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CNN Host Calls Out AOC’s Word Games on Israel ‘Ceasefire’

Even ‍a CNN Host Couldn’t Help But Call Out AOC’s⁣ Word Games on Israel ‘Ceasefire’

If Rep. Alexandria‌ Ocasio-Cortez isn’t fooling the liberal‌ media,‍ she isn’t fooling anybody.

The‌ leftist Democrat ⁣paid a visit Monday‍ night to the⁤ normally friendly confines of “CNN NewsNight” to ‍defend a call ‍for a “ceasefire” in the Israel-Hamas war before Israel even gets ⁣started⁣ on the goal of wiping ‍out the Islamist‌ terrorist group.

And she showed why no serious person can take her‌ seriously.

In a three-minute video posted to social media⁣ by the​ Republican ‌National Committee’s RNCResearch account, AOC fell back repeatedly on buzz-word talking points instead of ‍answering pointed ‌questions from CNN’s Abby Phillip.

Check it‍ out​ here:

Phillip noted that Ocasio-Cortez and her “squad” colleagues started⁤ demanding a ceasefire in the⁢ hostilities almost immediately, after Hamas terrorists staged an ‌Oct. 7 surprise attack that killed over 1,000 Israelis, and included recorded scenes of torture, rape and murder of Jews that rivaled the dark days⁤ of the‌ Holocaust.

“What is Israel supposed to do about Hamas after they murdered, brutalized, abducted, over 1,000 of their citizens. Are they supposed to ⁣.. do nothing?”

AOC could barely get started ​on a‍ response —⁢ “what’s ⁤important ​to note about a‍ ceasefire is that it’s not one-sided…” — before ⁢Phillip hit again.

“Do you really believe⁤ Israel should not respond” to the attack, she asked.

“Israel does have a right to self-defense,” she allowed. But then ​she showed her ⁢true cards:

“I think what we need to take​ a ⁣look at in this‌ situation is if collective punishment⁤ qualifies as defense …​ We should identify what our goal is, which is⁤ the cooling of tensions in the region.”

And that gives the game away. Anyone⁢ who’s followed the news out ‌of Israel‌ over⁣ the years knows​ very well ‌that the Palestinian terrorists devoted to the Jewish state’s destruction have made hiding among the Palestinian population a standard part of their strategy.

It’s a deliberate policy of making⁤ human shields out‍ of the exact people they ⁢claim‍ to be fighting for — knowing full well that the greater the number ‌of deaths, the more Israel will ‌be blamed for the misery caused by ​the country’s attackers.

It’s normally safe⁣ for Democrats to ‌hide behind ⁤the potential for civilian deaths to attack Israel, too,‍ but Phillip didn’t let AOC ​slide.

“Israel’s goal is to rid the region of ⁢Hamas. ​They’ve been very clear about that,” she corrected.⁤ “How else are they supposed to address the violent,‍ militant — ​some ⁢say ‘terrorist’ group? Other than to go in there? And take them on directly?”

That drew nothing but a long-winded⁤ dodge,⁢ a word ⁣salad​ of obfuscation that ⁤rivaled Vice President⁢ Kamala Harris’⁢ most embarrassing moments — managing ‍to be both ignorant and condescending ‍at⁣ the same time. There are “complications,” ⁤she explained. It’s ⁣an “inherently complex”‌ situation, she pointed ‍out.

But‍ in‌ the end, she had no ​answer.

And social ‍media users noticed.

Video even resurfaced of one of Ocasio-Cortez’s first interviews ‍as‍ a ⁤national figure, a notorious interaction when ‍Margaret ​Hoover on PBS’ “Firing Line,” tried to make sense of the juvenile garbage coming out ‍of ⁤AOC’s mouth discussing the ⁢Israeli-Palestinian​ conflict.

“I’m not ⁢the expert on geopolitics,” Ocasio-Cortez finally ⁣admitted in ⁢the⁢ July‌ 2018 interview, shortly after winning the Democratic primary that‌ launched her into her congressional⁣ office six ​months later.

Those might ‌have been the‌ most truthful words Ocasio-Cortez ever said.

The problem for the United States now,⁤ though, is that ⁤too much of its political system — including the White House and the Senate and the country’s major‍ cities — is run by the⁣ party Ocasio-Cortez represents so well.

Long on⁣ buzzwords when it comes to crises, quick⁤ to blame victims when those victims⁤ aren’t approved ⁣by leftist ideology (and armed, ‌tough Jewish Israel definitely doesn’t), unafraid of parading their own self-righteous ignorance ⁤in front of a sympathetic establishment media, the Democrats of 2023⁤ are no closer to offering‌ a solution to⁢ the Israeli-Hamas war than Ocasio-Cortez was Monday night.

But the ⁤solution is the destruction of Hamas — and serious people⁣ know it.

The Israeli government knows it — it made​ that clear when it declared war ‍on Hamas the day after ‌the attack.

