
Prosecutors claim FBI found cocaine on Hunter Biden’s firearm pouch

Hunter Biden, son of U.S. President Joe⁣ Biden, departs​ a House Oversight Committee meeting at Capitol Hill on January 10, 2024 in Washington, DC. The committee is meeting today as it considers citing him for Contempt of ‌Congress. (Photo by Kent​ Nishimura/Getty Images)

OAN’s Sophia Flores
5:40‍ PM –Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecutors​ have announced that FBI investigators found cocaine ⁣powder on⁤ the pouch that held the gun Hunter Biden purchased in 2018.


In a⁣ court filing on Tuesday,⁣ Special ​Counsel David Weiss’s team revealed that FBI ‌investigators retrieved Hunter Biden’s illegally purchased gun, tested it for drugs, and found “traces of cocaine.” Additionally, ‍they urged the judge to⁢ reject Hunter Biden’s request to dismiss pending gun charges against him.

“In 2023, FBI investigators pulled sealed evidence from the state⁣ police vault to take photographs of the defendant’s firearm. After opening the ⁤evidence, FBI⁤ investigators observed a white⁤ powdery substance on the defendant’s‍ brown leather pouch that had held ‍the defendant’s firearm in ‌October 2018,” the motion read.

“Based⁤ on their training and⁤ experience, investigators believed⁣ that this substance was likely cocaine and that this evidence would corroborate the messages ⁣that investigators had obtained which showed the defendant buying and‌ using drugs in October 2018. ⁢An FBI chemist subsequently analyzed the ‌residue and determined that it was cocaine. To be clear, investigators literally ⁤found drugs on the‍ pouch where the defendant had kept his gun,” the filing‍ added.

President Joe Biden’s son formally entered a ‍“not ⁤guilty” plea to three firearms charges back in⁤ October.

The gun in question is ⁣a “Colt Cobra revolver.” When Hunter purchased it in 2018, ⁢he falsely claimed in paperwork that he was sober. ​However, truthfully,‍ he was still on hard drugs‌ at the time.

Hunter was charged by Weiss with making false statements on a federal⁣ firearm form as well as possession of a firearm as a prohibited person. The ‍three charges carry a maximum prison sentence of 25 years behind bars and​ a $250,000 fine.

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How might the outcome of this case affect the reputation of the Biden family and the perception of the Biden administration’s ‍commitment to upholding the law

Department of Justice (DOJ) prosecutors have announced that FBI investigators found⁢ traces of⁤ cocaine on the pouch⁢ that held‍ the gun Hunter Biden purchased in‍ 2018.

In a court filing on Tuesday, Special Counsel David Weiss’s ⁤team revealed‌ that FBI​ investigators⁣ retrieved Hunter Biden’s illegally purchased gun, tested it for drugs,‍ and found “traces of cocaine.”⁣ Additionally, they urged‍ the judge to ​reject Hunter Biden’s request to dismiss‍ pending ‍gun charges against him.

This announcement⁢ comes as a blow to President Joe Biden’s ⁣son, who had pleaded “not guilty” ⁤to⁤ three firearms⁢ charges back in October. The gun in question is ⁤a ⁤Colt Cobra revolver, and when Hunter purchased it, he falsely claimed in paperwork that he was​ sober. However, it‍ has been revealed that he was still using hard ⁣drugs‍ at the time.

Hunter ‌Biden’s charges include⁤ making false statements on ​a federal firearm form and possession​ of ⁤a ⁢firearm as a⁣ prohibited person. If convicted, he could face a maximum prison⁣ sentence of 25 years behind bars and ​a $250,000 fine.

The revelation ‍of cocaine traces​ on ⁣the gun ‌pouch adds more weight to the case against Hunter Biden. The DOJ’s filing emphasizes that⁢ the drugs⁣ found on ⁣the pouch corroborate other evidence ‍showing the defendant’s‍ involvement in buying and using drugs in October ⁤2018.

It is ⁤important to note that this development is not only significant for Hunter Biden personally but also has broader implications politically. As the son of the ⁢President of the United States, any legal troubles he faces reflect upon the ⁤Biden administration.

While it remains to be seen how this case will unfold, the presence‍ of cocaine traces on the gun pouch is a damning piece of evidence against Hunter Biden. The court will have to ⁣determine whether‍ this evidence is admissible⁢ and how‍ it will impact the overall outcome of the case.

As the legal proceedings continue, the public will be watching closely to see how ‌the ​Biden administration handles this situation. The outcome of this case could have far-reaching consequences not only⁣ for Hunter Biden but also for the reputation of the Biden‌ family and the perception of the ​administration’s commitment to upholding the ⁤law.

In the meantime, the DOJ’s announcement serves as a reminder that nobody⁤ is above the law, regardless of their familial connections or political standing. The legal system must be impartial ⁢and hold individuals accountable for their actions, regardless⁤ of ⁢their background.

As this case ⁢unfolds, ⁢it⁤ will ⁤undoubtedly⁢ continue to attract ‌national​ attention and spark debates ‍about the intersection of politics, personal conduct, and the fair administration of⁢ justice.

" Conservative News Daily does not always share or support the views and opinions expressed here; they are just those of the writer."

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