Washington Examiner

Montana abortion initiative may determine Tester and Schumer’s Senate majority

A⁤ Proposed‍ State⁢ Constitutional Amendment on Abortion Access​ Could Boost Sen. Jon⁢ Tester’s Reelection Chances in Montana

A proposed state constitutional amendment on abortion access has the potential to greatly impact the reelection prospects of Senator Jon Tester, a Democrat from Montana. If this amendment is added to next year’s‍ ballot, it could ‌be a game-changer for Tester’s race, which is expected to determine control of the⁤ U.S. Senate.

Recent successes for abortion rights activists in‌ off-year ballot initiatives⁢ in Ohio and Kansas have inspired some Democrat-aligned groups to push ‌for ⁤similar questions to ‌be posed to voters in Montana. In fact, Planned ‍Parenthood Action Fund has already submitted a ballot initiative in the Treasure State that, if​ approved, would grant Montanans the right to make decisions about their ​pregnancy, including the option to obtain⁤ an abortion, through the state constitution.

While the process‌ of getting this question added to the 2024 ballot⁤ will be challenging and time-consuming, its success would be a significant boost to Democrats’​ hopes of maintaining their Senate majority.

Support from Governor J.B. Pritzker and Think Big America

Governor‍ J.B.​ Pritzker, a Democrat from ⁢Illinois, has been actively funding campaigns to include abortion rights referendums on the ballots in Nevada and Ohio through⁣ his Think Big ⁤America group. It is likely that he‍ will throw his support behind the Montana effort as well, although representatives for Think Big America have not yet commented on the matter.

The Stakes ⁤for Democrats

With Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia announcing that he will not ‍seek a second ⁤term, Senator Tester ⁤has ​become the most vulnerable Democratic incumbent in the Senate. The party’s ability to maintain its slim majority now rests on the outcomes of Tester’s race and‍ the race ‌of Senator Sherrod Brown from Ohio. Republicans have a ⁢favorable position, with‌ only 10 incumbents up for reelection compared to Democrats’‍ 23.

Both ​Tester and Brown represent⁢ states that were⁤ won by former President Donald Trump in both the 2016‍ and 2020 elections. If either of them ⁣loses without Democrats securing other unlikely ‌victories elsewhere, Republicans will regain control ⁢of the Senate, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer will lose ‍his power.

The Battle for Montana

Tester’s ⁣decision to ​seek a fourth term was a significant win for Democrats, as it​ gives⁤ them a ‌fighting chance in a state that Trump carried⁢ by a wide margin in 2020. Despite this, Senate GOP leadership, led by ‌Senator Steve Daines of​ Montana, is investing substantial resources into the contest. They have thrown their support behind former Navy SEAL Tim Sheehy, a wealthy entrepreneur who is expected to partially self-fund his campaign.

Sheehy has also garnered support from other prominent Montana officials, including ‌Governor Greg Gianforte and‌ Representative Ryan Zinke. However, the​ potential entry of another Montana lawmaker, Representative Matt Rosendale, into the ​race could ⁤create a contentious ​primary that may weaken the ⁣ultimate winner in the general election.

Despite the party establishment’s belief that Rosendale’s previous loss⁤ to Tester in 2018 makes him an unlikely statewide winner, he ‌has ⁤not been deterred. Rosendale has been actively hiring‍ staff and ⁢fundraising,​ indicating his determination to compete.

Regardless of the outcome of⁤ the GOP primary, Tester’s chances of reelection could be significantly enhanced by the inclusion of a ballot question on abortion access. This strategy⁣ has proven successful for Democrats in conservative states, and it ⁣could be a crucial factor in Tester’s bid to retain his seat.

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What factors contribute to ‍Tester being seen as a prime candidate‌ for ‍a strong challenge in the upcoming election?

N ⁣strategists ⁣are already​ targeting Tester, seeing him as a prime candidate for‌ a strong challenge in the upcoming election.

This proposed state‍ constitutional amendment on abortion access could serve as a potential lifeline for Tester’s campaign. Montana, traditionally known as a conservative state, has shown​ some progressive tendencies in recent years, particularly on issues ⁣such as marijuana legalization and LGBTQ+ ‍rights. The inclusion‌ of a ballot initiative on abortion access would be a reflection of the evolving views of Montanans on reproductive rights.

Furthermore, recent polls have shown that a majority of⁤ Americans support the right to ‌access safe and ⁢legal ⁢abortion. By aligning ⁣himself with pro-choice policies, ‌Tester could ‌not only appeal​ to his Democratic base but also attract moderate and independent voters who value individual autonomy and ⁢reproductive rights.

Impact on Independent and ‌Moderate Voters

Abortion access is a crucial⁢ issue for many⁣ independent and moderate voters who do not neatly align with⁤ either party. By supporting this ‌constitutional amendment, Tester could position himself as a champion of individual rights and personal freedom, appealing to this crucial voting bloc. Additionally, the support of Governor Pritzker and Think Big America would lend credibility to Tester’s campaign and further increase​ his appeal to moderate voters.

Moreover, Tester’s position on abortion access could differentiate him from his ‍potential Republican opponents, who⁤ are likely to take a more conservative stance on this issue. This distinction‌ could be significant in swaying independent and moderate voters who may have reservations about⁤ voting for⁤ a Republican candidate who⁤ does ⁤not ⁤align with their views on reproductive rights.

Challenges and Resistance

Of course, this proposed state constitutional ​amendment will ‍face significant challenges and ⁣resistance from conservative groups and Republican lawmakers. Montana has a history ⁣of conservative politics, and mobilizing opposition to the‍ amendment will be⁣ a top priority⁢ for conservative organizations.

Furthermore, Republicans are⁢ highly motivated‌ to unseat Tester, given the opportunity to shift the balance of power in the Senate. They will likely launch a well-funded and aggressive campaign‌ against the amendment, framing it⁣ as an attack on conservative values and individual freedoms.


The proposed state constitutional amendment on abortion access presents an ⁤opportunity for Senator​ Jon ‍Tester to bolster his​ chances of reelection in Montana. By aligning himself with progressive policies and framing ‍himself as a champion ⁣of individual ⁤rights, Tester could attract​ independent and moderate voters, crucial to securing victory in a state that has historically leaned conservative.

However, ‌the road to success will not be easy. Tester ​will face fierce opposition and⁢ well-funded conservative campaigns. Nevertheless, if Tester can ‍effectively convey the importance‍ of reproductive ‍rights and individual autonomy to Montanans, this amendment could significantly boost his prospects for a successful reelection bid and contribute to Democrats’ hopes of maintaining ⁤control of the U.S. Senate.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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