Washington Examiner

Former AOC staffer spearheads Democrats’ call to abandon Joe Biden

The No‍ Excuses PAC Urges President Biden to Step Aside in 2024

The political action committee founded‌ by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s (D-NY) former communications director is undergoing a transformation. Corbin Trent, who served as AOC’s ‌communications director until March 2020, started the No ⁢Excuses ⁣PAC in‌ 2021 with ​the goal ⁤of‌ abolishing⁤ the filibuster and pressuring centrist Senate ⁢Democrats to adopt progressive policies. However, the PAC’s mission has ​now shifted to urging President Joe Biden not​ to⁢ seek reelection in 2024.

The No Excuses PAC’s website prominently⁢ displays a⁣ large ‌photo of Biden ⁣with​ the‍ bold phrase “Thank you, Joe. Now it’s time to go.” The organization is actively ​promoting ‌ads that encourage the⁣ president to step aside and allow another Democrat to take the reins.

Highlighting Battleground States

The⁣ PAC points to battleground states ⁣where former President Donald Trump⁣ has been slightly leading in polling ‍as a reason​ for Biden to bow out of the 2024 election. In a ‍30-second ad, ​the PAC states, “President Biden, you’ve accomplished more in three years than‌ most two-term presidents. But battleground state​ voters say they’ll vote for Trump if ‍you’re the Democratic nominee. It might not ⁤make sense. But it doesn’t have to. The reality is that if you attempt to cling to ⁤power, your‌ legacy will be​ Donald ⁣Trump’s final destruction of ⁤our democracy. If you step aside, ​however, you’ll be remembered as one of ⁣the greatest presidents in history. ⁢Thank‌ you,‍ Joe. … But‌ now⁤ it’s time⁢ to go.”

The PAC is utilizing social media to promote the ad and is ​asking⁤ viewers to ⁣donate $3 or⁢ more to get the advertisement on⁤ TV. Their goal is to “get a serious ⁣conversation ​started ⁤among Democratic leaders ⁢about 2024.” The donation website emphasizes that Biden’s legacy could be tarnished by his “selfishness” if he allows Trump back into the White House.

In ⁤December,⁢ the No Excuses PAC ⁣created the ad to push Biden to step aside and allow for‌ a Democratic ‍primary. Currently, Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) and Marianne‌ Williamson ⁣are the two Democrats‌ running ⁣against Biden for the nomination.

The No Excuses ⁢PAC believes that running this ad ⁣will​ generate ⁤media attention and provide an opportunity‍ for those close to​ Biden to present the facts and⁣ convince him that his legacy will be ruined if he doesn’t‌ step⁢ aside now. They are hopeful ​that a normal ‍primary can⁣ still take place ⁤in the coming months.

A recent USA Today/Suffolk University poll revealed‍ that Biden is trailing Trump, who is likely ⁣to ⁣be the Republican nominee, by a narrow​ margin of ⁤39% to 37%. The poll also ‍indicates that‌ Trump⁢ is leading among Hispanic voters,​ young people, and even some black voters who plan⁢ to support ⁢a​ third-party candidate ⁢in November.

Click here to read more from The Washington Examiner.

‍In addition to political considerations,⁢ what other ‍factors does the No Excuses PAC emphasize when suggesting that President⁢ Biden should step aside for a younger ​leader in 2024?

Consider stepping aside. The organization believes that in order⁢ for the Democratic Party⁣ to have the best chance⁤ of winning in ⁣2024, a fresh face and new ideas are necessary.

The No ⁣Excuses PAC‌ highlights the importance of winning key states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, which were pivotal in securing Biden’s victory in‍ the 2020 election. They⁤ argue that these states will‌ again be crucial in determining the outcome of the⁢ 2024 election, ⁤and a candidate who can energize voters and excite them with a ⁤bold progressive agenda is‌ needed.

Furthermore, the PAC emphasizes that Biden’s advanced ⁢age and ⁤the physical demands of the⁤ presidency should also ⁤be taken into ⁣consideration. At 82 years old⁤ in 2024, ⁤Biden would ⁢be the oldest president in​ history, and the ​organization suggests that it may be in the best interest ‌of the country for him to step ⁢aside and make way for a new, younger leader who ⁣can fully commit to the demands‌ of the⁣ office.

Progressive Priorities

In​ addition to highlighting the political⁢ considerations, the No Excuses PAC also ⁣advocates ⁢for the continuation of progressive policies. They argue that while Biden has made progress on certain fronts, such as⁣ the passage of the American Rescue Plan, there is still much work to be ​done. The organization believes that a new Democratic candidate in‍ 2024 ⁢can build upon this progress and push for further⁢ transformative policies in areas such as climate change, healthcare, and income inequality.

Furthermore,‌ the PAC contends that ⁢the Democratic Party cannot afford ​to become⁣ complacent with the ⁣current state‍ of affairs. They believe​ that by urging Biden‌ to step⁢ aside and allowing for ​a contested primary,‍ the party can ensure that⁤ a wide range of ideas and perspectives‍ are considered, ultimately leading to a⁤ stronger and more⁣ united Democratic Party.

Pushback and Challenges

While the No Excuses PAC’s message may‌ resonate with⁣ some progressives who are eager for change, there⁤ will undoubtedly be‍ pushback and challenges to their call for Biden⁤ to step aside. The​ president⁢ himself has expressed his intention⁢ to seek re-election in 2024, and there are powerful factions‌ within the‍ Democratic‍ Party who support ⁤his candidacy. Additionally, ‍Biden continues to enjoy widespread popularity among many Democratic ⁤voters.

Furthermore,‌ it ‍is uncertain who the potential‍ alternative ‍candidates to Biden ⁣would be and whether they ⁢would ‍be able to generate⁢ the⁣ same level of support and ‌enthusiasm as the current ⁣president. The No Excuses‌ PAC ⁢will⁤ need to present a compelling case​ for why a⁣ new candidate would be more electable and capable of enacting progressive policies.

The Road ⁤Ahead

As the 2024 presidential⁣ election approaches, the No Excuses PAC plans⁤ to ⁤ramp up its​ efforts to pressure Biden and shape the Democratic Party’s‍ path forward. While their call for the ⁢president to step aside may ‌face significant challenges, the organization believes that it is time ‌for a new leader to emerge and carry the torch ⁤of progressivism.‌ The coming‌ months will serve as a testing ⁢ground for ​the PAC’s message and its ability to sway public ⁢opinion within the Democratic Party.

Whether or⁤ not the No ‍Excuses ‌PAC is successful in‌ convincing President Biden to not seek re-election in 2024, their advocacy for progressive policies and the need ⁤for a ⁤robust, competitive primary may‌ have a lasting impact on the Democratic Party’s ‌future. Only time will tell how their message ⁣resonates with voters and the party’s leadership, ‌but one thing is clear – they are determined to make their ⁢voices heard and⁣ push for a more progressive and energized Democratic Party.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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