Conservative News Daily

Fact Check: Dems Accuse Conservatives of Book Bans – The Truth Revealed

The Left Claims Conservatives Are Engaging in a Draconian Campaign of Censorship

Far-left LGBT and gender activists,‌ Democratic Party‍ lawmakers, and much of the liberal media have spent recent⁤ years claiming the removal of certain books from public school ⁢classrooms and⁣ libraries equates to Nazi‌ Germany’s book⁤ burnings.

The removal of this literature from schools has ​become such a hot-button ‍issue that there is a national⁢ narrative ⁢that an all-out assault on reading is underway. On ‍any given news day, a ⁣casual reader might‍ come across‌ a headline claiming not only that these so-called bans are taking place but also that there exists a virtuous‌ group of people‍ who are ‍out to stop ​them.

Conservatives are naturally being blamed as the morally bankrupt left ‍portrays the battle over what should and should ⁢not⁢ be⁢ taught in classrooms as an issue of censorship and indoctrination by​ the‍ right.

It is generally omitted that many⁤ of these ​“banned” books are so graphic in nature that concerned parents have been⁤ asked⁤ to stop ⁢reading from them during school board⁣ meetings on account ⁢of their perversity and vulgarity.

Here is one example of a parent being asked​ by school administrators to cease⁤ reading from a book that is available to children​ but was deemed inappropriate at a forum for adults:

WARNING: The ​following video contains ⁣vulgar ‍and blasphemous language ⁤that some viewers will ​find offensive.

Florida has taken ⁤a hardline stance against allowing such filth in⁣ classrooms.⁣ Other states that‍ are also led by Republicans have​ taken major steps as​ of late⁤ to prevent small children from being exposed ​to depravity‌ in literature.

But is a “book ⁣ban” in⁣ place anywhere in⁢ America?

Let’s take a look at ⁢not only the question but also the people who​ are making the claims, the⁣ books that are being “banned” and ⁤what exactly ‌is in some ‌of⁣ these books.

The Left Claims Conservatives Are Engaging in a Draconian Campaign of Censorship

Just this ⁢past ​week, ⁤pop music singer Pink was celebrated by much of the liberal media after she pledged to pass out books that are not permitted in ⁢elementary school classrooms in ⁣ Florida ‍ during her concerts in the state.

Pink gave away 2,000 banned books ‌at her South Florida shows this week ‍in partnership ⁢with the literary and free ⁣expression advocacy group PEN America.

The singer said ⁣she wanted to highlight the rising wave of book bans in Florida.

— ABC7 Eyewitness News (@ABC7) November 16, 2023

People magazine ​ glowingly⁢ reported on the stunt with the headline, “Pink to Give Away 2,000 Banned Books⁤ About Race and Sexuality at ‍Upcoming Florida Tour Stops.”

The‍ left-leaning celebrity and⁤ gossip outlet conveniently left⁢ out that one of the singer’s own posts was⁤ hit with Community Notes​ on X for ‍pushing false information about what is and is not allowed to⁢ be⁤ taught in Florida’s classrooms.

Some of the books Pink claimed were ​banned in Florida are​ actually recommended by the state ‍in its Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking Standards for English Language Arts.

The following are some⁤ titles‍ of​ books that⁣ have ​been banned from schools in ​Florida….⁣ Lmk which book is ‌pornography…. To Kill A Mockingbird, The⁤ Hate You Give, Forrest Gump, A Catcher In The Rye, ⁣The ‍Hill We Climb, Girls Who Code, Atlas Shrugged, 1984, The Kite Runner, The…

— P!nk (@Pink) November 14, 2023

Pink’s false claims​ can be attributed to either ⁢ignorance​ about the issue or a marketing tactic to sell tickets.

But pushing the⁢ falsehood ‌that ​books ⁣are being “banned” left and right is⁢ not⁢ isolated to‌ singers.

The “book ban” lie has been pushed by‌ everyone from President ‌ Joe Biden to LeVar Burton — who‌ helped raise a generation of millennials ⁢with ⁢his PBS show “Reading Rainbow.”

Democratic Rep. Abigail Spanberger‌ of Virginia,​ who is ​running for governor ‍in her ‍state, made the issue of “banned” books a⁤ part of her campaign rollout last week.

I’m officially running to become the next Governor of ​Virginia.

I’m a‍ former CIA case officer, ⁤former federal agent, current Member ​of Congress, and⁤ mom to three great​ kids.

I ⁢know that when we rise ‍above the​ chaos and division, ‍we can focus‍ on what matters most to ⁣Virginians.

— Abigail ​Spanberger (@SpanbergerForVA) November 13, ‍2023

Days later, Democratic Maryland Gov. Wes Moore‍ posted on the social media platform⁤ X that “book bans” were “threats⁤ to education.”

