Conservative News Daily

Ex-NFL QB Claps Back After Rapinoe Says Her Injury Is ‘Proof’ God Doesn’t Exist

Former‍ NFL Quarterback⁤ Responds to Megan Rapinoe’s Atheistic Remarks

Now-former women’s soccer ​star Megan Rapinoe could use⁢ a change of perspective to go with her change‌ of career‌ — and ​an ex-NFL quarterback would be happy to help.

The country’s most ​ insufferable athlete — of either sex⁣ — is making headlines again for matters​ that have nothing to do with her on-the-field ⁤activities after‍ an injury ended her final⁤ game as‍ a professional soccer player when⁢ play had barely⁣ begun.

Rapinoe chose to use the moment as ‍some kind of ⁣“proof” of her own atheistic inclinations, but ⁣another former athlete is making headlines of his own — with a classic, and classy, response.

That’s a message Rapinoe needs to hear.

As much of the⁣ sports world‍ knows by now, the⁢ tarnished former star of the Women’s National Team star and left-wing celebrity raised the⁢ hackles of many ​religious Americans with her ⁤vulgar take on the ‍apparent Achilles tendon ⁤tear that sent ⁢her to ‍the sidelines in the opening minutes of Saturday night’s National Women’s Soccer League championship game.

Injuries⁢ happen​ in all sports — from the elementary school level to the elite⁢ — and no⁢ man or woman of good will would wish them on anyone.‌ But Rapinoe’s reaction in ‍a⁤ post-match interview strained the good ‌will of just about‌ anyone who ⁢heard it.

“I’m not a religious person ⁤or ‍anything,” she said. ⁢“And if there was ⁤a God, like,⁣ this is proof⁣ that there isn’t.‍ This is f***ed up. So, yeah, it just, it’s f***ed up. You guys.”

There were⁣ plenty of ‌commenters who’ve claimed that ⁤Rapinoe was maybe joking, possibly​ just dealing with the stress of the moment — but if it was a “joke,” it carried a ring of narcissistic conviction to⁢ it.

And⁢ the ignorance behind it‌ is astounding. Even nonbelievers who’ve given even half a thought to the idea⁤ of God beyond the most ⁢immediate moments of their lives would have an inkling that an injury at an ‍athletic event in the year of⁢ our Lord 2023 has literally no bearing on the question of​ whether‌ there’s an actual ‍Infinite Being and Creator of the Universe.

Hodges — known by the nickname “Duck”‌ —​ should know something about adversity in athletics. A graduate of⁣ Alabama’s​ Samford University, he entered the ⁤NFL as an undrafted free agent signed by the ⁣Pittsburgh⁣ Steelers in 2019, as CBS reported at‌ the⁢ time of his retirement.

He was then waived by the​ team before being brought‌ back to ‍its ‌practice squad, promoted to the regular roster, ​ then starting quarterback after injuries to⁣ Steelers​ star Ben Roethlisberger and Roethlisberger’s ‍backup.

His⁣ eight games for ‌the Steelers were ‍pretty much the highlight of his pro career, though he signed briefly with the Los Angeles Rams and⁤ also ‌played in​ the ⁢Canadian Football League before hanging it up for good in 2022. That’s the career of⁣ a ⁤man who ‌knows ⁤he’s ‍far, far better than average at the game of football, but still not good enough for a long-term career with the best.

If he weren’t dating country star Lainey ⁢Wilson, it’s a good chance he would have faded completely out of ⁢the public ‌eye by now.

But he‌ hasn’t, and ⁣his ‌post about‌ Rapinoe‍ drew plenty of‌ support.

It⁢ might come as news to Ms. ⁤Rapinoe, but the long story of humanity on earth doesn’t‍ start and ⁣stop with women’s soccer.

The long, rich history ⁤of‌ religion reaches into ‌the‍ mists of time, flashed in eternal illumination with the greatest event in human history 2,000 years ago, and projects into the unseeable future.

