The epoch times

Eric Metaxas criticizes Chinese Communist Party at Mayors’ Prayer Breakfast.

Over 1,000 Orange County residents gathered at the 58th‌ Annual ⁢Mayors’⁣ Prayer Breakfast on September 29th, not only to pray for their​ county and nation but also to hear from the renowned author Eric⁢ Metaxas.

This breakfast, organized by Orange Coast Christian Outreach, aimed to bring the community together and reaffirm the spiritual⁣ values that our‍ nation was built upon.

Inspired by the National​ Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C., which was initiated by President Eisenhower in 1953, this event provided a​ moment of ⁢personal ‍reflection and recommitment to God.

The event featured speeches and prayers from six Orange County mayors, ⁢including Farrah⁤ Khan, Janine Heft, and Chris Duncan.

Eric Metaxas, a best-selling author known for his books “If You Can Keep It: The Forgotten Promise of American Liberty” and “Miracles: What They‍ Are, Why They Happen, and How They Can Change Your Life,” delivered ‍a powerful message during‌ his speech.

He⁣ emphasized the importance of maintaining a belief in God and being aware of the political⁢ dangers​ both in the United States ‍and abroad.

Residents gather at the 58th Annual Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast in Irvine, Calif., on Sept. 29, 2023. (Carol Cassis/The Epoch Times)

“No matter what challenges we‍ face, the ultimate answer is God,” Metaxas declared. “Without God, ⁤we are‍ destined to fail.”

Metaxas, whose parents fled communism in Greece and Germany after World War II, highlighted the threat of communism, particularly the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

“Communism is ​pure evil. When the state claims to ⁢be God,⁤ it ⁤leads to slavery,” he warned. “Communist China will silence ‍anyone‌ who dares to oppose them because they value power over human rights.”

Metaxas also expressed concern about⁤ the influence of ‍atheistic and state-controlled ideologies infiltrating‍ American politics, posing a significant threat to our society.

He cited his own experience at Yale, where professors denied the existence of‌ God, and Senator Diane Feinstein’s criticism of Supreme⁤ Court Justice nominee Amy Coney Barrett’s Catholic faith during her confirmation hearing in⁤ 2017.

Surf City Church in Huntington Beach, Calif., on July 20, 2023. (John Fredricks/The Epoch Times)

“I couldn’t believe it,” ⁣Metaxas expressed his disbelief. “An⁤ experienced Senator essentially labeled⁤ her as a ‘scary religious person.’⁤ But she ⁢is​ a U.S. Senator! Our country was founded on the principle that people of faith have the right to‍ express their ⁢beliefs in all aspects of life.”

Metaxas drew parallels between religious intolerance in the United States and the ⁤severe religious persecution in China,⁤ where⁤ the CCP oppresses Uyghur Muslims, detains them in ‍concentration ⁣camps, ‌and engages in illegal organ⁢ harvesting.

He warned ⁤that the decline of faith in America, ⁢coupled ⁣with atheistic ideologies, could have similarly devastating consequences.

“Religious liberty and freedom of speech are the ‍foundations of America. They allow us to coexist and respect people of different faiths or no faith at ⁢all,” Metaxas emphasized. “In an atheist state, these⁤ values cease to exist.”

The Epoch ‍Times proudly sponsored the event,‌ alongside Vanguard University, Citivest, and DJM Wealth Management.

How did ‍the religious⁣ leaders contribute ‍to​ the‌ event and what were the main subjects of their prayers?

He state becomes god, there is no room for ​individual ​freedoms and human dignity,” he ‌said. “The⁣ CCP is not our friend and we must be aware of ‍their influence and ‌infiltration in our country.”

Metaxas ⁣also called on ‌the ​attendees⁢ to be‍ engaged citizens and to actively participate in shaping the future​ of their nation. He​ emphasized the importance⁣ of voting and being informed‍ about the ‍candidates⁢ and their policies.

Several religious leaders⁤ from different⁢ denominations offered prayers for the nation, its leaders, and its communities. They prayed ⁤for unity, peace, and wisdom in ⁣making ​decisions ⁣that would benefit all ​citizens.

The ‌event concluded‍ with a⁤ moment of silent⁣ prayer, ⁢followed by a⁢ breakfast where attendees ‌had‍ the opportunity to connect and discuss the ideas presented during the gathering.

The 58th Annual ⁣Mayor’s Prayer​ Breakfast served ⁣as a reminder ⁤of the importance of faith and spirituality in our society.⁤ It⁢ provided a platform for ⁣individuals to come together, pray‍ for their county and nation, and reflect on⁤ the values that ​have shaped our nation’s⁢ history.

Through speeches, prayers,‍ and ⁢discussions, the ⁢event encouraged attendees to be active‍ participants in their communities⁢ and to work towards a better⁤ future⁣ for all.

Events ​like these play a crucial role in fostering a sense of unity and solidarity among citizens. They remind us ‍that⁢ we are not alone, and that together, we ​can ⁤make a difference.

In⁤ a world that can often feel divided‌ and fragmented, the Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast‍ serves as a beacon of hope and a reminder⁢ of the power of faith and community.

As ⁣the⁣ residents of Orange County left the event, they ⁢carried with⁢ them a renewed sense⁤ of purpose⁣ and a commitment to live out their faith in‌ their everyday lives.

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