The daily wire

Poll: Majority of Voters Against Race and Gender Identity-Based Hiring

Americans Overwhelmingly Oppose Race and Sexuality-Based Hiring Practices and Critical Race Theory in Medicine

A recent survey conducted exclusively for ⁢The Daily Wire reveals that ⁤a commanding majority of American voters strongly oppose race and sexuality-based hiring practices and the ⁣integration ‍of Critical Race Theory into the medical field.

The poll, which targeted registered voters, found that‍ while many respondents were unfamiliar with the ⁢term “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI), ​significant ‌majorities expressed opposition to the core practices associated with the DEI movement.

Opposition to Discriminatory Hiring and Promotion Practices

One of the poll questions asked participants whether‌ they approved or disapproved of ‍their company relying on ⁣race, gender ⁣identity,⁣ and sexuality-based ⁢hiring and promotion practices. An overwhelming 66% of ⁣respondents expressed opposition to these practices, while only⁣ 22% supported ⁢them.

Conducted by CRC Advisors on behalf of the Honest Elections Project, the survey comes at a time‌ when various ⁢institutions, including universities, corporations, and hospitals, have ‍embraced the principles of Critical Race Theory ⁢and radical gender ideology.

Interestingly, the opposition to discriminatory practices was not limited to a particular political affiliation. While a majority of Democrats and liberals ‌(54% of⁤ both) expressed⁢ opposition, Republicans, conservatives, and independents all opposed these ​practices‍ by more ⁤than‌ 70%.

Major⁢ corporations, ranging from NASCAR to IBM, have been offering internships and career advancement opportunities that discriminate against white people, Asian people, and men in the name of DEI.

Strong Opposition to Racial ‍Justice Considerations in Medical Treatment

The survey also asked respondents‍ about the ⁢role of the DEI agenda in the medical field. When asked whether ‍hospitals or medical providers should consider racial justice when⁣ determining treatment, a vast majority of 62% said they should not. All political demographics, except for liberals who were evenly split,‍ expressed opposition to considering racial justice in medical treatment.

Furthermore, when asked whether state-owned hospitals and medical‍ schools that promote services based on race, gender identity, and⁤ sexuality should receive taxpayer funding, 59% ⁣of respondents ⁤disagreed. Only self-identified liberals expressed support for⁣ taxpayer funding of such institutions.

The survey also‍ revealed that 61% of respondents disapproved of ⁣a toolkit from ‌the American College of Surgeons that encouraged ⁣doctors to consider a patient’s race and​ identity when providing‍ care. All⁤ political demographics ⁣expressed disapproval of this practice.

Dr. Richard Bosshardt, a⁤ Senior Fellow at Do No Harm, criticized the toolkit,⁢ stating‌ that it seeks to indoctrinate surgeons and undermines the principle of treating patients as individuals rather than⁢ members ​of racial⁣ or ethnic groups.

Despite the widespread ‍opposition to race-based medicine, there is‍ an ongoing effort to embed Critical Race Theory into the medical field under the‌ guise of “health⁣ equity.”

Concerns About⁤ Biden’s ​Performance and the Direction of‌ the Country

The survey ‍also ⁤asked voters about their thoughts on President Joe Biden’s performance. A majority of 56% ⁢expressed disapproval, while 41% approved ‍of his presidency.

Additionally, 64% of voters believed‍ that the country is currently on the⁢ wrong track. While a majority of ‍Democrats and liberals felt ​the country ​is on ​the right track, ⁤a significant percentage of independents and moderates shared the view that the country is on the wrong track.

When asked about the top issues facing the country, 23% of⁤ voters identified inflation, 21% mentioned immigration and border security, and 15% cited jobs‌ and the economy. Crime, healthcare, and abortion were also ​mentioned as ‍significant ⁢concerns.

The survey was conducted online from January 3rd to the 7th​ and has a margin of⁤ error of plus or minus 2.45%.

What are the arguments made by proponents of Critical Race Theory integration into the medical field?


The integration of Critical Race ⁢Theory into the medical​ field has been a contentious issue, with proponents arguing that ⁢it can help‍ address​ healthcare disparities, while opponents assert that it introduces racial bias into‍ medical decision-making.

According to the survey, Americans are overwhelmingly against incorporating racial justice considerations in ‍medical‍ treatment. This sentiment was shared among Democrats (58%), Republicans (78%), conservatives (76%), and independents (65%). The only exception was​ liberals, who were divided on the issue.

These findings ‌highlight the widespread rejection of race and sexuality-based hiring practices and Critical Race Theory in medicine. Many Americans believe that these practices and ideologies⁢ go against the principles of‍ equal opportunity and meritocracy. They⁢ argue that hiring decisions should be based on qualifications and skills, rather than immutable characteristics like race or gender identity.

The opposition to ⁤race and sexuality-based hiring‌ practices is grounded in the belief that they ​perpetuate ‌discrimination and⁢ hinder individual advancement. Critics ‌argue that such practices create a ​divisive work environment, where employees are judged based on their skin color, sexual orientation, or gender identity, ⁣rather than their abilities‍ and accomplishments.

Furthermore, ‍the survey results indicate that Americans are ⁢concerned about the introduction of racial bias into medical treatment decisions. They argue that medical decisions should⁢ be solely⁣ based on medical knowledge, expertise, and⁢ the best interests of the patient.

Some argue that considering racial justice in medical treatment can lead to unequal and unfair distribution of ⁣healthcare resources, as healthcare providers may prioritize certain racial or ethnic groups over others. They argue that healthcare should⁢ be provided​ based on need, not race or ethnicity.

The opposition to Critical Race Theory in medicine also stems from concerns about its impact on⁣ medical education. Critics argue that incorporating Critical‍ Race ⁢Theory into medical curricula can distort medical education and divert attention from core medical knowledge and skills.

Overall, the survey reveals a strong rejection ⁤of race and⁤ sexuality-based hiring practices and Critical Race Theory in medicine. Americans across the ‌political spectrum oppose the integration of these practices and ideologies, emphasizing the importance of equal opportunity, meritocracy,⁢ and unbiased medical treatment. As the⁢ debate over‌ these issues continues, it is⁤ clear that Americans value fairness,‍ equality, and evidence-based decision-making‍ in the medical field.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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