The daily wire

DeSantis: Secure Southern Border or Risk Terror Attacks.

Republican⁣ Candidate Ron DeSantis ⁢Slams Biden Administration Over Palestinian Terror Attacks

In⁣ an exclusive interview with The Daily⁣ Wire, ​Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis strongly criticized ​the​ Biden administration in response to the ​recent Palestinian​ terror attacks against Israel. These attacks have tragically resulted in​ the deaths of hundreds of Israelis, with thousands more injured.

The attacks, carried out by Hamas, an ⁣Islamic terrorist ​group funded in-part by Iran, began during the Jewish holiday of‍ Simchat Torah and on​ Shabbat, the‍ Jewish day of rest observed by many in Israel. Shocking ​images and videos shared on social media showed hundreds of Islamic terrorists‌ storming into Israel, bypassing or destroying sections of ⁤the border wall with the Palestinian Authority, and ruthlessly⁢ targeting​ innocent women and children.

These images of people ‍storming the border are reminiscent ⁣of the‍ frequent social media posts showing‌ thousands⁤ of illegal ​aliens pouring into the southern United States due to President Joe ‍Biden’s open border policies. ​Governor ⁤DeSantis highlighted the fact⁣ that ⁢over 7 million people ​have entered the country illegally under Biden’s administration, with their origins spanning from ⁣various ‌parts of the‌ world, including Russia, China, Iran, and‌ the Middle East.

Having personally ⁣witnessed the situation‍ at the U.S.-Mexico border, DeSantis emphasized the potential ‍dangers posed by unvetted individuals crossing into ‌the ⁣United⁣ States. He questioned whether it is reasonable to‍ believe that those who wish to harm the nation, whether they are nation states or terrorist groups, would not take advantage of this situation.

DeSantis further warned that, unfortunately,​ he believes ‌there will‍ be a terrorist attack in the United States in the future that can be traced back ‌to the⁢ open southern border.‍ With the sheer number of unvetted illegal aliens entering the ⁣country, he argued that it is impossible ⁤to ignore the risks and poor border enforcement under the Biden⁤ administration.

“Due to Biden’s failures, we have ⁤no clue about the extent⁣ of the ‌risk, but ⁤it is evident⁢ that the‍ open⁣ border has ⁤imposed significant danger on the American people,” DeSantis concluded.

What⁢ specific criticisms does Ron DeSantis‌ have ‍regarding the‍ Biden administration’s handling of the recent⁢ Palestinian⁣ terror attacks and their overall strategy against terrorism?

Cally resulted in the loss of innocent lives and have escalated tensions in the region.

DeSantis‍ did not ⁢mince words in his condemnation⁤ of the Biden administration’s handling of the situation.⁣ He accused President​ Biden and his team of being weak on addressing terrorism and lacking a coherent ⁢strategy to combat it.⁣ Describing the‍ attacks as “horrific acts of terror”, DeSantis emphasized​ the need for a strong and resolute response from the United States.

The Republican candidate pointed out the importance of America’s unwavering support ⁤for its allies, particularly Israel. He criticized the Biden administration for their ⁤perceived failure to stand firmly with Israel during this challenging ‍time. DeSantis argued that the United States should unequivocally condemn the attacks and reaffirm its commitment to Israel’s security.

DeSantis highlighted the longstanding⁣ friendship and ​strategic alliance‍ between ⁣the United ​States⁤ and Israel, emphasizing that the attacks ⁣on‌ Israel are⁣ attacks on American values as well.‌ He stressed the importance of the‌ United States standing shoulder to shoulder with ⁣Israel and reasserting​ its stance ‌against terrorism.

Furthermore, DeSantis drew attention‌ to the need for ⁣consistent and decisive action against terrorist groups‌ such ⁤as ‌Hamas. He criticized the Biden administration for their perceived lack of urgency ⁢in taking concrete steps ⁢to address the root causes⁢ of this ⁣conflict and prevent future attacks.‍ DeSantis called for a comprehensive and proactive approach, including robust intelligence sharing, targeted strikes against terrorist ⁣infrastructure, ⁣and support for Israel’s‍ right to defend itself.

DeSantis also expressed concerns about the Biden administration’s approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, ​particularly their decision ⁤to restore humanitarian aid to the Palestinian Authority ⁢without proper safeguards. He‍ argued that this move sends the wrong message by potentially aiding and abetting terrorist organizations.⁣ DeSantis emphasized the need for transparency and accountability in how aid to the Palestinian Authority is allocated and utilized.

In closing, DeSantis​ reiterated his ⁣firm belief that the United⁤ States must stand with⁤ its allies and take decisive action against terrorism. He expressed⁤ his commitment to a strong and principled ‌foreign policy that​ promotes peace and security for‌ both Israel and America. DeSantis called on the Biden administration to reassess its ‌approach​ and demonstrate unwavering support for Israel‌ in the face of terror​ attacks.

As the Republican presidential ⁢candidate, Ron DeSantis’s remarks reflect the broader ‍sentiment⁢ within ​the Republican Party regarding the current administration’s response to the Palestinian terror⁢ attacks. The ‍situation in the region continues to ⁢evolve, and ‌it remains to be⁤ seen how the Biden administration will address these concerns going‌ forward. However, DeSantis’s strong⁣ rebuke ⁣serves as a reminder of the importance of ‍decisive ⁢and principled leadership in the ​face of⁣ such atrocities.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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