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Federal court rules in favor of peaceable gun owners in Biden’s pistol brace crackdown.

Federal Court‍ Rules on Biden’s⁣ Pistol Brace Crackdown: ‘Huge Win for Peaceable‍ Gun Owners’

A federal‍ appeals court ruled ⁣this week that a Biden administration regulation‍ cracking down on stabilizing braces for firearms ‍is likely illegal and sent ⁢the case back to a judge for review.

Stabilizing braces, also known as pistol braces,​ provide surface⁣ area ‌that allows the‌ weapon to‌ be fired from the shoulder, according‍ to⁤ the website of the Bureau of⁢ Alcohol,‌ Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

In January, the peaceable gun owners in Biden’s pistol brace crackdown.”>agency targeted ‍guns equipped with the ‍braces, reclassifying such firearms as rifles and thus⁢ imposing‍ harsher restrictions on their ownership.

Americans who own pistol ‌braces were‌ given several options: register ⁤their weapon, modify⁣ or destroy the weapon, permanently ⁢remove and dispose⁣ of the brace,⁤ hand the firearm over to the⁣ ATF, or become ​criminals.

The​ ATF’s decision was ‍challenged by a gun rights group, and ⁤on​ Tuesday the​ 5th U.S. ⁤Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of gun owners, Reuters reported.

The ⁢court ruled ‍2-1 that the ATF targeted stabilizing braces without giving the public the chance to ⁤weigh in on the regulation.

Under the Administrative Procedure Act, agencies‍ are ⁤required to provide⁤ public notice of proposed decisions and allow people ⁣with an interest in those​ decisions to offer⁢ feedback.

Judge Jerry Smith⁢ noted that the ATF did provide a public comment period​ on the proposed rule ‌in 2021, but that the final regulation was so different from the proposal that it​ amounted to “a rug-pull on the public.”

Judge Don Willett agreed and added that the rule might violate Americans’‍ Second⁣ Amendment‍ right to ⁢bear arms.

Judge Stephen Higginson, who ⁣dissented, ‌argued that the regulation did not need⁤ public comment because it “merely interpreted a law ⁢passed by Congress,” Reuters reported.

The legal challenge ‌was filed by a gun rights group called the ‍Firearms ​Policy ⁤Coalition. Cody Wisniewski, the group’s attorney, praised​ the ruling as “a huge‌ win‌ for‍ peaceable gun owners across the nation.”

Neither⁢ the ATF nor the Department⁣ of Justice commented on the court’s decision, according ⁤to ‍Reuters.

The Fort Worth ⁢Star-Telegram reported that the panel ⁢extended a temporary block of ​the restrictions on pistol‍ braces and sent the case back‍ to U.S. ⁣District Judge Reed⁣ O’Connor, who refused to block the ‍regulation in‌ March.

O’Connor will decide whether the ‌rule can be enforced while ⁤the case moves forward.

Higginson, the dissenting ​judge in Tuesday’s decision, was appointed to the bench by former President Barack Obama. Smith‍ and ⁣Willett ‍were appointed by Presidents Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump, respectively.

The post Federal‌ Court Rules ​on Biden’s Pistol ‌Brace Crackdown: ‘Huge Win for ‍Peaceable Gun Owners’ appeared first on The Western Journal.

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