EXCLUSIVE: Republicans Call On Biden Administration To Investigate CDC’s Alleged ‘Collusion’ With Massive Teachers Union

A group of House Republicans sent a Monday letter to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) requesting it to investigate allegations that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) acted on behalf of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) in refusing to reopen schools.

The Daily Caller first obtained the letter, spearheaded by Virginia Rep. Bob Good and signed by 25 other Republicans, which demanded that the Office of Inspector General investigate the communication between the CDC and the AFT. regarding the February decision on school reopening. The decision provided a list of things for schools to consider before reopening, such as using masks, social distancing, handwashing and much more.

“We request that you investigate immediately allegations of collusion and political influence in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s correspondence between the CDC and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT),” the letter said.

GOP lawmakers argued reopening schools without these mitigation strategies is safe and that attending schools barely contributes to community transmission.

“Many had anticipated in February that the CDC would recommend in-school instruction nationwide, as studies, including one published by CDC researchers, indicate that school attendance contributes little to community transmission and students are largely safe with in-person instruction,” the letter stated.

“Instead, the resulting guidance was contradictory and ambiguous, stating that it was safe for schools to be open if mitigation techniques were employed, but that schools in areas with high transmission could choose not to employ mitigation techniques in the classroom and instead remain closed,” the Republicans continued in the letter.

The Republicans added that parents are “suspicious” about teachers not wanting to return to in-school learning.

“Emails between AFT and CDC officials just days before the release of the February guidance show that two AFT requests restricting reopening were adopted almost verbatim in the final guidance. Parents across the country have long been suspicious about the inordinate union influence in the school reopening debate,” they added.


(DAILY CALLER OBTAINED) — … by Henry Rodgers

Rep. Good said to Daily Caller that there is no science to keep students out of the classrooms, adding there should be an immediate investigation into the CDC. (RELATED: Teachers Unions Still Oppose Schools Immediately Reopening Despite CDC Study Showing Little Risk)

“The Biden Administration’s unscientific push to keep students from in-person learning is doing irreversible damage to our children’s futures and our society,” Rep. Good said to Daily Caller before sending the letter.

“I’m calling for an immediate investigation into the allegations that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is actively working to put teacher’s union political interests before students. America’s public health decisions must be based on science and data, not political pressure or favors to special interests,” Rep. Good said. (RELATED: Teachers Unions’ Donations To Democrats Increased Amid Pandemic, School Closures)

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