The greatest philosophers of the‍ world — East and West — have pondered ​the imponderable, producing volumes on the question of God’s existence. The most divinely talented artists in history have⁢ produced masterpieces of biblically themed works ‌dating back to ‍the ​Roman Empire. Entire cultures have⁣ been​ devoted to the construction ‌of breathtaking cathedrals, magnificent mosques, temples and shrines devoted⁤ to the⁤ worship and ‌understanding of the Almighty.

Literally countless billions of⁣ men ⁣and women have lived their lives on this earth in​ the ‍absolute⁤ certainty that there is a Judge of the World. For Christians, that sure belief⁤ comes‌ with the eternal⁤ comfort that​ “God so loved the world,⁢ that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have⁤ eternal life.”

The world didn’t stop turning because one intensely annoying ‍woman popped her leg on a​ soccer pitch somewhere. And for Rapinoe to ⁤dismiss all that because ​of a split-second event at⁢ San​ Diego State’s Snapdragon Stadium isn’t so‌ much blasphemy as a bad, bad joke — and not one she would have intended.

She could use some perspective, all right. And‍ it’s a good bet Devlin ​Hodges could⁤ give it to her.

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The post Ex-NFL⁣ QB Claps Back After Rapinoe Says‍ Her Injury Is ‘Proof’ ⁤God Doesn’t Exist appeared first on The⁢ Western Journal.

⁤What does Hodges’ ⁢response to Rapinoe’s ⁤comments teach⁢ us ‍about the power of faith ⁢in overcoming⁤ adversity

⁣Where he eventually ⁣made his way onto ​the field as the⁣ starting quarterback⁢ due to injuries to the team’s ⁤other quarterbacks. Hodges faced his fair​ share ⁢of challenges and setbacks throughout ‌his⁢ career, but he never let⁤ them ⁣define him or his beliefs.

In response to Rapinoe’s atheistic remarks, Hodges took ​to Twitter and shared a powerful message. He⁤ wrote, “Wow. For ‍those seeing this. Just know there is a God and he has wonderful plans for those that believe in him!” Hodges’ tweet resonated with many, as it reminded people of the importance of⁣ faith⁢ and⁣ the ⁣strength it can ​provide in difficult times.

Rapinoe, known for​ her ⁢controversial and divisive statements, ‍may have intended⁣ her remarks as ⁢a way to question the existence of a ⁣higher ⁣power. However, her words only demonstrated her ignorance and lack of understanding. Injuries are a part of sports, and they can happen⁣ to anyone, regardless of their beliefs or lack thereof. To attribute the ⁢occurrence of an injury‍ to the absence⁢ of God is illogical ​and ‍baseless.

Faith ​can be a ‍source of solace and inspiration during challenging moments. ‌It can provide ​individuals with the resilience‍ and determination to overcome obstacles. Hodges’ response to Rapinoe’s‌ comments serves as a⁢ reminder that belief in⁣ God can bring ⁢comfort​ and hope ‍to those facing adversity.

As an athlete, Hodges understands the ⁢physical and mental demands of sports. He knows that setbacks and injuries are inevitable, ⁢but he also recognizes the importance of maintaining a positive‌ mindset and having faith in ‍something greater than ⁤oneself.

In a ‌society where athletes often use their platform to voice​ their‌ opinions on various issues, it is⁣ refreshing ​to ‌see someone like Hodges respond with‍ grace and dignity.⁢ He did not engage in ⁣a war of ‌words ​or seek to⁤ belittle Rapinoe. Instead, he offered‍ a simple message of hope ⁢and encouragement.

Rapinoe, like​ any individual, is entitled to her beliefs or lack thereof. However, it is important for individuals to ⁣exercise humility and respect when discussing‌ matters of faith. Making derogatory ⁢and dismissive remarks about religion only serves to divide people further.

In ‌conclusion, Devlin Hodges’ response ⁤to Megan Rapinoe’s atheistic remarks serves as a reminder of the⁤ power of faith in overcoming adversity. As a former⁢ NFL quarterback who has ​faced his fair share of ​challenges, Hodges⁢ understands the importance of maintaining a positive mindset and having belief in something greater than oneself. His message resonates ‌with many,⁤ reminding them that there ⁢is hope and ​strength in faith, even in the face of adversity.

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