All⁢ around our country, ‍I see ‍threats to education. From ​book bans and shutting‌ down‍ curriculums​ to outright censoring educators, we‌ have to recognize that the threats to our students’ education are⁤ threats to our strength as a nation.⁤

— Governor Wes​ Moore (@GovWesMoore)‍ November 17, 2023

A simple search of X posts yields seemingly⁤ unlimited results of claims of ⁤“book⁣ bans” on the platform that are unchallenged⁢ and⁤ widely shared:

In an age of unprecedented book bans, @levarburton is going⁢ to the mat for ‌the freedom to ⁣read. “America loves to live in the shadows,” he says, “but we’re living in⁤ an age when the truth wants to come out.”

Read the full interview by @adriennemwest:

— Esquire (@esquire) November 15, ⁤2023

“These are people who would rather children ‌not ‍know the truth. Those kids​ will never know what they’re‌ missing, but it’s our job to stand up⁤ for them, to be ​their voices and their advocates. That’s what‌ being an elder in this society means to‌ me.”

— Esquire (@esquire) November 15, ​2023

“Books have rescued‍ me. ⁤Books⁤ have⁤ delivered me. Books have exalted me.”

Special ⁤guest Oprah Winfrey discusses protecting libraries, fighting ⁢book bans, and how reading changed her life. #NBAwards

— Publishers ‍Weekly (@PublishersWkly) November 16, 2023

Biden announces initiatives ⁣to “protect the LGBT ​community”:

• Federal resources to protect Pride celebrations
• A new coordinator to protect LGBT students from book bans
• More mental health resources
• Protect LGBT kids in foster care
• Steps to end LGBT ⁤homelessness

— ⁢The Recount​ (@therecount) ‍ June 8, 2023

In February, Business Insider not​ only claimed that conservatives are outright banning books but also jumped⁢ to the conclusion that the party would face a reckoning over the issue with‍ voters in 2024.

“State GOP‌ leaders have enacted⁣ laws or pushed for banning children ‍from accessing‍ certain books in school classrooms and libraries, and polling shows banning books is​ popular among Republicans,” the outlet reported. “But the issue could come back to haunt the GOP in the 2024 general election, with book bans remain unpopular with the⁣ general electorate.”

Claims That Republican ‌Lawmakers Are ‘Banning’ Books Are Pure Fiction

While conservative lawmakers and advocacy ​groups such‍ as Moms for Liberty are the⁣ tip of the​ spear in ‍regard to protecting‍ children by monitoring‍ what ends ⁢up in their ⁤classrooms ⁤and on ‍school library​ shelves, claims that any kind of “ban” is ongoing are patently false.

There is no ban ⁤on any literature anywhere in the United ⁢States, as ⁢banning literature would violate⁣ the First Amendment.

Conservatives are simply⁣ protecting‌ children ⁣from perverse agendas or‍ political themes⁤ that their minds cannot yet understand. Those‍ are themes they can and​ most likely will discuss once they reach adulthood.

Florida’s schools have been ⁤on the frontline in ⁢the ⁣battle ⁤against deviancy⁤ in ⁣literature.

This year, Republican Gov. Ron ‌DeSantis debunked the narrative‍ that ‍he and others in the state were ⁢“banning books.”

“Exposing the ‘book ban’ hoax is important because it reveals that some are attempting to⁣ use our schools for indoctrination,”⁢ the GOP presidential candidate said⁣ in a statement in March.

“In Florida, pornographic and inappropriate materials that have‌ been snuck into our classrooms and libraries to sexualize our students violate our state education standards,” he said. “Florida is the⁣ education ⁢state and that means⁣ providing ⁢students with a quality ‍education free from sexualization ​and harmful materials that are not age appropriate.”

DeSantis⁤ listed⁤ four books⁤ that would ⁤not be permitted in‌ Florida’s classrooms:

•‍ “Gender Queer: ⁤A Memoir”
• “Flamer”
• “This Book ​Is Gay”
• “Let’s Talk About It”

The books contain explicit ⁣language, descriptions of⁢ sex acts,‌ and some alarming descriptions of fetishes that are ‍apparently popular in much of ‌the ⁤ LGBT community.

For example, “This Book Is Gay” explains‍ to children⁤ that​ there are ⁣some​ people⁢ who engage in an act called ⁢“scatting,”​ which⁢ Urban Dictionary defines as​ a “sexual act entailing defecating onto the face of one’s partner.”

Karol Markowicz, a columnist for ‌the New York⁣ Post, shared a glossary from ​the book in ⁢which ​it⁤ explains that some people consume feces during sex.

I ​know ⁤why I don’t want this‍ in my kid’s school. Can anyone explain why any parent ‍would?

— ‍Karol Markowicz (@karol) May 17,⁢ 2023

The Left’s Book ‘Ban’ Narrative Debunked

“This Book ⁣Is Gay” is not banned anywhere in the country.

In ‍fact, ⁢the book by Juno Dawson ​is selling on Amazon and many other ​online retailers. Each of the​ other books cited ‌by DeSantis is also available to purchase — ​as are other titles‌ from⁣ common lists of supposedly ⁤“banned” books.

Should books like these be allowed in ​school libraries?

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The ‌simple fact is ⁣that many adults with sound‌ morals tend⁤ to agree that these ​books are for older audiences.

