The federalist

Elon Musk Agrees With The Federalist’s John Davidson On The Dangers Of Big Tech Censorship, But Won’t Unban Him On Twitter

Elon Musk and John Daniel Davidson, Senior Editor at Federalist, agreed that social media moderation is often sinister. It allows the federal government to illegally and secretly censor individuals. Despite Musk’s bold statements, Davidson is still banned from Musk-owned Twitter because of an ideological thought crime. Musk has yet to make any move to reinstate Davidson. “free speech” Campaign for the brand.

Jay Bhattacharya, a Stanford University physician, epidemiologist and health economist, shared his experience. article written By Davidson on Twitter, with a quote taken from Davidson’s article: “The entire concept of ‘content moderation’ is a euphemism for censorship by social media companies that falsely claim to be neutral and unbiased … They provide cover for a policy of pervasive government censorship.”

I should have stated more clearly in my original post that content moderation is something I do not support for science, medicine, or policy issues. Sorry for not being more clear.

— Jay Bhattacharya (@DrJBhattacharya) February 19, 2023

Musk responded to the Tweet, agreeing with Davidson’s statement and writing, “There is harmful content moderation too, but yes.” Bhattacharya answered back to Musk, “Yes, content moderation to remove violent threats, child porn, etc. is good. Government induced viewpoint discrimination on scientific and policy matters not so much.”

Yes, content moderation to remove violent threats, child porn, etc. is good. Government induced viewpoint discrimination on scientific and policy matters not so much.

— Jay Bhattacharya (@DrJBhattacharya) February 19, 2023

Davidson remains banned since last March, and his suspension has nothing to do with the “harmful content” that Musk mentioned. There were no “violent threats” nor “child porn” involved. Davidson was banned for stating the biological fact that Rachel Levine, the Biden Administration’s transgender assistant secretary for health, is a man. 

Davidson was told by pre-Musk-owned Twitter that his truthful Tweet amounts to “hateful conduct” and was given the option to either remain banned or delete the tweet, whereby he would acknowledge that he “violated the Twitter rules.” In other words, he would only be allowed back on Twitter if he showed contrition to the tech giant by self-admitting he had been hateful. 

[READ: Twitter Locked My Account For Telling The Truth About Rachel Levine]

Of course, Davidson refused to participate in Twitter’s re-education exercise, which is why he remains banned to this day—even under Musk’s supposed “free speech absolutist” platform. The Federalist’s Editor-in-Chief, Mollie Hemingway, and CEO and Co-founder Sean Davis pointed out the irony in Musk maintaining the ban on Davidson yet agreeing with him on the dangers of Big Tech censorship. So far, Musk has not responded to any of the numerous appeals that he unban Davidson. 

The author of that article has been locked out of his Twitter account for more than a year for calling a man a man. Please fix this. @johnddavidson

— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) February 19, 2023

Since you cede @johnddavidson‘s point, would be good for you to unlock his locked Twitter account. Brutal attack on freedom of press and speech

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