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Elizabeth Warren’s Claim About Rising ‘Islamophobia’ Blows Up in Her Face

Elizabeth Warren’s Claim About Rising ‘Islamophobia’ Blows ⁤Up in Her Face

Massachusetts Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren made a desperate attempt to appeal to Muslims whose support ​for Warren’s party is​ flagging with an X post claiming that there is a​ “surge” in hate for Muslims in the U.S.A.⁣ today. But it didn’t take long for commenters to destroy ⁢her claims.

The far-left Warren jumped to her X account on Tuesday to take aim at all that mythical Islamophobia she claims is surging across the U.S.

Firstly, Warren’s proclamation of rising ⁤“hate” against Muslims is not really borne out much by the reported crime rates.​ As corrupt as the FBI is, ‍even the ‍bureau says that hate crimes against Muslims are tiny in number compared to the attacks on Jews in ‍America.

According to the FBI’s hate crimes database, anti-Muslim hate​ crimes totaled 158 last year. Meanwhile, there ‍were 1,124 reported‍ hate crimes ⁤against Jews. That is a significant difference.

Warren’s X post also suffered from some very bad timing — ​at least it was bad timing to support her claims.

The very same day she ⁢was⁣ bloviating about a ​supposed rise in hate against Muslims, the nation was just learning that Palestinian protesters attacked and murdered a Jewish man in Thousand Oaks, California. It was an incident that X users were quick to use to prove that Warren was talking out of ‌her ‍backside.

According to witnesses, a pro-Hamas terror supporter used a⁢ megaphone ⁣to attack 69-year-old Paul Kessler after which he fell down and smashed his head ⁢against the concrete street. The blow led to Kessler’s death.

Many others also blasted ⁣the fake Indian senator, one even calling her “evil.”

Another pointed‌ out​ that it ⁢is fair game to criticize Islam.

“People ‍have the right to⁢ criticize Islam. Islam is an ideology. ⁤Attempting to pass any sort of legislation that attempts to circumvent that is 100% absurd and counter to freedom,” Dr. Sydney Watson wrote.

Naturally, Warren’s post was an attempt to pander to pro-Hamas Muslims who have begun⁢ saying that they will ⁤no longer vote for the Democrats.

But her claim ​is a massively absurd one. There is no measurable rise in so-called “Islamophobia” in the⁤ U.S. On the other hand, ⁤there is a clear rise in antisemitism in our⁢ big cities, in our halls of government and in our⁣ institutes of higher learning. If you want to worry about a rise ⁣in hate, it is​ the latter ⁢that should concern you.

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The post Elizabeth Warren’s Claim About Rising ‘Islamophobia’ Blows Up in Her Face appeared first on The Western Journal.

What does the FBI’s hate crimes database reveal⁣ about the reported hate ⁣crimes against Muslims compared to Jews in the United States?

Lled “Islamophobia” in the United States. In fact, the reported crime ⁢rates‍ show that hate crimes against Muslims are significantly lower than those against⁤ Jews. Elizabeth Warren’s assertion that there is a “surge” in hate for Muslims is simply unfounded.

Warren’s statement on social media was met with immediate criticism, with many commenters pointing out the lack‍ of evidence to support her ​claims. The FBI’s hate ‍crimes database reveals that there were only 158 reported anti-Muslim hate crimes last year, compared​ to 1,124 ‌reported ⁣hate crimes against Jews. This stark difference in numbers clearly undermines Warren’s ⁤argument.

Furthermore, the timing ‍of Warren’s post could not have ​been worse. On the same day ‌she was lamenting the alleged rise in hate against Muslims, news broke of a Jewish man being attacked and murdered by Palestinian protesters in California. This incident was swiftly seized upon by social media users as evidence contradicting Warren’s claims.

Witnesses reported that a pro-Hamas supporter‍ used a megaphone to attack 69-year-old Paul Kessler, causing him to fall and fatally injure himself. This tragic event further highlights ⁢the need to address ⁤all forms of hate, including anti-Semitic acts committed by individuals associated with certain causes or ‌ideologies.

Critics of ‌Warren also took​ issue with her attempt to suppress criticism of Islam. They⁤ argued that people have the‌ right to express their opinions about any ideology, including Islam, and that‌ any legislation aiming to restrict this would be a direct infringement on freedom‍ of speech.

It is evident that Warren’s post was nothing more than a desperate attempt to pander to a specific group of voters. As pro-Hamas Muslims express their discontent with the Democratic ‍Party, Warren’s unsubstantiated claims‌ about rising Islamophobia seem to be a calculated move​ to win back their support.

However, the reality is that there is no significant increase in Islamophobia in ⁢the United States. To ⁢make such a claim without any factual basis is not only misleading ⁣but⁤ also a disservice to the communities affected ⁣by real hate ​crimes.

In conclusion, ⁢Elizabeth Warren’s assertion of a​ surge⁤ in hate for Muslims is without evidence and contradicted​ by reported crime rates. The incident of a Jewish man‌ being attacked and killed by Palestinian protesters further undermines her ⁤claims. It is crucial to address hate in all its forms, but making ​unfounded statements for political gain only distracts from ‌the⁣ real issues at hand.

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