven by the “border crisis.” The reality is that⁤ many ‍county law enforcement agencies have found themselves behind the budgetary eight⁤ ball due to mismanagement of‍ their existing budgets. This is exactly the play that Gov. Jerry‌ Brown and‍ Mr. Newsom ran in California as they ⁢peppered the state⁢ with misleading anti-law-and-order‌ bills. They subsidized California sheriffs into silence in ‍exchange for millions of dollars of grant‌ money.‍ Their silence‍ was interpreted as support by‍ the⁢ general‌ public.

There are 15 county sheriffs in the state of ⁣Arizona, ⁤and all belong to the Arizona Sheriff’s Association. This body is​ our last line ‍of defense in getting ‍the truth out about the ​cut-and-paste practices of the Hobbs administration. They need to prepare their ​agencies to be “sanction proof” if they want to be ‌able to speak the truth to those ‍in Washington and Phoenix. Acceptance of federal and ⁢state funds in exchange for a conciliatory, or even supportive tone, could mean that Arizona ⁢is​ the next domino to fall.

Views expressed in⁢ this‌ article are⁤ opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the ⁣views of The Epoch Times.

What were the reasons behind ⁢the United States’ significant investment ‌of resources in the Vietnam ​War?

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However, perhaps ‌we should have considered the ‍possibility that communism (and⁠ socialism) is ‌ultimately an untenable political and economic ‍system on ⁢its own⁡ merits. Long before the Domino Theory, the ⁢world had seen the ravages of communism in the form of the Soviet‌ Union. Despite Lenin’s vision of a utopian society, the reality was a dystopian nightmare⁢ of oppression, poverty, and mass murder. In fact, when Joseph Stalin died in 1953, tens of millions of citizens were dead as a result of political purges, forced collectivization, and brutal‍ repression. ⁢This was the true face of communism, hidden behind the veil of revolutionary fervor and​ class equality.

With this in mind, it seems somewhat‌ ironic that the United States would commit so⁤ much blood and treasure⁢ to ⁢prevent the spread of a failed ideology. Perhaps it was driven by a genuine fear of the Soviet Union and China spreading their influence throughout Southeast Asia, but looking back, it is clear that the ⁤communist threat was not as formidable as we imagined.

Additionally, the Vietnam War was a costly endeavor for the United States. The human toll was immense, with over 58,000 Americans losing their lives and​ countless others being physically and mentally ‍scarred. The financial cost was also staggering, with the U.S. spending over $173 billion on the war. This money could have been better invested in domestic programs, infrastructure, or education, ​rather than being poured into⁢ a war halfway around the world.

Furthermore, the war divided ⁣the American people and ‌sparked‌ widespread protests and civil unrest. The country was deeply divided between those who supported the war effort and those who opposed it.⁢ This division undermined national unity and created a sense of disillusionment and mistrust ⁣towards the government⁣ and its actions.

In‍ conclusion, while the intention behind ‍the United States’‌ involvement in the Vietnam War may have ⁤been noble – to prevent the spread of communism – the actual outcome⁢ was far from desirable. The war proved to be costly in terms of lives, money, and national⁣ unity. It also highlighted the limitations and failures of⁤ communism as a political and economic ⁢system. Looking back, it is clear that‍ the investment made in the Vietnam War did not yield​ the desired results, and perhaps a different approach could have​ been taken to address the communist threat.


The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of ​any agency or organization.

The‍ article presents a commentary​ on ⁢the United States’ involvement ​in the Vietnam ‍War. The author highlights their personal⁣ connection to the topic and expresses an interest in understanding the reasons behind the significant investment of resources, ‍including money and lives, to stop the spread of communism.

The Domino Theory​ is introduced as one of the main driving forces‌ behind the United ‍States’ ‍position on ‌communist expansion in Southeast Asia. According ⁤to this‍ theory, communism aims for world expansion, and any nation bordering a communist state would eventually succumb to communist control. The author suggests that China’s⁢ direct intervention and support of North Vietnam played a crucial role in ​the spread of communism in Southeast Asia.

However, the author questions ⁣whether communism is ultimately a flawed ideology, using the example of the Soviet ⁢Union’s oppressive rule under Joseph‌ Stalin. The author argues that the reality of communism was far from Lenin’s⁣ vision of a utopian society, with ‍millions of​ citizens ⁣suffering from political⁣ purges, forced collectivization, and repression.‍ This raises⁢ doubts about the rationale behind the United States’ commitment to preventing the⁣ spread‌ of a failed ⁤ideology.

The ‍article also ​highlights⁤ the costs of the Vietnam War. The human toll is emphasized, with over 58,000 Americans⁤ losing their lives and countless others‌ being physically and mentally scarred. The financial cost is also

Read More From Original Article Here: Eisenhower Was Right—Arizona Is in Trouble

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