The federalist

Election integrity groups urge Wisconsin Republicans to reject harmful ranked-choice voting bills.

A Coalition of⁤ Election Integrity Organizations Warns Against Ranked-Choice Voting in⁤ Wisconsin

A coalition of election integrity ⁤organizations and grassroots activists is sounding the alarm about proposed legislation in Wisconsin that⁢ would implement ranked-choice voting ⁣(RCV) for the state’s congressional elections. RCV, also known as “rigged-choice voting,” allows ⁣voters to rank candidates in order of preference. If ⁣no candidate receives more than​ 50 percent of first-choice votes,⁤ the last-place finisher⁤ is eliminated, and their votes are redistributed to the voters’ second-choice candidate.

“Both ‘final five’ ‘jungle’ primaries and disastrous RCV are schemes that​ have made voting more difficult, reduced transparency, and put‌ confidence and ⁣certainty at risk when implemented in public elections. ⁣The result is an epidemic of ‌disenfranchised voters whose ballots no longer are counted ‍fairly and equally.”

In a letter ‌addressed⁢ to Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu, the coalition emphasizes the potential negative impact of Assembly⁤ Bill⁤ 563 and Senate Bill 528, which seek to establish a top-five RCV system for congressional primaries and general elections. The coalition argues that these bills would create confusing and costly electoral contests, undermining the integrity of Wisconsin elections.

The letter is signed by the heads of various organizations, including the Election Transparency Initiative, Honest Elections Project, Save Our ⁢States, and Voter Reference Foundation.

The Disenfranchisement ⁣and Undermining of RCV

The⁢ coalition’s letter highlights how RCV can disenfranchise voters, particularly through the concept of “ballot exhaustion.” This occurs when voters only select one candidate on their ballot, and those ballots are discarded because their‌ first choice did not win a majority in the first round.

“During ⁣Alaska’s 2022 ‌special election,⁤ nearly 15,000 votes were​ deemed ‘exhausted’ and discarded. Of these, over 11,000 were from voters who only voted for one Republican candidate.‍ Similar‌ circumstances were observed ‌in a ‍2018 Maine congressional race, where more than 8,000 ballots were deemed ‘exhausted’ and effectively thrown out.”

Furthermore, RCV can undermine the will of the electorate. In the Alaska special election, Democrat Mary Peltola won the seat⁣ despite nearly 60 percent of voters casting their ballots for a Republican. RCV also played a significant role in ⁢helping GOP Sen. Lisa Murkowski defeat a more conservative candidate in the same year. Similarly, Maine’s use of RCV propelled Democrat Jared Golden⁣ to victory over the candidate ⁢who initially received the most votes.

Left-wing activists and Democrat legislators are primarily advocating for RCV, with​ the intention of pushing U.S. politics to the left and⁢ empowering left-leaning politicians. The coalition’s letter and a report from the Foundation for Government Accountability highlight the partisan nature of RCV legislation,⁣ with‌ the majority of pro-RCV bills having only Democrat sponsors.

Wisconsin’s Decision ⁤and the‍ Call for Action

Currently, five states have banned the use of RCV in their elections. The coalition urges Wisconsin’s Republican leadership to follow⁤ suit and prohibit the implementation of RCV in the state.

“Now more than ​ever we need to safeguard the integrity of our elections, inspire the confidence of voters, and protect the right to vote in free ‍and fair elections they can trust, but the disastrous⁢ RCV scheme does precisely the opposite. RCV is an election⁢ integrity wrecking ball, is never workable and should always be prohibited—not expanded.”

Assembly Speaker Robin Vos and Senate Majority Leader Devin LeMahieu have not yet responded to requests for comment on their stance regarding RCV or their potential support for AB 563 or SB 528.

What is the argument made by the coalition regarding ballot exhaustion ⁤in ranked-choice voting and ‍its impact on ‍voter participation?

Emed invalid due to ballot exhaustion. These voters were effectively silenced and had no say in the final outcome of ⁣the election.”

The ⁤coalition argues that ranked-choice voting also poses a threat ⁢to transparency and accountability. With the redistribution of votes in subsequent rounds, it becomes difficult for voters⁤ to accurately track and understand the outcome of‌ the election. Additionally, the⁢ coalition asserts that RCV opens the⁣ door for potential manipulation and ⁣fraud, as the process of redistributing votes can be susceptible to errors or tampering.

Costly and Confusing Elections

The coalition raises concerns about ⁣the financial burden that implementing ranked-choice voting would place on the state of Wisconsin. They⁣ argue that the necessary infrastructure and systems‌ needed to fully implement RCV would require substantial financial resources that would be better allocated‌ to other important areas such as education and healthcare.

Furthermore, the letter notes that ranked-choice voting introduces complexity and confusion into the electoral process. ‍Voters may struggle to understand the ​mechanics of ‍RCV, and the potential for errors ⁤in tallying and redistributing votes adds further complications. The coalition‍ asserts that these factors would result in longer and more convoluted election processes, potentially discouraging voter participation.

Preserving the Integrity of Wisconsin Elections

The coalition of election integrity organizations and grassroots activists urges Wisconsin legislators‍ to consider the potential negative consequences of implementing ranked-choice voting. They ⁣emphasize the importance of⁤ preserving ⁤the integrity, ​transparency, and simplicity of the electoral process to ​ensure the fair representation‍ of all voters.

According to the coalition, “Wisconsin voters deserve a system that is straightforward and reliable, where their voices are heard and counted. Ranked-choice voting undermines these principles and introduces unnecessary complexities that risk disenfranchising ⁢voters and compromising the integrity of our elections.”

In⁣ conclusion, the coalition strongly advises against the adoption of ranked-choice voting in Wisconsin’s congressional elections. They‌ urge legislators to prioritize‍ the preservation of a fair and transparent electoral system that upholds the ‍fundamental principles of democracy.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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