The federalist

FBI’s Targeting Of Traditional Catholics Must Be Music To The Vatican’s Ears

Last week’s Report Kyle Seraphin, whistleblower, revealed that an FBI analyst in the Richmond Field Office released intelligence product profiling. “the increasingly observed interest of racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists (RMVE) in radical-traditionalist Catholic ideology” It was quite sobering, but not shocking.

When late last year The New York Times’ Ruth Graham took an especial Interest I’m proud of the flourishing Traditional Latin Mass, and the growing numbers of faithful Catholics who attend these services, despite the opposition from the Pope. Warned Something was up. Graham’s slippery references to “a rising right-wing strain within American Christianity” And the so-called “brand of new hard-right rhetoric” attracting Catholics to the Latin Mass didn’t sit well.

The FBI’s Persecution It is already sickening to see Catholic fathers being punished for pro-life advocacy. Monitoring a small group of Catholics based upon their faith and religion is a shocking new low. The FBI memo has been widely condemned, with Jason Miyares (Virginia Attorney General) and now 19 other state attorney generals condemning it. Demanding The FBI “order agency personnel not to target Americans based on their religious beliefs and practices” And “reveal to the American public the extent to which they have engaged in such activities.”

Significantly, the FBI hasn’t shed light on whether it was tasked to investigate traditional Catholics or whether some lowly partisan ideologue in the hate-speech division got a little carried away.

The Pope is the best!

In any case, one thing seems likely: The memo must have been music to the Vatican’s ears. Certainly, Christ-following, church-attending, Bible-believing, cross-bearing Catholics make poor Democrats, and therefore inevitable targets for President Joe Biden’s Justice Department. However, their orthodoxy puts them out-of-step with the Church of Francis, an organization that is increasingly aligned itself with globalists, climate extremists and antilifers who have infiltrated Western political, corporate, cultural life.

Traditional Latin Mass Catholics — who 60 years ago were known simply as “Catholics” — have been a persistent thorn in Pope Francis’ side. He has tried a couple of tactics to suppress them, notably by undoing Pope Benedict’s good work and placing severe There are restrictions celebrating the Latin Mass. Francis allowed this. There are exceptions The rulesThis includes institutes such as the Priestly Fraternity St. Peter, whose existence is intrinsically connected to the ancient liturgy.

Remember that the problem is not in the liturgy. This isn’t about Latin. Ad orientem Worship, Gregorian chant and vestments. It’s the underlying theology that’s the sticking point. 

Francis Deviating From Core Teachings

Francis’ pontificate has been characterized by more doctrinal volatility than probably any other pope in the Catholic Church’s history. He has deviated from Catholic core teaching and promoted Cardinal Robert McElroy, Cardinal Blaise Cupich and other prelates who don’t seem to believe in the one true God Jesus Christ. “the same yesterday today and tomorrow.” Instead, the Word Incarnate becomes a kind of granola mystic that reinvents

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