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Election Day 2023: Officials Say Voting Machine Glitch Is Changing Some Votes

Election Day 2023: Officials Say Voting Machine Glitch Is Changing Some Votes

As Americans in​ several states went​ to the polls on Tuesday, a county ⁢in eastern⁤ Pennsylvania reported one of the most troubling issues any voter ⁤could ⁢worry about.

A​ vote cast‌ on⁤ whether ⁣to keep a sitting judge on the⁣ state’s Superior Court would be recorded‍ for another judge on the ballot, according to the Allentown Morning‌ Call.

County officials decided to ‍use provisional ballots briefly until a judge decided the flipped votes could be taken ⁢into account in the postelection canvassing process, another news outlet reported.

Officials in⁢ Northampton County, north of Philadelphia, posted a Facebook⁣ message about⁣ the problem.

The problem affected judicial retention races⁢ on the⁤ court, which is one​ step below the state Supreme Court.

On the ballot⁢ are Judges Jack Panella, a Democrat, and​ Victor P. Stabile, a Republican.

In‌ its‌ Facebook post, Northampton ⁤County said, “It appears that when‍ a ⁢voter​ selects a ‘Yes’ or a ‘No’ for one of the candidates​ for retention to ‍the Pennsylvania Superior Court, the selection is recorded ⁢on‍ the paper ballot and on the machine for the other candidate.”

The⁤ post stressed ⁤that the judicial retention race was the only‌ one where⁢ the issue arose. Also, the ​problem‍ appeared only if a voter​ wished to ‌retain‍ one of the judges but not the other.

“The issue is limited to the ‍retention ⁢of Superior⁢ Court judges and⁢ is only an issue when ‌recording the votes for when a voter selected a ‘Yes’ for⁢ one candidate and a ‘No’ for another,”⁤ the ⁢Facebook post said.

Poll workers were instructed by text⁢ message to notify voters about the problem, according to ⁣the post.

According to,​ machines were taken offline and ⁣voters received ‍provisional ballots​ for about an hour. However, once Northampton County​ determined that the problem affected ⁢only one race and that it ⁤was affecting that race on ⁣machines throughout the county, poll workers were notified by text​ to restart‌ the machines and notify voters of the problem.

“The ⁤uniformity also means it can be ‍corrected: ⁣When the votes are officially canvassed over the ⁤next several days, canvassers can assign votes for retention recorded on⁣ the voting machines, essentially reversing⁤ the flipped‍ votes to ‘reflect ‍the intent of the‍ voter,’”‌ according to a‌ court filing reported by the website.

According to‍, the chairman of the‍ Northampton County Republican⁣ Committee, Glenn Geissinger, said the party would appeal that decision.

The county’s Facebook page limited the ability of users to comment on its post.

But​ at a time when election integrity is in the national ‍spotlight,‍ the news got⁤ attention on social media from‌ across the⁤ country.

In Arizona, Abe Hamadeh, a Republican former attorney general ⁤candidate and‍ current congressional contender, ⁢posted a mocking note to‌ the social media platform X:

Northampton County’s chief executive,⁤ Lamont McClure said he was⁣ “livid”‌ at⁢ the problems at‍ the polls, ‌ reported.

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Were there any additional measures taken to promote transparency and ‌informed decision-making during the Election Day 2023 in Northampton County

You experience any voting machine glitches or irregularities during Election Day 2023? We would⁤ love to hear your story. ⁢Please share your experiences ‌with us ⁢in the ​comments section below.

Election Day⁤ 2023 in the United States was not without‌ its fair share​ of problems, as officials reported a concerning ‌voting machine glitch that was changing some votes. In Northampton County,‍ located in ⁢eastern Pennsylvania, ‌voters experienced a troubling ​issue that undermined the‍ integrity of their votes.

According to the ⁣Allentown Morning​⁣ Call, a vote⁤ cast on⁢ whether to keep a sitting judge on ⁤the state’s Superior Court was being recorded for another judge​ on​ the ballot. This error raised concerns about the‌ accuracy and fairness of the ‌election process.

County officials took immediate action to ​address the problem. They decided ⁤to use provisional ballots briefly until a judge could determine‍ if the ‍flipped votes could be taken into account during the post-election canvassing process. The decision to use provisional ballots ensured that voters’ preferences were accurately‍ recorded and preserved.

Northampton County officials‌ promptly informed the public ⁤about the glitch through a ⁢Facebook post.⁤ They emphasized⁢ that the​ issue only affected the judicial retention races on the court, specifically involving Judges‍ Jack ⁢Panella (a Democrat) and Victor P. ​Stabile (a⁤ Republican). When voters selected “Yes” or “No” for one candidate, the selection was being recorded for the other candidate, causing a significant discrepancy.

The county’s poll workers were instructed to notify voters about‌ the problem, ensuring transparency and ‌allowing informed decision-making. Machines were taken offline temporarily, and voters were provided with provisional ballots ⁢to cast ​their votes correctly. After determining that the issue affected only ‌one race and was consistent‍ across the⁢ county’s‍ machines, poll‍ workers were instructed to restart the machines and notify voters of the problem.

To address the glitch, a court filing ⁤reported by

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