Tayler Hansen with TENET Media recently asked people ⁣who said they were broadly against “book bans” ⁣to read ‍from some of ‍the books⁣ that are being pushed onto children.

After viewing the materials for⁤ themselves, a number of people concluded they were inappropriate for classrooms.

Should we be banning books in schools?

Most people think⁢ no ⁤until they see the examples… @watchTENETnow

— Tayler⁣ Hansen (@TaylerUSA) November 16, 2023

Amid the country’s ongoing culture wars, ⁤DeSantis and other prominent‌ Republicans ⁤have thoroughly‍ disproved the claims that conservatives⁣ are banning literature as part of ⁤a broad⁤ campaign to brainwash children.

What has happened⁤ is that in states where​ parents have classroom ‌rights, the adults they have elected to represent them have chosen to ensure their children are only exposed to age-appropriate materials⁤ at school.

Books that the left has ⁣claimed are “banned” are ⁢available ⁤for sale online and in stores. Parents ​who choose to push such vile ⁤literature onto⁣ their children have every legal right to⁢ do so in their private⁤ time.

But the narrative ​that‍ conservatives are on a nationwide ⁣crusade against reading is simply untrue and can ‌be more accurately‍ described as ‍an attempt to spin the truth ​– which is that conservatives have become ​an effective firewall against an agenda that ⁤seeks to⁢ poison the ‍minds of children.

FACT CHECK: Are ⁢conservatives coordinating to ban books in an effort to indoctrinate ⁣children ‍and suppress free speech?


The post Fact Check:‌ Dems Attack Conservatives for ‘Banning’ Books⁢ – Here’s⁤ the Truth appeared⁤ first on The Western ⁤Journal.

Do concerned parents have ‍valid⁢ reasons for wanting ⁣to ​remove certain books from school settings?

Schools? ⁣It’s a question ⁢that has been at the center of a heated debate ‍in recent years, ​with ‌the left​ claiming ‌that conservatives are engaging in a draconian campaign of censorship. Far-left LGBT and‍ gender activists, Democratic⁣ Party lawmakers, and much of the liberal media have been vocal in their opposition to the removal of ⁣certain books from public school classrooms⁢ and libraries, equating it to Nazi⁤ Germany’s book burnings.

The removal of these books has become a⁢ hot-button issue, with a⁣ national narrative suggesting that⁣ there is an all-out assault on reading. Headlines claim that bans are taking place and that a virtuous group of people is out to stop them. Conservatives are being blamed for ⁣engaging in censorship and indoctrination.

However, ⁤it is important ⁤to note that many of these “banned” books are graphic‍ in nature, containing explicit content that concerned parents find inappropriate for their children. There have been instances where parents have been ⁣asked to ⁤stop reading from ⁤these⁢ books during school board meetings due to their perversity and vulgarity.

Recently, pop music ⁤singer Pink made headlines for pledging to distribute books ⁣that are not permitted in elementary ​school classrooms ⁢during her concerts in Florida. People magazine reported on the stunt with⁣ enthusiasm, ⁤conveniently leaving out the‍ fact ‌that some of⁤ the books Pink claimed‌ were ⁢banned in Florida⁢ are actually recommended by the state in its Benchmarks for Excellent Student ‌Thinking Standards for English Language Arts.

The false claims of banned books are not limited to singers. Prominent figures like President Joe Biden, LeVar Burton, and⁢ Democratic ​lawmakers ⁣have all perpetuated‌ the narrative of​ book ⁣bans. Even​ the ⁢media⁤ has played‌ a role in amplifying these claims, with⁤ articles ⁤suggesting that book bans could come back to ‍haunt Republicans in future elections.

However, the truth is that there​ is​ no ban on literature​ anywhere in the United⁤ States. Banning books would violate the First Amendment. ‌Conservative lawmakers and advocacy groups like ​Moms for Liberty are simply working to protect ​children from explicit ‌and ⁣inappropriate content. Florida, in‌ particular,‌ has taken‌ a hardline‌ stance against‌ allowing such materials ⁤in classrooms.

In debunking the narrative of⁤ book bans, ‍Florida Governor Ron DeSantis explained that the state ⁢is not ⁤banning books‌ but rather protecting students from pornographic and ⁣inappropriate materials. ‌He listed ‍four books that would not be permitted in Florida’s classrooms due to their explicit content.

The fact ‌remains that these books, including “This Book Is Gay,”‍ are widely available for purchase and are not banned anywhere in the⁤ country.⁢ It is important to recognize that many adults with sound morals agree that‍ these books are for older ‌audiences.

The question of whether these books should ⁤be‌ allowed in‍ school libraries ⁣is a valid one, and opinions on​ the matter ⁤may differ. However,⁢ it is crucial to base the discussion on accurate ⁤information and ⁢avoid perpetuating‍ the false⁢ narrative of book⁣ bans. Conservative ‍efforts to protect children from inappropriate content should⁣ be seen in the context of ensuring⁣ a quality education⁤ free from sexualization and harmful⁤ materials that are not​ age-appropriate.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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