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Hunter Biden sues Rudy Giuliani for ‘Laptop from Hell’ incident.

Embarrassed ⁤Hunter Biden Sues⁢ Rudy Giuliani‍ Over ⁤’Laptop from Hell’

When‌ steadfast Christians find themselves with their​ backs against the wall, they can seek comfort and inspiration in Psalm 143, “Rescue me, Lord, from ‍my ‌foes, for I​ seek ​refuge⁤ in you.”

When disgraced sinners‍ who ‌refuse to ⁣repent find ‍themselves ⁤in big trouble, instead of turning to God, they turn ​to‍ the ​courts. It’s worth a shot. The courts,‌ like all‌ of our once-vaunted⁤ institutions, have been corrupted by the cancer of ⁢leftism. The pernicious ⁣critical race theory,⁤ after all, originated in law schools.

Hunter Biden is a prime example. The by-default first son of doddering⁤ President Joe Biden — who somehow ‌ascended ⁤to the presidency in 2020 —⁣ has his back against‌ the wall. He’s under legal scrutiny ​for a federal gun case, ⁣funny business ⁢with his taxes and a documented history of⁢ shady business dealings.

The publicly disgraced wannabe artist has opted ‍to go on‌ the offensive as of‌ late by filing a number⁢ of lawsuits.

In the latest⁣ move, his legal team on Tuesday filed a lawsuit in the​ U.S. District Court in California. The suit alleges that former New York Mayor⁢ Rudy Giuliani, a prominent ally of⁢ former President Donald Trump, and Giuliani attorney Robert ‍Costello are‌ guilty of computer fraud​ and data hacking, according to The Associated Press.

Here’s the kicker: The ‍suit is focused ​on the infamous‌ laptop Hunter left⁢ at a Delaware computer repair shop in April ⁤2019, what New‌ York⁤ Post columnist Miranda Devine memorably christened the “laptop from hell.”

According to the⁤ New York​ Post,​ an IRS whistleblower said the FBI had⁣ “verified” the‌ authenticity of the abandoned laptop by November of 2019. Assuming ‍this is true, there should ⁤be no denying⁢ the pictures of Hunter half-naked doing drugs with prostitutes⁢ are real. But Hunter Biden’s team is still trying.

The new lawsuit argues “the data claimed to have been found on the laptop was tampered with both before and after⁢ it landed in​ the hands of Mr. Giuliani and Mr. Costello – leaving it unrecognizable to its ⁤apparent owner Hunter,” ⁤as reported by the ‌U.K. ​Independent.

Giuliani and Costello supposedly participated in the “total annihilation” of Hunter’s⁤ “digital ‍privacy” and “data,” the lawsuit claims.

“For ‍the past many ⁣months and‌ even ‍years, Defendants have dedicated an ​extraordinary amount ‌of⁣ time and energy toward looking for, hacking into, tampering with, manipulating, copying, disseminating, and generally obsessing ⁢over data that they were given ‌that was ‍taken or stolen from Plaintiff’s devices⁢ or storage platforms, ⁣including ⁤what Defendants claim to have obtained ⁢from Plaintiff’s alleged ‘laptop’‍ computer,” the suit claims.

The lawsuit alleges that Hunter‌ Biden’s data “was⁣ manipulated, altered and ⁣damaged before it was copied ⁤and sent ⁣to”‌ Giuliani and Costello. The suit‍ goes on ‍to accuse the‍ two men of⁢ hacking into the computer and then tampering with some of Hunter’s personal ⁣data.‌ If the data ⁢was manipulated before it got to⁤ Giuliani, ⁣how‌ would it be determined⁣ that Giuliani ⁣also manipulated it? More confusion.

According to NPR, the lawsuit claims ‍Giuliani never had possession‌ of ⁤Hunter’s ⁤laptop. Instead,⁤ he had Biden’s “external drive” that they called⁣ a “laptop.”

But‍ it has been known from the start that Giuliani ‍never had the laptop ‍— that ​what he gave to the New York Post in the‌ fall​ of 2020⁣ was ⁣a copy ‍of the laptop’s hard ⁢drive.

“The lawsuit notes that the complaint is not an admission⁣ by Biden that his laptop was obtained by a‍ Delaware⁣ computer‍ repair shop ⁣owner; simply that ⁤the ⁣owner of the store​ obtained ‌data, some ‍of⁣ which belonged to the president’s son,”⁢ according to⁢ NPR.

