Conservative News Daily

Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade Embraces Gender Non-Conformity

A National Tradition Takes a Controversial Turn

Get ready for a Macy’s Thanksgiving⁢ Day Parade like no other. This ​beloved American holiday tradition ⁣is about⁣ to ⁢get⁢ a dose​ of​ controversy and a ⁣touch of Hollywood glamour.

According to The ‍Associated ‌Press, the parade will feature⁣ none ‌other than Cher, the​ iconic singer and actress known for her liberal views and​ outspokenness. Cher,⁤ who​ famously declared she would leave the United States if former⁤ President Donald Trump was ⁤re-elected, will now take ​the stage to entertain the nation.

But that’s not all. Breitbart News reports that the parade will also⁣ showcase “non-binary” actors from two Broadway ‌shows, adding a ⁣touch ⁣of gender non-conformity to‍ the ‌festivities. ‍One of the shows, “&​ Juliet,” reimagines the story of Romeo and Juliet and explores what might have happened ⁤if Juliet had not taken her own life. The other show, “Shucked,” is a⁣ fantasy fable set in corn country.

These⁢ Broadway actors, ⁣who openly identify⁢ as non-binary,‍ are‍ sure ⁤to grab attention and ​spark conversation. And you can bet that⁣ NBC, the network broadcasting the parade,​ will make a big deal out of it.

Unsurprisingly, the news of Cher and ⁣the “non-binary” parade features has drawn criticism⁤ on social media. Some argue that ‍the ⁣parade should stick to its family-friendly​ roots and avoid controversial ​topics.

But perhaps the controversy was inevitable. Thanksgiving, a holiday rooted in faith​ and gratitude, has become a target for those with different agendas. The Macy’s Parade organizers may ⁢not see anything wrong with the‌ inclusion of these controversial elements, but ⁢it remains to be⁢ seen how viewers will⁤ respond.

Despite ⁣the ​criticism, the Macy’s⁤ Thanksgiving Day Parade remains a cherished national tradition. It’s a time for families to come ‍together,⁤ give thanks, and⁣ enjoy the spectacle of marching bands, floats, and giant⁣ balloons. Let’s hope that the spirit of ‍unity and ‌celebration prevails,‌ even in the face of​ controversy.

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