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Fauci Made Fools Of Big Media In Failed Bid To Bury Lab Leak Theory

It would seem that The New York Times and Washington Post, CNN, CNN, NPR, and all other media outlets, would be your first choices. “fact-check” They would be furious at scammers Anthony Fauci.

These organizations have worked for Fauci’s benefit for the past three years. They have aggressively attacked anyone who dares to suggest that COVID may have originated at Ground Zero of this pandemic. This suggestion showed that not only did it indicate that someone with such suspicions knew very little about viruses and mutates, but also that they were racists wearing tinfoil hats.

If your intelligence is higher than room temperature, it’s likely that the bat virus was leaked from the bat virus laboratory. Congratulations! Your gut was more powerful than Fauci’s many years spent studying virology. Your instincts were more sharp than his Big Media mouthpieces.


The Department of Energy is joining the FBI and a Senate investigation to claim that a Wuhan Institute of Virology leak was a plausible explanation for the pandemic. This will surely make the media outlets feel ashamed for misleading Americans for many years. It was not enough for these media outlets to report only what different experts said. They had to destroy the lab leak theory, and marginalize all who considered it.

These are just a few headlines that show how desperate the liberal media was for you to feel stupid for thinking that the mysterious bat-virus lab might have unleashed an unknown bat virus.

“Scientists Debunk Lab Accident Theory of Pandemic Emergence,” NPR, April 22, 2020″Senator Tom Cotton Repeats Fringe Theory of Coronavirus Origins,” New York Times, February 17, 2020″Fact Checker: Was the new Coronavirus accidentally released from a Wuhan lab? It’s doubtful,” Washington Post, May 1, 2019,”Trump’s Wuhan Lab Coronavirus Conspiracy Theory Is Bogus, According To Uh, Everyone,” Vice News, May 5, 2019,”Lab leak Covid-19 theory is like something out of a comic book, virologist says,” CNN, 31 March 2021

Other than the media These are largely false claims “fact check” industry social media companies We were determined to eliminate any suggestion that the bat virus had been created in a mysterious lab. These claims were denied by Twitter and Facebook “misinformation,” Fact-check and advertising agencies urged advertisers to stop making money from websites that promoted the theory. They have done so for many years. Their opposition was quietly silenced To what they were once called a “right-wing conspiracy.”

To be sure, the Department of Energy, one of 18 government departments and agencies that make up the U.S. intelligence community, did not say a lab leak had been proven. The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee and FBI also did not say that a laboratory leak had been proven. They have determined that it is plausible and possible, but not like other government agencies. A paper was written by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory researchers in May 2020, stating that a laboratory leak is possible.

In May 2021 President Joe Biden even admitted that the mysterious bat-virus may have leaked from a mysterious bat virus laboratory. Although his predecessor had stated the same thing a year before, we all know that he was a bad orange man, and no statement he made could be believed by the media.

Why is it that we are only now, three decades later, allowed to examine the bat virus lab leak theory Fauci and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (which may have contributed to funding research to make it more dangerous through their funding), EcoHealth Alliance receives a grantHe didn’t want anyone to look too closely. As liberal lamebrains adorn the octogenarian physician with, “In Fauci We Trust” Fauci was seen with votive candles and yard signs. Emails obtained via FOIA requests revealed that Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins were working together to stop the lab leak theory gaining traction.


“Wondering if there is something NIH can do to help put down this very destructive conspiracy,” Collins wrote April 16, 2020, in reference a Fox News report regarding the lab-leak hypothesis. “I hoped the Nature Medicine article on the genomic sequence of SARS-CoV-2 would settle this. But probably didn’t get much visibility. Anything more we can do?”

“I would not do anything about this right now,” Fauci replied. “It is a shiny object that will go away in time.”

Fauci was finally expelled in December. Fauci tried so hard to get rid of the lab leak theory.

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