Election Worker Tells CBS Reporter Democrats Are the Real Threat to Democracy

The article discusses how ⁢many Americans have come⁢ to distrust the mainstream ‍media and see through the false narratives portrayed by ​the establishment. In a video uploaded to YouTube, two Nevadans expressed their intention‌ to‌ vote for former President Donald Trump‍ in the⁣ 2024 election, going against the media’s portrayal⁣ of Trump as a threat to democracy. The article highlights‌ that these voters believe the real ‍threats​ to democracy come from COVID ‌authoritarians,​ promoters of ⁢mail-in ballots, and the ⁢Democratic Party. The piece also mentions a Nevada entrepreneur who plans to vote against ‍President Joe Biden but primarily in support of Trump,​ citing her ‍admiration for his strength in the face of​ relentless attacks. the article suggests that the American people are beginning to ⁣see through the ‍establishment’s narratives and are starting‍ to value truth⁤ and individual resilience.


By Michael Schwarz July 5, 2024 at 10:52am

Many Americans seem to have realized that the establishment’s media minions nearly always tell the opposite of the truth.

In a video uploaded to YouTube on Thursday, CBS News executive director of elections and surveys Anthony Salvanto spoke with two Nevadans who plan to vote for former President Donald Trump in the 2024 election, both of whom stood the establishment’s Trump-as-a-threat-to-democracy narrative on its head.

“I think there’s a threat,” retired aircraft mechanic and current election worker Gary Butcher said.

“Yeah? And the threat comes from?” Salvanto asked.

“I hate to say it this way, but from the Democrats,” Butcher replied after a deep breath.

“They put in a lot of laws here in Nevada because of COVID. And we have a Democratic-controlled legislature. They made that ruling that everybody got a mail-in ballot,” the retired mechanic added.

“So in your perfect world, everybody would show up in person to vote” Salvanto said in the declaratory tone interviewers often use in place of actual questions.

“Yes,” Butcher replied. He then explained that he worked the state’s 2024 Republican caucus, which featured voter IDs, paper ballots and same-day counting.

Democrats, of course, have staked everything on the false narrative that they stand as a bulwark against Trump’s anti-democratic ambitions.

Thus, it cannot please them to hear a perceptive voter in a presumptive swing state telling a CBS audience that COVID authoritarians and promoters of mail-in ballots pose the real threat to democracy.

Nor could it please them to learn that another perceptive voter has seen through their relentless, Soviet-style persecution of Trump.

Earlier in the segment, Salvanto spoke with Brooke Westlake, a Nevada entrepreneur.

Westlake explained that she plans to cast her vote against President Joe Biden, under whom the state of the country has declined to a condition that she rated as “two thumbs down, really bad.”

More importantly, however, she regarded her choice as primarily a vote for Trump.

“It’s definitely against Joe Biden,” she said. “But it’s way more in support of President Trump.”

Salvanto then asked a question about Trump that no establishment media figure ever asks about the corrupt and diabolical Biden.

“Is he somebody that you feel your kids can look up to? Is he somebody that represents your values?” Salvanto asked.

“Yes,” Westlake replied before explaining that she took her oldest child to a Trump rally. She also indicated that she hopes to meet Trump someday.

“I want to meet a strong individual who’s been attacked left and right. That takes — it takes a lot of guts when people keep coming at you,” she said.

Then came the question that Salvanto posed to Butcher.

“Do you think American democracy, as you think about it, is secure or threatened right now?” the CBS reporter asked.

“I don’t think that we have a free country right now,” Westlake replied.

Salvanto asked what she sees happening that would lead her to that conclusion.

“I see an influx of mental illness on children. I see parental rights being removed. I see open borders. I see no voter ID,” she said.

In sum, Butcher and Westlake together identified at least a half-dozen actual threats to democracy perpetrated by Democrats.

Of course, the most astonishing of those revelations — at least to an establishment media audience — might have been Westlake’s description of Trump as a “strong individual who’s been attacked left and right.”

Put simply, Democrats did not count on Americans seeing through their banana republic-style persecution of Trump. Nor did Democrats expect that ongoing persecution by Democratic Party operatives would turn Trump into a sympathetic figure.

Above all, Democrats could never have imagined that their bogus Trump-as-a-threat-to-democracy narrative would boomerang on them.

It turns out that when you embrace totalitarian madness and lies, as the Democrat-led establishment and its media minions have done, people raised to think of themselves as free citizens will eventually notice.

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