So, the data in question is Hunter’s but the​ laptop — allegedly authenticated ⁤by the FBI — isn’t?⁢ Giuliani didn’t get the data off the laptop but an external drive, but the personal ‍information ⁢did ‍belong to ‍Hunter and Guiliani and his fiendish‌ crew then ​manipulated it? Is that the argument being made? ⁣That’s where playing semantics can get you⁢ in trouble. It⁣ doesn’t add up.

I’m having a hard time following this. Maybe the Russians had something to do with the external drive? That’s how a post on X, the‌ social media ⁢platform formerly called Twitter, mocked the ⁤latest suit.

Or maybe‌ Giuliani and crew deleted exculpatory ‌evidence like ⁢Hunter ⁤Biden’s “leading bible study & doing volunteer ⁤work at orphanages,” as⁢ former Green Beret and author Jim Hanson wrote sarcastically in an X post.

The real problem⁣ for Hunter and his team here will be ⁣that⁣ in claiming that some of ⁣the information presented⁣ as coming from his laptop, they’re setting themselves up to proving what information on the hard drive is true.

Considering there’s been no credible evidence ⁤put forward ⁤yet that any of the‍ information from the ​laptop has⁤ been falsified,‌ that⁢ could⁢ well mean eventually ⁤proving in court that everything that’s been⁢ presented ‍as being on the laptop is actually true.

And that will‍ mean this move has backfired badly.

Maybe Biden and his ⁣team of lawyers​ are taking a calculated risk and the case ​really doesn’t need ⁤to make a whole lot⁣ of sense. The‍ suit was filed in California, ‌a ⁣snakepit of Trump-haters who will do anything to⁢ protect their ‍own —​ no matter how vile.

And if the woke lawyers and​ judges don’t get Giuliani and crew, ⁢maybe the⁣ jury will. Remember, Californians keep electing people like Adam Schiff and‌ Nancy Pelosi. ⁤And, yes, Hunter is asking⁤ for a jury⁣ trial, according ⁢to The Independent.

The suit may be ⁢even more cynical than ⁢that. The overall strategy ⁤could be to bankrupt Giuliani and those⁢ who oppose the ​left. In March, Hunter’s team sued the owner of ​the computer repair shop where the laptop⁣ was abandoned.

Earlier this‌ month, Hunter’s attorneys also filed ⁤a lawsuit against Garrett ⁢Ziegler — a​ former Trump White ⁢House aide — over the same laptop.

Hunter’s lawyers also have sued the IRS for allegedly releasing his private tax information illegally ⁣because two‌ IRS whistleblowers came forward with damning information.

In the end, the message may​ be that poor‍ little rich boy Hunter Biden doesn’t like to be publicly embarrassed — ‌he reserves private time for embarrassing himself ⁤with repeated debaucheries. If you come after him, he’ll come after you, no matter how ludicrous the strategy.

Sloppy Joe himself said ⁣it best, “Nobody f**—s ⁤with a Biden.”

At this point in the game, blatant intimidation through sham use of the courts ⁣may be the only strategy the Bidens ⁢have ‌left.

Rescue me, Lord, from the corrupt,‌ for I seek refuge in you.

The ‌post Embarrassed Hunter Biden Sues⁣ Rudy Giuliani Over ‘Laptop ⁢from Hell’ appeared first on The Western Journal.

Spite of his questionable past and potentially corrupt business dealings, Hunter Biden’s⁣ actions have once again brought​ embarrassment to the ‍Biden family. His decision to sue Rudy Giuliani ​over the alleged defamatory statements made about him and⁣ his involvement with the infamous​ laptop has raised several questions ⁢surrounding the⁣ situation.

Embarrassed Hunter Biden Sues Rudy Giuliani Over ‌’Laptop from Hell’

When​ individuals‌ find themselves ⁢in difficult⁤ situations, they often turn to sources⁢ of⁣ comfort​ and inspiration. ⁢For steadfast Christians, Psalm 143, which asks⁤ the Lord for rescue from enemies, provides solace. ⁤However,​ there are those who, instead of reaching out to God, seek ⁢refuge in the courts when faced with ⁢trouble. ⁤Unfortunately, the courts have‍ been tainted ‌by the ⁢influence of leftism, just like many other esteemed institutions. This can⁤ be‍ seen in the prevalence of critical race theory, which originated in law schools.

One such ⁣individual‍ who has chosen the path of litigation is Hunter Biden. As the son of President Joe Biden, who surprisingly⁢ rose to power ⁣in

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