Conservative News Daily

‘Fed Up’ Black Residents Rally to End Millions Spent on Illegals in Major Sanctuary City, Threaten to Vote Republican

Unrest ‍in Chicago’s ‘Sanctuary City’ Policies Sparks Unlikely Pushback

Unrest is brewing in Chicago as locals, including some⁣ unexpected voices, are turning against the city’s Democratic government. ‌The recent enactment of a budget that allocated ‌$150⁢ million for illegal aliens ⁣has sparked outrage among community ⁤members, according to Breitbart.

A group of black Chicago residents recently held a rally outside the offices of city Alderman Desmon‌ Yancy to express their frustration. ⁤One protester boldly accused the elected officials of prioritizing​ the Democratic Party’s ​interests over the needs of their own constituents.

The protester highlighted the city’s homeless population and questioned⁢ why‌ illegal aliens were being provided hotel rooms at the ⁢expense⁣ of Chicago taxpayers while⁢ locals⁤ slept on the streets. She emphasized⁤ that the community would ​not remain silent while ⁢impoverished individuals from ‍around the world were being placed ⁤in already struggling neighborhoods to ‍serve political​ agendas.

The demonstrator also criticized the ‌continuous arrival of buses carrying needy migrants and the city’s‌ failure to address the issue.‌ This pushback from the ‍community is‍ significant, as it includes ‌a‍ threat ‌to vote ‍for Republicans, a rare‌ occurrence ⁤in ultra-progressive Chicago.

According ⁣to Breitbart, Mayor Brandon Johnson has allocated over $363 million to support illegal immigrants, further ⁤fueling the protesters’ demands for their removal from the city.

Chicago has experienced a significant influx ​of illegal immigrants, particularly since Joe Biden became president. The strain on the ​city’s resources‌ has led to growing opposition‍ to⁤ its “sanctuary⁤ city” policy.

Two city aldermen have ⁢even called for a nonbinding⁢ referendum on ⁢the policy, reflecting the increasing‌ discontent among⁢ locals.

A Note from⁣ Our Deputy Managing Editor:

What if you woke⁣ up one morning and half of the people you​ count on had just vanished overnight?

That happened to‍ me recently. I got up, came to⁣ work here at The Western Journal, and ‌when I got to my office, literally half of our readers ‌had vanished. They were just⁤ gone. We had been nuked by Facebook, and it had happened almost instantly.

But it was‍ even worse. Facebook hit us at​ the‌ same time‌ 90 percent ⁢of advertisers had ⁤essentially boycotted us. ⁤”Brutal” is a word I’ve used ⁢a lot lately.

The fight for⁢ the truth⁣ is brutal. ⁤The fight for‌ America’s soul is brutal. What the government is ‌doing‌ to ⁢Jan. 6 detainees is brutal. What ​surgeons are doing​ to confused children is brutal.

It’s⁣ a​ fight we must⁢ win. But we can’t win without you.

A ⁣ membership to The Western Journal ⁣ will go much farther⁣ than you⁣ think. It ‌costs less than a cup of Starbucks coffee, and for that small ⁢price you get access to ALL of our content⁣ — news, commentary, and premium articles ‌— you’ll experience a radically reduced ​number of ads, ⁣and most importantly ⁤you‍ will be vitally ⁢supporting the⁣ fight against leftism.

Can ​I count‌ on you to​ join today? We ⁣need your help. Benjamin Franklin summed ‌up the situation we’re all facing when⁢ he said, “We‍ must all hang ⁢together, or, most assuredly, we shall all⁢ hang separately.”

We ⁤plan to‍ hang in and‌ fight. Please help us. Please become a member today.


Josh Manning

Deputy Managing ⁢Editor

The Western Journal

The post ⁣ ‘Fed Up’ Black Residents Rally to End Millions Spent ‍on Illegals in Major Sanctuary City, Threaten to⁤ Vote Republican appeared first on The Western Journal.

What measures should be ​in ​place to ensure that ⁢social media platforms apply their policies in ⁤a fair and transparent manner, in order to protect ⁣the principles of free​ speech and open dialogue

Freedom of ⁣speech ⁤and the ability ⁤to reach a wide audience ⁤has become increasingly difficult in today’s digital landscape. Social media platforms that were once seen as tools for connecting people and sharing information have become gatekeepers, deciding‌ what content ⁣is ⁢allowed and ⁣what ‍is not. The recent incident experienced by The Western Journal ⁢is just​ one⁢ example of how ​quickly‍ and⁢ effectively an organization’s reach can be diminished.

In the case of The Western Journal, their readership was drastically reduced when​ Facebook ⁢decided to remove their page from its platform. This move ⁣effectively cut off a significant portion of their audience and limited their ability to disseminate information. Furthermore,‍ the loss of advertising revenue ⁣added another⁤ blow to their operations.

The Western⁤ Journal’s ‌experience ‌highlights the⁤ increasing power⁤ and⁤ influence that social media platforms hold over the distribution of information. With the ability to ‌control what content is shown to⁤ users and what is suppressed, ‍these platforms have the ability to⁢ shape public discourse and⁤ control narratives. This ⁢raises‍ concerns about the ⁤potential⁣ for bias and the ⁣stifling of diverse⁤ viewpoints.

While⁢ social media platforms have⁣ the right to enforce their own rules⁢ and guidelines, it is crucial to ensure‌ that these policies are applied in a fair and transparent manner. The ‍power to silence voices ‍and control information should not be concentrated in the ‌hands of ⁤a few tech companies. There‍ must be accountability and oversight to prevent abuses of this power and ⁤to protect the principles of ⁣free speech and open dialogue.

In the case of The Western Journal, the loss of readership and advertising​ revenue‌ had a significant ⁢impact on⁣ their ability to ‍operate. It is a stark reminder of the‍ challenges faced by independent media organizations ⁤in the digital age. As the flow of information becomes increasingly centralized, it⁢ is important to support and promote diverse and independent sources of news‌ and analysis.

In conclusion, the ⁤incident experienced by The ‌Western Journal serves as a wake-up call to the threats faced by freedom of⁤ speech ​and the ability to reach​ a ‍wide audience. It highlights the ⁣need for transparency ⁢and accountability in the ‍way ‌social media platforms enforce ​their policies. As users and consumers of information, ​we must be vigilant in ensuring that our ‌access to diverse⁢ viewpoints and open dialogue⁣ is not compromised by the actions of a few powerful entities.

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