Washington Examiner

Concerns arise over third party candidate potentially favoring Trump in 2024 race.

Growing Concerns Over Third-Party Candidate‍ in‍ 2024 Presidential Election

Growing speculation over a third-party candidate in ⁤the 2024 presidential election⁣ has raised concerns⁤ amid‌ Democrats‍ that such a candidate could help former President Donald Trump reclaim ⁤the ‍White House.

Recent ‍polling​ showed that if there‍ were no third-party⁤ candidate in⁣ the ⁤2024 ⁣election, Biden would⁢ either⁢ barely ⁤be ahead of⁤ Trump or be ⁤tied with ​him. On ⁤the other⁢ hand,⁢ Trump‌ would take the ⁤lead or be ⁢tied ⁤with ⁣Biden⁣ if a third-party ⁤candidate did run, according‍ to ABC⁢ News.

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“The concern⁣ among ​Democrats is that Biden has a softer ⁤hold on his⁤ voters than⁣ Donald Trump voters⁢ who‌ are​ going to do⁣ anything‌ for his candidates,” said Rick‍ Klein, ​a ​political ​director at ABC. “And‍ just remember how close it was in some⁢ of those key ⁣battlegrounds last‌ time ⁣around;⁣ 10,000,​ 11,000, 20,000 ⁢votes in ‌the states that Biden won. ⁣Every single ​one⁤ of ​them had more than ​enough third-party ⁢votes‌ to ⁣have ​potentially swung an outcome.”

The fears come⁤ as ‍many⁣ people⁤ in ⁤the ‍United States‍ are growing frustrated ​with ⁣both political parties, ⁣with many people not wanting either​ Trump or President ⁣Joe⁤ Biden to ⁣serve⁤ another⁤ term in⁢ office ‌as ⁤president. A‍ recent poll, ⁢conducted from July 8-11,​ showed 61% of ⁢voters⁤ believe‍ Biden is not the​ strongest candidate Democrats could ‍nominate, while ‍53%⁤ of voters believe ⁣Trump is not⁢ the strongest candidate​ Republicans ‍could⁤ nominate‍ in ‌2024.

Former Democratic Sen. Joe‍ Lieberman, who‍ is a founding chair of ​the No Labels‍ organization, stated that a majority of people ⁢in the⁤ United States “are not⁣ buying what the ⁤two parties ​are ‍selling anymore.”‍ The organization has sought​ to‌ open the ⁣door for a‌ third-party candidate in ‌several presidential elections.

Former Alabama ‍Sen. ‌Doug ⁤Jones claimed⁢ that it⁢ is ​”a fool’s⁢ errand” to think that a third-party ⁣candidate can ‌win⁢ the 2024 election.

“There is ​no way on⁢ God’s green ⁢Earth that⁢ they​ can​ get ⁣to ​270 ‌electoral​ votes, which means they will be a spoiler,” said Jones. “One way or another, they will be⁤ a spoiler, and as⁢ Rick Klein ⁣said, it looks like they will be a spoiler ⁢in favor of Donald Trump,​ and⁣ that will⁢ be the ⁢biggest threat ⁢to ‍democracy that ​we have⁣ seen⁤ since January⁣ 6.”

The concerns⁣ about a⁤ third-party candidate running‍ in ⁢2024 come as⁣ Cornel ‍West, a ‍far-Left ​activist⁣ and a former⁢ professor ​at both⁣ Harvard⁤ University​ and Princeton University,⁤ announced earlier this year ‌that⁢ he is running for president⁤ in 2024‌ as a Green⁤ Party candidate.​ He has defended his ​decision to ⁢run third-party, claiming⁤ that ​a Democratic⁣ administration would‍ only ​be ‍a “postponement of fascism.”

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Earlier​ this month, ⁢former‌ Maryland Gov. ‌Larry Hogan, ‍also a ⁤chair of​ No Labels, ‍said ⁢he’s ‍not‍ considering‌ a third-party 2024 ​bid,⁣ but ‍suggested ⁤that there⁤ “may have to be” an additional ⁢candidate ​given⁤ voter’s dissatisfaction ⁣with the‍ top ‌Democratic​ and GOP ⁢choices.

Former ⁣New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who is ⁤running against Trump ​in⁤ the 2024 Republican primary race, said he ⁤has no plans ‌to join​ the No Labels’s third-party movement, calling it a ‌”fool’s errand.”

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