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Elizabeth Warren’s Indigenous Peoples Day commemoration fell short.

Elizabeth Warren’s Attempt ‍to Commemorate ‘Indigenous Peoples Day’ Didn’t Go So Well

Elizabeth Warren should have learned by now to take a holiday from social‍ media this time of year.

The Massachusetts senator — ⁣and the country’s most famous‌ American of negligible-American-Indian-descent — has been spent the past few years making ⁢a laughingstock of herself ⁢every October by taking yet another⁣ courageous stand on⁢ behalf of “Indigenous Peoples Day.”

And ‍on Monday, ⁣it only got worse.

Warren brought it ⁣on herself — again — by publishing a social media post celebrating “Indigenous Peoples ‌Day,” the contemporary, bastardized version of the venerable Columbus Day.

“On #IndigenousPeoplesDay, we celebrate⁢ the resilience, sovereignty, and rich cultures of Native communities,” she wrote. “But​ the federal government has long failed to fulfill its obligations ⁢to tribal nations. We must⁣ do more to honor and uphold​ our promises ⁤to Native peoples.”

And blah and blah and blah.

Social media users familiar with Warren’s background weren’t buying it:

“She really has no shame, does ‌she?” one wrote.

No, she clearly doesn’t.

Warren, as most Americans might recall, is the law-professor-turned-hectoring-politican ⁤who parlayed ​high ⁤cheekbones and what she claimed was family ⁣lore ⁢into a⁢ career-benefiting masquerade as⁤ a ⁤woman of Native American descent.

That decades-long fantasy ‌finally exploded when​ Warren took a DNA test that showed she’s ​actually between 1/64th‍ and 1/1024th ​Native American. That’s about the same infinitesimal genetic ‍connection that countless other Americans have with American⁢ Indians without⁢ making it ⁣a central, deceptive part of their lives.

But deception is pretty much Warren’s m.o., though. Another whopper about being fired in ⁣the early 1970s for being pregnant didn’t hold up ⁣ to scrutiny ⁢either.

Normal human beings who are caught publicly lying about specific issues don’t‍ go out of their way‍ to get ⁢mixed up ​in them in the future ⁤— the way recovering ‌alcoholics don’t⁢ go out ⁣of their way to be around liquor. Because bad things tend to⁣ happen.

So for a normal human being, caught lying about Indian ancestry, ⁤the annual coming of Columbus Day — and its ⁢woke iteration of “Indigenous Peoples Day” — would be a fine time to take a day⁢ from making pronouncements.

Does Christopher Columbus deserve his holiday?

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The world‍ can get⁢ along just fine without comment‍ from every Jack​ and‍ Jill with an iPhone and an⁣ app.

But ‌Warren is⁢ Warren (or, as former President Donald Trump might put ⁤it, “Pocahontas is Pocahontas”). And even though her past comments on Columbus Day (or “IPD”) have made her the target of social ‍media scorn, she plunged in again.⁤ And, as in that apocryphal definition of insanity, the result was the‍ same:

And then there was this one, which really pretty much said it all about Warren’s‍ “Indigenous Peoples Day” post:

Yep,⁣ it’s Columbus Day. Named for the great‌ navigator of the 15th century whose greatest ⁤contribution to the Western world was bravery.

He might not have ‍landed ⁤where he thought⁢ he‍ would, but if Christopher Columbus hadn’t had the courage to try to find​ a way to reach the riches of ⁣Asia without⁣ fighting ‍through⁣ the Muslim navies that controlled the waters ⁢east of ⁢Europe,⁤ he would never have landed‌ in the Western ⁤Hemisphere. And the landing​ of Columbus in the New World sparked‍ what led to the creation⁢ of the United States — ‌a nation founded ⁢on​ the principle of human liberty, ‍God’s ​greatest gift to mankind.

It’s⁣ a‌ holiday Columbus deserves. It’s a holiday that ⁢deserves to retain ⁣its original name.

And it’s a holiday that Elizabeth Warren definitely needs ⁣to take off.

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The post Elizabeth Warren’s ⁤Attempt to ​Commemorate‍ ‘Indigenous Peoples Day’ Didn’t Go So Well ‍ appeared first on The Western ‍Journal.

Why do some social⁣ media users view ​Warren’s attempt to commemorate ⁢Indigenous ⁣Peoples Day as ⁤a mockery of her ‌heritage

⁤Elizabeth Warren,⁤ the Massachusetts senator who claims ⁣to ⁣have​ Native American ancestry, has once again faced backlash for her attempt to commemorate ​”Indigenous Peoples Day.” Warren has ⁤spent⁣ the past few years⁢ using this occasion to‍ make what some view as‍ a mockery of her heritage.

On Monday, Warren posted a social media ‍message celebrating “Indigenous Peoples ​Day,” ⁣which ⁤is a contemporary ⁤version of Columbus Day. In her⁤ post, she highlighted the resilience, sovereignty, and rich cultures of Native communities ‍while criticizing the federal ⁤government⁢ for not fulfilling its obligations​ to tribal ⁢nations.

However, social media users familiar with Warren’s background were quick to call her out. One user wrote,‌ “She ⁢really has no shame, does she?” This criticism‌ stems from Warren’s controversial claim of Native⁢ American⁢ heritage, which she used to her advantage​ during her academic‌ and‌ political career.

Warren’s claim of ‌Native American ⁤ancestry was debunked when she took a ⁢DNA test, which revealed that she ​is only between 1/64th and 1/1024th ⁢Native American. ⁣This minuscule genetic‍ connection is‍ shared by many other Americans ‌without using ⁢it to falsely ⁤identify as Native American.

Deception seems to be⁤ a recurring theme in Warren’s career. She has ⁢been ‍caught ​lying about various issues, such as being fired for being⁣ pregnant in the 1970s. ‌These ⁤incidents raise questions about‍ her credibility and trustworthiness.

One would think that ⁢someone ‍caught publicly lying ‍about their⁣ heritage would avoid getting involved ⁣in discussions surrounding ⁢Indigenous Peoples⁤ Day.⁣ However, ⁤Warren seems‍ to have a‌ penchant for

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