Tragic accident: 3-year-old fatally shoots 1-year-old sibling in Fallbrook.

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(Photo⁢ by Justin Sullivan/Getty ⁢Images)

OAN’s Abril​ Elfi
5:53⁣ PM ​– ‍Tuesday, July⁤ 18, 2023

On Monday,‌ a 1-year-old child⁤ was ‌accidentally ​shot ‌by her 3-year-old​ sibling ​after getting ‌a‍ hold ‍of‍ an​ unlocked ‍firearm.


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According to⁢ a recent ⁣news ⁣release, the‍ San ‍Diego County⁢ Sheriff’s‍ Department was notified⁣ of ​a ⁣gunshot‌ sound ⁣at ⁢a Fallbrook​ residence ⁣at around 7:30‌ a.m. ‌in ⁣the⁤ morning ⁢on ​July 17th

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The‍ sheriff’s⁤ office ‍said ‌that when deputies ‍arrived, ‌it was⁤ established‌ that ‌a ⁤3-year-old⁢ had‌ obtained ​access to ⁤an⁣ unlocked firearm‌ and ⁢unintentionally⁤ shot⁤ their ⁤1-year-old‌ sibling. ​The 1-year-old⁢ was sent to ⁣a⁢ nearby hospital after suffering⁣ a ⁢head ⁣injury. ⁤

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She was ​later​ pronounced ⁣dead ​at around ‍8:30 ‍a.m. ⁣on Monday,⁤ according to ⁢the ‍department. It ‌is unclear whether ⁣there were‌ any adults present at ⁤the time of the shooting. 

An‍ investigation⁢ into‍ the⁢ incident ⁢is ⁤reportedly ‌underway, ⁣and ⁢an autopsy ‌will be⁤ performed to determine specifics ⁤regarding the cause and manner of the⁣ fatal accident.  

For now, “Out of ‍respect⁣ for⁢ the⁤ family⁢ and⁣ the ‌fact⁢ that she ⁢is a⁤ juvenile,”​ the ⁢agency⁤ declined ‌to‍ publicize ⁣the⁢ child’s name.

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Many⁤ conservatives‍ argue ⁢that negligent parents​ and ‌inattentiveness are⁤ to⁤ blame for‍ incidents such‍ as ⁣this.

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The National⁣ Rifle ⁣Association (NRA)‍ provides useful recommendations to​ help parents ⁢have⁢ a clear grasp of⁤ practical⁤ techniques⁢ to‌ lock ⁣and ‍confine your ‌weapons⁢ while safeguarding ⁤loved ‍ones from ⁤discovering⁣ them⁣ and possibly injuring ‌themselves or ⁤others.

“Make sure ​all⁣ firearms cannot‌ be reached⁢ by ⁣anyone ⁤who ‍should ‌not⁣ have access to‍ them ‌without ​your‌ consent. Store ​guns ⁣so ⁢they ⁤are⁢ not‌ accessible to⁤ unauthorized‌ persons, ⁣especially children. Keep ​ammunition ⁤securely⁤ stored‌ where‍ a child or any⁣ other⁢ unauthorized person⁢ cannot reach ‌it. Talk to⁢ your‌ child about guns, ‌and⁢ gun safety. ​By⁢ removing the ‌mystery⁤ surrounding⁤ guns, your⁣ child​ will be far ⁣less ​curious about guns, and more ⁣likely to​ follow⁣ safety ⁣rules. Make‌ sure your child understands ‌the​ difference between ⁢a ⁣toy gun and ​a⁢ real ‍gun,⁢ and ‍the⁢ difference between “pretend” ‍and real life,”‍ according to the NRA’s official⁤ website.  

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Residence where the⁤ incident occurred. ⁤(Photo credit: Google earth)

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45th⁣ President Donald ⁤Trump announced⁣ on‍ Truth​ Social⁣ that‌ he was ‌served⁣ a‍ target letter by Special Counsel Jack Smith⁢ over his⁣ role​ on‌ January⁣ 6th.

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Political‌ strategist Roger Stone⁤ says⁣ that ​the ⁣DNC has‌ begun ⁣a‍ plan ⁣to replace ⁤President ⁣Joe⁤ Biden⁢ with a new candidate ⁢in⁤ 2024.

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Jack Smith targets Trump ⁤over ‌J6, while Biden’s DOJ ‌may‌ be covering ​for Hunter in ​this Daily⁤ Feed with Tom⁣ McGrath.⁣

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