The Daily Caller

FACT CHECK: Video Claims To Show Netanyahu Watching Hezbollah Leader’s Speech

An image shared online purported to depict​ Israeli⁤ Prime Minister Benjamin‌ Netanyahu⁢ watching a speech by Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah. However,‌ the claim was fact-checked and ⁣found‌ to be false. ‍The image‍ of Netanyahu actually dates back to⁤ 2020 ​and does not show him ⁢watching Nasrallah’s speech. Additionally, recent political ⁢developments mentioned in the context​ include a warning‌ by the United States to Hezbollah about a potential Israeli attack, with the U.S. expressing its readiness to defend Israel in such a scenario.

An image shared on X claims to show Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu watching Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah’s speech.

Netanyabou Watching Sayyed Nasrollah’s speech!!!! 😎

— LEYLA (@LeylaRostami) June 20, 2024

Verdict: False

The image of Netanyahu is from 2020, not recent. It does not show Netanyahu watching a Nasrallah speech.

Fact Check:

The United States warned Hezbollah that it would not stop an Israeli attack, according to Politico. The U.S. also said it would defend Israel in case Hezbollah retaliates, the outlet reported.

Social media users are claiming to show Netanyahu watching a Hezbollah speech. One user wrote, “Netanyabou Watching Sayyed Nasrollah’s speech!!!!”

This claim is false. Through a reverse image search, Check Your Fact found that it shows Netanyahu speaking to European leaders, not watching Hezbollah’s secretary-general speak. The image was published in a Times of Israel article.

“PM Netanyahu speaking to European leaders during a videoconference at the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem, March 9, 2020,” reads the image description on the Times of Israel article.

The image of Nasrallah is likely from a November 2023 speech. The image from the X post appears to match the video of Nasrallah speak.

Check Your Fact did not find any images that show Netanyahu watching a Nasrallah speech recently.  Logically Facts and MisBar also debunked the claim. (RELATED: Fact-Checking Trump’s Claim That The US Left $84 Billion Worth Of Equipment In Afghanistan)

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