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Family outraged by judge’s handling of DUI crash that claimed their child’s life.

Family Disgusted ⁣with Judge’s​ Treatment​ of‍ Man Who Allegedly ​Killed Their⁣ Kid in ​DUI Crash

Police ⁢say‌ Duprie ​Smith⁣ killed ‌an 11-year-old boy ⁣in Portland,⁣ Oregon, ⁣while‍ driving drunk at ⁣more than‌ 40 miles over the speed​ limit, but ​that ​didn’t stop the judge ⁢from ​serving up​ “justice”‍ Portland-style.

According to KPTV-TV,‍ the‌ family ⁤of⁤ Ryan ‍Ambrose,⁣ the boy⁣ who was‌ killed, ‍is furious​ that ⁤Smith has been released⁤ without bail on what ⁢are⁤ known as “enhanced⁤ DUII conditions” ⁣despite the⁣ fact he’s⁢ charged with first-degree manslaughter.

In​ addition⁣ to⁣ that, he ⁤also‌ faces charges​ of⁣ driving under ⁤the ​influence ​of intoxicants ‌and reckless⁢ driving, according to KGW-TV.

Smith, ​through ⁣his‍ attorney,⁣ didn’t⁤ exactly ⁣do himself ​any⁤ favors ‌by providing⁤ his version ⁣of events that led ⁣up⁣ to the crash on⁢ July⁣ 8.

The 29-year-old ⁢said he’d⁤ suffered ⁢three ⁣gunshot wounds when ​someone started shooting into⁣ the⁢ crowd⁢ at‌ a funeral​ for⁣ his‍ brother.

Smith‌ was⁤ struck​ in typically ⁣non-fatal⁣ areas⁢ — the arm and the⁢ leg. When he decided an ambulance⁣ wasn’t ‌arriving on⁣ the scene‌ fast‌ enough, ‌he⁣ got in his SUV and⁤ started speeding to⁤ the hospital, with his attorney ⁣saying he believed⁣ he was “bleeding​ out.”

Also unwisely for ⁤him, ‍Smith had ⁤the‌ dashcam ​in his ‌vehicle⁢ recording everything he​ did⁢ and said, ‍according‍ to a⁣ probable cause ‌affidavit filed by‌ the Multnomah County District Attorney’s ⁢office.

“Defendant ⁤can‌ be ⁣seen ⁤entering ‌his vehicle, ‍and driving‌ erratically, making ‍statements such as ‘where ⁢is⁤ the hospital’ ‌and ‘I⁣ am ⁣going ⁢to ⁣die,’” the affidavit read.

Just ‍before he hit⁢ the ‍sedan​ the⁢ boy ‍was traveling in ⁤about 10:15 p.m., ​data from ⁢the recorder showed that ‍he⁣ was⁣ traveling at 86⁢ miles⁣ per ⁢hour.

He ​slammed‌ on his brakes​ one second‌ before impact, but that⁢ only ‌slowed him to‌ 72 miles⁣ per hour ​— in a 30-mph zone.

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“Everybody⁢ is‌ destroyed,” Trejo added.

“I cannot tell⁢ you​ how ⁢the pain ⁣is,” ⁢the​ grandfather ‍said.‌ “He⁤ came​ to visit ‍us for⁣ two weeks. He ⁣was seven⁣ hours away​ from‌ getting ​on the ⁤flight ⁢back⁤ home with ‌his ⁣mom.⁤ Now mom is going to ​receive ⁤him in a case. Just‌ imagine ⁣the pain. The ⁣man​ who‌ did ⁢this is free in his⁤ house. We ‌don’t want to tell her⁣ yet, we​ don’t know ‍how to ⁢tell her​ yet.”

Well,‌ what ⁢are ⁢we⁣ to expect? This ⁢is,‍ I repeat, justice⁢ Portland-style.

Welcome to a ‍city where rioters ⁤were allowed to take control‍ of the‍ streets‍ on a ‍nightly ⁤basis for the better part ​of a ⁤year, where⁤ the‌ federal courthouse ‌was under‍ siege⁣ every⁢ night for months. What did​ the justice⁢ system do ​as⁣ rioters took​ a physical and mental⁤ toll ​on the Pacific Northwest​ city? Very ⁤little — because, of course, ‍its⁣ crunchy-lib ⁢residents​ have ‍elected ⁤progressive officials‌ for decades.

The‌ chickens have come home​ to ‍roost.‌ While an 11-year-old ​lies dead, ‌his alleged killer is out without bail and ‍with⁢ little⁢ besides⁤ an ⁢alcohol-monitoring ankle bracelet‌ to keep⁢ him‍ from‌ offending again.

Portland progressives, you own this⁤ outrage. You are‍ responsible for⁣ whatever⁤ this⁤ man does — and​ the fact he’s⁤ even⁣ able to ⁣do ⁣it, considering ⁢he ‍should ⁢be​ either ⁤behind bars ⁣or released only⁤ on a massive ⁤amount of bail money.

The post‌ Family Disgusted⁢ with Judge’s Treatment of‍ Man Who Allegedly⁤ Killed Their ​Kid in⁤ DUI‍ Crash‍ appeared first on The ⁣Western ‌Journal.

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