The federalist

Republicans are unable to abandon the weaponization battle due to ongoing Trump indictments and jail threats.

The Deep State’s ​Relentless Efforts ⁣to Undermine the 2024​ Presidential Election

Is the ⁣Deep State Trying to ‍Jail Trump?

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The⁤ deep ‍state’s incessant ⁢attempts ‌to undermine the 2024 presidential⁤ election by throwing President ‌Joe Biden’s ‍number⁢ one political ‌enemy in ‍jail is‌ getting old.‍ It ‍seems like every day, Biden⁣ bureaucrats and ⁢Democrats‍ manufacture ⁢new justifications for why former President Donald Trump deserves‍ to be‍ behind bars.

“Deranged Jack ⁢Smith,⁣ the ⁢prosecutor with​ Joe⁢ Biden’s DOJ,⁣ sent a letter … ⁣stating that I ⁣am a​ TARGET​ of the January‌ 6th Grand Jury investigation, and⁤ giving me a ⁤very⁤ short ‌4⁣ days to report to ⁣the Grand⁤ Jury, which‌ almost always ⁣means⁢ an ⁤Arrest and an Indictment,”⁢ Trump ⁣announced‌ in a Truth⁤ on ⁣Tuesday.

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Questionable ‌Reasoning ‌Behind the Partisan⁣ Push

The ​reasoning behind the⁢ partisan push to knock Trump⁤ out⁣ of the ⁢presidential run‌ is often ⁣toothless, something even anti-Trump ​pundits and ‍lawmakers​ admit. In this⁢ particular case, the Biden‌ administration ⁣is ‍attempting⁢ to try Trump for⁢ actions ⁣on January⁢ 6⁤ he ‍was ⁣already cleared of ‌by ‍the ⁣Senate.

“Smith will ‌be ​hard-pressed‌ to ⁣concoct ⁤a ​crime Trump committed related to Jan. 6, with the‌ former president’s ⁢speech ‍constitutionally protected and ⁣his​ legal theories, even if flawed, insufficient to create⁤ criminal ⁢liability,” Federalist Legal Correspondent ​Margot ⁢Cleveland⁢ wrote in ⁤April.

Clearly, the deep state is​ willing to try anything to keep Trump ⁤and his voters ​from regaining power because they⁤ pose ⁣a threat ​to the ‍current unconstitutionally-inclined regime.

Democrats​ and ‌corporate⁣ media‌ are‍ so committed ‍to this goal that ⁤they didn’t even‍ try to ⁢hide⁤ their ​desire ‍to⁤ change election⁤ outcomes. ⁤Some‍ propaganda press ‌outlets are⁤ already ⁤attempting ⁣to blame Trump and ​his lawyers for fighting back against ‍the ‍influx​ of indictments.

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The Fight ⁣Against Corruption

“Trump ⁤Lawyers ​Seek Indefinite Postponement of Documents Trial,” one ​New‌ York Times headline from⁣ last week reads.

The⁣ NYT can complain all it ⁢wants​ about Trump’s ​attempts to ‍move his ⁢trial so as not ⁤to‍ disturb his ⁤third presidential ⁤run. But ‌what the article completely⁣ failed ⁢to mention ‌is that it was ⁣the​ Biden administration, ‌not⁣ Trump,‍ that​ purposefully loosed its‍ brazenly partisan ⁢scheme​ in​ the ‍middle of‍ the ⁤2024 election cycle‌ in the‍ first⁣ place. Democrats⁤ deliberately disrupted the‌ presidential election in‍ 2016, they ⁢did it again in⁤ 2020, and they ⁤are ‍doing ‍it ​again in 2024.

A Harvard-Harris‌ poll ⁢conducted in June‍ signals Americans aren’t ‍buying⁤ the⁢ administration’s ‍lame‌ excuses to⁤ cover for their rigging.⁣ A majority, ⁣56‍ percent, of ⁤Americans​ believe⁢ the Trump indictments are “interference​ by ‌the Department of Justice ⁣in⁣ the 2024 elections” instead​ of a “fair application ⁤of ‌the‍ law.”

The Fight⁣ Must Continue

Ever since they took back the ​House of Representatives in⁣ the 2022 ⁣midterm election, ⁤Republicans have honored‍ their ‍promise ⁤to ‌expose⁤ the ​corruption ⁣that ​plagues‍ Biden, the‌ Department of Justice,‌ the FBI, the FTC, and many other‌ agencies.

After yet another summer⁣ of⁤ lies and ⁢invented scandal,​ it’s ​tempting ‍for‌ the majority of Americans​ and​ Republicans who‍ believe this ⁣is a witch ⁣hunt to quiet ⁢their criticisms⁢ or‍ give ​up the​ fight. However, balking ⁣now, as some‌ have already done, at ⁢the crux ​of⁢ corruption⁤ investigations ⁣in the House, an abortion ​fight in⁣ the ⁤Senate, and⁤ in⁤ the middle ‍of ​the public ​persecution of the Republican‌ presidential frontrunner is not an option.

Accountability and the Fight for Justice

A rampant regime⁣ left unpunished‍ for‌ prosecuting⁢ citizens based on the ‍administration’s desire ⁣to ⁢“criminalize ‌politics” and “criminalize differences”⁢ will remain a rampant regime.

Since the beginning, ⁣preventing Trump​ from taking​ the⁤ White⁢ House was always the left’s ‌top⁣ priority. And⁢ since​ the corrupt actors,‌ agencies, or agents responsible for orchestrating ⁤this ⁤crusade against ​Americans’ ⁣presidential pick faced‍ no⁤ consequences or jail⁢ time ​for⁣ their ​crimes, that‌ goal has not changed.

The​ corruption of the deep ⁢state⁢ became more apparent in ‍recent years ‌because the ⁤Biden administration publicly adopted ‍its‌ agenda. As a​ result, a ‌majority of Americans ‌deem⁢ the Biden regime’s definition⁤ of “justice” ⁢a sham‍ and ⁢want ‍the ​FBI​ castigated ​for trading ‌true ⁤accountability​ for⁤ partisanship.


Nothing ⁤excites the ‌left more than‍ the​ prospect⁢ of​ putting⁢ their ‍political enemies ⁤in ⁣prison. Unless ‌they ​are ​forced⁣ to‍ stop, ⁣the regime‌ responsible for raiding pro-life pastors, smearing parents ⁤as domestic terrorists, and⁤ demanding Big Tech censor you ⁣for ⁣dissenting, will keep​ attacking Trump and the⁣ people who ‌think like⁤ him.

Jordan Boyd is a staff writer at The ⁣Federalist‌ and co-producer of The Federalist Radio Hour. Her ⁢work⁤ has⁣ also been featured‍ in⁣ The Daily ‍Wire, Fox News, and RealClearPolitics.⁤ Jordan graduated from​ Baylor ​University where she majored in political science and minored in journalism. Follow her on Twitter ‌@jordanboydtx.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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