The federalist

Poll: Majority of Americans Back Voter ID, Limited Mail-In Voting

New Polling Reveals Overwhelming Support for Election Integrity Initiatives

Exclusive polling data obtained by The Federalist shows that a⁢ vast ‍majority of U.S. voters are in favor of election integrity initiatives, including voter ID requirements and limitations on mail-in voting.

The survey, conducted by the ⁣Honest Elections Project (HEP) from July 13-16, ⁢highlights the widespread support among American voters for common-sense⁤ election ⁤integrity policies. According to the poll,‌ a staggering‌ 88 percent of Americans support laws mandating voters to show a form of ID in order to cast their ballot. This support extends to the majority ​of black (82 percent) and Hispanic voters (83 percent), with only‌ 9 percent of ‍those polled opposing ID requirements.

These findings challenge the ​narrative perpetuated by legacy media and Democrat politicians, who have long portrayed voter ID laws as tools⁢ of‌ voter⁢ suppression. In⁢ fact, ​two years ago, Georgia’s passage of an election‍ integrity law that included a provision mandating voter​ ID for absentee voting was ⁤falsely labeled as “Jim Crow on steroids” ⁤by President Joe Biden.

However, the reality in Georgia tells a different story. The state⁢ experienced record ‍early voter turnout in its general election and ⁤Senate runoff, ‍and a post-election poll revealed ​that 0 percent of black Georgia voters reported a “poor” voting experience.

The HEP‍ survey‍ also⁤ uncovered overwhelming opposition to noncitizens and⁤ minors voting in U.S. elections. Democrat-controlled cities like Washington, D.C., have allowed foreign​ nationals to vote in municipal‌ elections, while blue localities in⁢ states such as Maryland and California have permitted 16-year-olds to vote in local elections.

According ​to⁤ HEP’s polling data, 89 percent of ​voters believe that American elections should only be for​ American citizens, including 82 percent of Democrats, 80 ⁤percent​ of⁤ Black voters, and 78 percent of Hispanic voters. Additionally, 72 percent of voters oppose lowering ​the voting age to 16.

But it’s ‌not just voter ID and eligibility where ⁢Democrats ⁣are⁣ out of touch ⁣with voters. The survey ​also reveals ​support ‍for limiting the ⁢use of⁤ mail-in voting.

During the 2020 election, many ​states ​expanded the ‍use⁤ of mail-in voting and other nonsecure election‍ practices due ‌to Covid lockdowns. ⁤Attempts by ​GOP-led states to return to pre-Covid election ‌rules have been met with⁣ resistance from Democrats, who falsely accuse Republicans of rolling​ back voting rights.

Contrary ⁢to Democrat claims, HEP’s survey shows that 76 percent of voters believe that voting in ⁣person ⁤is better‍ than voting by mail. The data also indicates that 73⁤ percent of Americans reject automatically ​sending ballots ‌without a voter’s request,⁢ and ​74 percent think practices like ballot harvesting should be illegal. Furthermore, 89 percent believe ‍that every ballot⁤ should be ⁣received by Election Day.

The survey also reveals that two-thirds of voters (66 percent) support terminating no-excuse mail voting as long‍ as states ‌offer two weeks of early in-person voting, including weekends. This includes 69 percent of Hispanic voters and⁣ 55 percent of black voters.

The poll also found widespread opposition to foreign nationals influencing U.S. ⁤elections and support for transparency in the elections process.

“Despite what ⁣the far left and many in the mainstream media would have you believe, ‍election integrity measures⁣ continue to boast⁣ wide support among the American public,” said HEP’s Jason Snead. “When it comes down⁢ to it, election integrity measures that⁣ make it easy to vote and hard to cheat ⁣are just​ common sense.”

The HEP survey was conducted ​among 1,600 registered voters‌ and has a margin ‌of error of ‌2.45 percent.

Shawn Fleetwood is a staff writer for The Federalist‍ and a graduate of the University of Mary Washington. He⁢ previously served‍ as a state content writer for Convention of States Action and his work has been featured in numerous outlets, including⁣ RealClearPolitics, ‍RealClearHealth, and Conservative Review.‌ Follow him on Twitter @ShawnFleetwood

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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