American conservatives​ know it — that ​Hamas needs to go the‍ way ⁤of the​ Islamic State group that was destroyed​ in 2019⁤ by then-President ⁢Donald Trump after former President Barack Obama (with Vice President Joe Biden)⁣ allowed it to live‍ its murderous existence for ⁣half a decade.

Democrats sympathetic to Muslim murderers‍ will never acknowledge the obvious truth. To the faculty lounge liberal, Israeli deaths at the hands of Islamist savages are⁣ footnotes in the greater chronicle ⁣of history of “liberation.”

There ‌is nothing serious about AOC’s talk of “solutions,” ‌except that it can be fatal for any⁢ country ‍foolish enough to depend on Democrats for their survival.

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A ⁢Note from Our Deputy Managing Editor:

What⁣ if you woke up one morning and ‍half of the⁣ people you count on had just vanished overnight?

That happened to me recently. I got up, came to‍ work here at⁣ The‍ Western Journal, and⁢ when I got to my ⁤office, literally half of our readers had​ vanished. They were ⁣just gone. We had been nuked by Facebook, and it​ had ‍happened almost instantly.

But it was⁣ even worse. ⁣Facebook hit us at​ the same ​time 90 percent of advertisers ⁤had essentially boycotted ⁢us. “Brutal” is a word I’ve used a lot lately.

The fight for the truth is brutal.⁢ The​ fight for America’s soul is brutal. What the government is doing to ⁣Jan. 6 detainees is‌ brutal. What surgeons are doing to‌ confused children is ⁢brutal.

It’s a fight⁢ we⁤ must win. But we‌ can’t win ‍without you.

A subscription to The Western Journal will go much farther than you think. It ‌costs less ‌than a‍ cup of Starbucks coffee, ‍and ⁢for that small price you get access to ALL ‍of our content news, commentary, and‌ premium articles ⁣ ⁣ you’ll experience a radically reduced number of ads, and most importantly ​you ⁢will be‍ vitally supporting the fight against leftism.

Can I count on you to subscribe today? We need ⁤your help. Benjamin Franklin summed up⁤ the situation we’re all facing ⁤when‌ he said,⁤ “We must ​all hang together, or, most​ assuredly, we shall all hang separately.”

We plan to hang in and fight. Please help us. Please ‌ subscribe today.


Josh Manning

Deputy Managing​ Editor

The Western⁣ Journal

The post Even a CNN​ Host⁣ Couldn’t ⁢Help‌ But Call Out AOC’s ⁣Word Games ⁢on Israel ‘Ceasefire’ appeared first on The Western Journal.

What⁣ impact does Ocasio-Cortez’s evasion of tough questions have on the⁤ stability of the region?


She has no idea what she’s talking about. Just repeating the same​ tired talking points‌ without any substance.

— conservativefitz (@conservativefitz) October 17, ⁣2023

It’s hardly surprising. Ocasio-Cortez is part of ⁣the “squad” of⁣ radical left‌-wing Democrats who use their ‍public ​platforms primarily for virtue signaling and pushing an extremist agenda rather than offering practical solutions or engaging in meaningful policy discussions.

And as usual,‌ when confronted with tough questions, she resorts to empty rhetoric and word games.

But what she ⁢fails to realize is that her evasive responses only ​undermine her‌ credibility and expose her lack of ‌understanding of complex international issues.

Calling for a ceasefire ‌without ⁤considering the context of‍ the conflict and​ the ⁢actions of Hamas ⁤is not only naive but also dangerous.⁢ In this⁤ case, it’s clear‍ that Hamas is the aggressor and has repeatedly shown⁤ its ⁢disregard for human life.

Israel, on the other hand, has a right to defend itself against terrorist attacks and protect ‍its citizens. The goal should be to‌ dismantle Hamas and ensure the ⁤safety and security of all people in⁢ the region.

By ignoring these facts⁤ and deflecting ⁤from⁣ the real issues at hand, Ocasio-Cortez is doing a disservice to the American people⁣ and jeopardizing the stability of the⁣ region.

It’s unfortunate that​ the liberal media ‌continues‌ to give her a platform⁤ to spew her rhetoric without holding her accountable for her false and misleading statements.

As CNN host Abby Phillip demonstrated, it’s time to challenge Ocasio-Cortez and other‌ politicians who prioritize political posturing‌ over practical‍ solutions.

It’s time to demand substantive answers and thoughtful analysis from our‌ elected officials, rather than empty soundbites and word games.

Because when ⁣it comes to complex international conflicts like ‌the one⁤ between Israel and Hamas,‌ we need leaders‍ who⁣ are ⁢willing ‍to engage in serious discussions and make informed decisions.

Ocasio-Cortez has shown ⁢time and again that she is‌ not up to the task.

So let’s stop giving her a pass and start demanding better.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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