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FACT CHECK: Does This Image Quote An Authentic Exchange Between Megyn Kelly And Julian Assange?

The summary explains that a claim shared on Facebook alleged that‌ journalist Megyn Kelly ‌asked WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange why WikiLeaks⁤ doesn’t report dirt on Trump, to ​which Assange⁣ purportedly responded that⁤ there isn’t any. ‌The ⁢verdict states that this conversation did not happen and ⁢that Assange‌ had actually stated ‌in 2016 that he would publish information on Trump if it⁣ was available. Additionally, the fact check mentions that Assange pleaded guilty to charges involving military secrets.

An image shared on Facebook claims to quote an exchange between journalist Megyn Kelly and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in which Kelly asks, “Why doesn’t Wikileaks report dirt on Trump?” to which Assange says, “There isn’t any.”

Verdict: False

This conversation did not occur. When asked about Trump in 2016, Assange said that he would publish information on him if it’s available.

Fact Check:

Assange pleaded guilty to charges involving military secrets last month, according to AP News. This plea was part of a deal that guarantees his liberty after years in a United Kingdom prison and a prison in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, the outlet reported.

A Facebook post shows images of Kelly and Assange.

It reads, “Megyn Kelly asked Julian Assange ‘Why doesn’t WikiLeaks report dirt on Trump?’ Assange replied, ‘There isn’t any.’” Text overlaid on the image reads, “This is why they feared him…”

The post is inaccurate, however. There are no credible news reports to suggest that this conversation took place. (RELATED: Is This A Real Photo Of Julian Assange?)

The photos of Assange and Kelly are taken from a Fox News interview. Nowhere in the included transcript do they have the alleged conversation.

Around the 3:16 timestamp in the Fox News video, Kelly says, “I got to ask you about the U.S. election. As you point out, you’re not an American citizen. You’re an Australian, you know, and you’re clearly not rooting for Hillary, but are you rooting for Trump?” Assange replies, “No. If we have good information on Trump, we publish that.” Later on, around the 4:34 mark, Assange says WikiLeaks hasn’t released information on Trump because “it’s really hard for us to release anything worse than what comes out of Donald Trump’s mouth every second day.”

Check Your Fact reached out to a Kelly spokesperson for comment and will update this piece accordingly if one is received.

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