FACT CHECK: Did Caitlin Clark Turn Down Offer From Nike?

The post ‍claiming that⁣ WNBA ⁢player Caitlin Clark ‍turned down a deal with Nike because of their support⁢ for Colin ‌Kaepernick is ‍false. This misinformation originated from a satirical news outlet. The fact-check clarified that Clark, who received the CWSA Honda Cup for outstanding ​woman in⁤ collegiate athletics for the second ⁢consecutive year, did not make such a​ statement. It’s important to⁣ be vigilant when ‌sharing information on social media‍ or other‍ platforms, as misinformation can spread quickly. Always verify the authenticity of the source, and when in doubt, refer to credible fact-checking websites. Satirical news⁤ outlets, while sometimes ⁢entertaining, often⁤ create fictional stories for humorous effect or social commentary, which‍ can be mistaken for actual ⁢news. ‍Sharing accurate information helps maintain⁣ a well-informed community and supports the integrity of individuals ⁤involved, like ⁤Caitlin Clark ‌in​ this case.

A post shared on social media purports that WNBA player Caitlin Clark rejected a deal with Nike due to their support of Colin Kaepernick.


Verdict: False

The claim stems from a satirical news outlet.

Fact Check:

Clark recently accepted the CWSA Honda Cup for the second year in a row Monday, to which she said “it’s pretty special,” CBS Sports reported. Clark is the fourth person to receive the award more than once, others include Olympic gold medalists.

A post shared on Facebook alleges that Clark turned down a $400 million offer from Nike because they worked with Kaepernick. The post shared an image of Clark smiling in front of a microphone and one of Kaepernick in a large coat.

The caption reads, “Caitlin Clark has turned down a staggering $400 million endorsement offer from Nike – Nike”

The claim is inaccurate. The claim stems from a satirical news outlet called Esspots. The piece claims that Clark made it clear that she disapproves of Nikes partnership with Kaepernick and called him a “clown.”

The website features a disclaimer that identifies the site as parody, “Our team of writers and editors is dedicated to bringing you the latest and greatest in fake news and absurdity, all with a healthy dose of humor and satire.”

Clark signed a $28 million deal with Nike in April 2024, ESPN reported. (RELATED: Did The Men’s Swim Team Refuse To Compete With Transgender Swimmer Lia Thomas?)

This is not the first time misinformation has been shared online. Check Your Fact recently debunked a claim that Apple started charging for the use of FaceTime.

Read More From Original Article Here: FACT CHECK: Did Caitlin Clark Turn Down Offer From Nike?

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